Friday, December 21, 2012

Reply to: Old Habits Die Hard

Old Habits Die Hard

Again the following reply was sent to this linked to above blog, and again likely will never be published, to much truth.

The reply:

And after the bulwark load of reply information referencing all that data and science that you refused to publish any trace of that it was there, this was the best you could come up with, and attack on How entirely pathetic are you and do you look, editor. Wow. Your desperation shows.

Why is it that you wasted the time to write a blog page like this, but yet failed to actually address any of the actual information in that, The Poisoned Needle, article; editor? All you pro-vax zealots can ever do again and again is to fail to address the information in any honesty, and then you simply throw any childish and misguided false discreditation of the information source at it that you think might work.

Do you actually think any person would just create a document like The Poison Needle, and simply fabricate it all? You would like to believe that, but the fact is that it is again real history recorded by a person who lived it at the time. But that's not good enough for you. I have never referenced any other such subject matters of that site, (if they exit), than the modern medicine and vaccine history that is there. Again, most all of it is recorded information by people who lived in those time frames in history. And you are going to tell me those are all fabrications and lies. What else can you come up with, because you know you can not deal with the reality of any fact found in that. Wow, how foolish do you look. And you are actually so delusional that you think none of the readers will see and realize that? Who are you fooling? For the liars and to much to lose must deny it all segment of people that read this; truth doesn't matter to them anyway. The only thing that matters is the people actually looking for the truth, and you are obviously not fooling in any reality, fooling them either. Use your head.  

FYI, I have never referenced to any claim to the Newtown shooting being vaccine connected. What I have referenced to however is the likely connection to psychiatric drugs, SSRI's and anti=psychotic drugs. The connection has been made in most all of the past school shootings to such drugs, and Mr. Adam Lanza has been confirmed to have been on those. In fact there are sources that have recorded a near endless list of such homicides, suicides and murders on those drugs. Another pharma nightmare that does more harm than good and never addresses any real cause. It is a false and pseudo science; there is no actual science to that field of prescribing. I could reference to you numerous sources, but you have failed in the past what 90 blog pages to ever publish one single link of information from me, so that would be of course again useless. You know, anything with to much truth information; and you can't handle it; and never will.


Of course without publishing the above, there was of course as you can see, a reply by the editor on that blog page.. A reply that has as well been responded to, and as was sent as is copied and pasted below. 

The reply:

No, all to clearly YOU are the sick and twisted man here, editor Costner. If you had actually published the corresponding reply you received, and then posted what you have here to compare that with; all to obviously that would have ended up at an obvious hideous level of mindless twisted stupidity for you, and that all to obviously any reader would have realized. All you are doing is throwing a lying, sick, and twisted smoke screen at, because the truth is and would be evident if you ever were honest enough to publish what you were sent.

Nothing replied to you indicted anything at all to do with my involvement whatsoever with child porn nor being connected to anyone selling children to johns and pimps. What I said is that your supplier of information is as a fact directly involved as a supplier in that business. That is a different thing. To falsely claim that I have any obsession with child porn; proves you once again to be nothing be lying, sick, and demented asshole that you actually are. Again to make it clear; that reply had nothing to do with anything I am connected to, but what YOU are connected to. I know that to be fact because it has been investigated, and the person D.J. that gave you the above screen shot, also called me just today and quite obviously informed me he gave you that.

I'm not credible? Really? Let the public be the judge of that. You can not handle the truth and your never could. You and me in a real debate where you could not censor and deny access to the information, would be a entirely hideous shame for you and your outcome in that, and you damn sure by now are aware of that. That's why and the real reason you refuse to publish anything because you know the truth ends your misinformation and lies, and and it does that right in its tracks. Then you lie about it all and turn around and call me sick? What a twisted, demented and a complete hypocrite you are. Everything you state against me, is exactly true for YOU; not me; as a fact.

Again to make it clear. The thing that is really sick about it all is how you fabricate and twist everything to an opposite of truth claim, when it is you that has done what has been done and connected with who you have, as a fact. Either that or you have been smoking something that has your  comprehension skills and your brain in a condition of being a literal pile of mush. Are you making an effort to become and show yourself to be sicker than pharma shill, Gorski? If so, you really have obviously succeeded in that effort.

Hateful of the truth and anyone that puts it forth; what a sad existence you actually live. Three years of it now. Anyone who realizes that, what do and should they think of you in regard to that? You have nothing with this blog and you never will, because any honest person can literally smell your hate, denial of all, and sick puke coming off the pages.

If you can not read everything that was replied to these pages, (another false excuse); you can go to my blog and read a copy of it there, and on the corresponding page.


Additionally the following reply was as well sent to the previous page titled, HuffPo: Anti-Vaccine Vitriol: Seeking Reason and was a reply to the editors reply on that said blog page. Which as well of course will never be published either, because it is of course again, to much truth.

The reply:

I see editor, first months ago already; you made that sock puppet accusation; and since then, you have allowed comments to be published. You only do that and allow that comment, if you think you can lie about it and twist it all to fit your sick purposes. Then, when the comment contains to much truth and the real science; and you can not handle it because it exposes your blog page for its lies and misinformation; you then go back to the previous claim and sock puppet excuse for not publishing the reply. That then as said. go right back to that old excuse of you created sock puppet accounts, and thus I refuse to publish your reply. Any excuse will do for you to avoid dealing with, and facing, publishing, and/or debating the real truth and the factual information you receive in response to your mindless articles, here. The reason is and the problem for you is that even after now three years of your going after me, you still continue to make denial of and censor all the information, and as if it were never there. You failed to ever have any ground to debate me on three years ago on any of these issues, and absolutely nothing has changed today; same thing. Then you even have the audacity to falsely claim that what you were sent as to a reply here, was not civil. In fact when it could not have been made any more civil. You are again simply lying, because if you had actually published what you were sent, not only would have your pages information look like and be shown to be all deception, lies, and fraud; but your whole blog would be shown as only that. And you definitely know it. Hows that feel for you, knowing what you are and what you really represent? It is sick, and that is something all to obviously you know you can not deny.



 T h e D R U G  S T O R Y


Provax Quacks

Since the belief in vaccines is more like faith and religion than it is science, we thought we'd present the Vaccinology 10 Commandments as we see them:

1. Correlation doth not equal Causation (unless it defends the Sacred and Holy Vaccine).
2. It is NEVER the Sacred and Holy Vaccine. Any injuries associated with the Sacred and Holy Vaccine must be coincidence, or a lie.
3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Holy Vaccine in vain. Thou shalt not question the Holy Writings that defend the Sacred Vaccine.
4. Thou shalt not hold any medical procedure above the Sacred and Holy Vaccine. Only the Sacred and Holy Vaccine can perform the miracles claimed.
5. Thou must always follow the Vaccine Schedule, for the Sacred Vaccine is a jealous God.
6. Honor thy Offit and thy Salk, for they are the prophets of the Sacred and Holy Vaccine.
7. Thou must always trust all studies that are done by the makers of the Sacred and Holy Vaccine. They have no interest in profit, only in the health and livelihood of their congregation.
8. Thou must always take the holy sacrament of Vaccination. Any who does not Vaccinate, or who question the holy sacrament, must be called heretic.
9. Diseases that were once benign must become deadly once a Sacred Vaccine is made for them.
10. The Sacred and Holy Vaccine is always safe and effective.

Vaccine Nation, (a lengthy by very informative video)

Vaccine Epidemic

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Reply to: HuffPo: Anti-Vaccine Vitriol: Seeking Reason

HuffPo: Anti-Vaccine Vitriol: Seeking Reason

Here we go again, another lies filled and misleading blog page by this said editor, known only as alias Costner Matthews, which is a and the same blog profile identity he blogged under and listed as so in 2007. later when he knew he was found out, he of course removed that profile identity. There is no known person by that name, which he is, nor that has a name, Costner Matthews. There is however a person with that name in the Sioux Falls, SD area; but was confirmed to be not him. I would put forth that the 80 some titled pages personal attacks seen in that blog, and this editors real hidden having been identity hidden for now 3 years, is in itself representative itself of and clearly based within a mental sickness and denial of the issues that is obviously and clearly unmatched nearly anywhere.

There comes a point when the lies have gone on for far to long to in reality deserve any form of a response. So long and as well the refusal to acknowledge data, facts, the real historical record, and the existing large amounts of real and unbiased relevant science clearly showing the mechanisms of vaccine damage and harm. Clearly showing the direct repeat vaccine links to not only ASD, but as well neurological, immunological, and as well significant harm to the brain of an infant, child and/ot adult. Nothing would be enough.

You will as well notice that this said editor refused to acknowledge my put forth replies to both of his last titled blog pages, which is and has been a common occurance throughout his said blogging pages. If he could not misrepresent and lie about what was replied to the specific blog page, he simply never published the reply; as if he never recieved anything. Either that or he only particially published a portion of it, and lied about and misrepresented the rest. So much for any credibility that said sick blogging trash editor could ever have had, and all to obviously. Then with no identity to simply spew the same old denial of all, misrepresentation, and repeatedly the same proven false propaganda, and clearly known to him by now lies, every time.

The blog page starts out attempting to of course again paint the vaccine truth promoters and parents as antivaccine; which is not the case because most all of us at one point in our lives believed the story told that vaccines were safe and effective, and that they had prevented suffering, illness and so called disease. We had not concept of the truth of course at that time, of that nearly the opposite had been reality. We learned that through a process of course of learning piece by piece of the evidence found that vaccines were not only toxic, but contaminated, and contained heavy metals that should never be injected into a human body at any age. We learned of the cover-up and the pharma corruption, and a pharma connected CDC with to much to lose if the truth were known of the far more harm than good that vaccines have clearly done. With more and more added vaccines and repeated vaccines that has only become far worse. Where will it end? We have a revolving door with the pharma industry with the FDA. An FDA where you do not rock the boat and become a whistle blower, and you question nothing but to agree with the work and decisions made, or you lose your job. They are not protecting us, and they never were; not even. These are simply understood and obvious facts. We as well have a WHO that is a swell majorly corrupt and in bed with pharma; and there is no where to go for the truth but in the search for unbiased information. Using your own mind to think outside the box and determine what exactly is the truth and what is clearly fiction.

These people such as that editor stand in the circle and proclaim that the vaccine truth movement has no ability to use common reason; while it is their own blind, refusal of obvious facts, and in denial refuse to get it reasoning; that is in the camp of clearly beyond unreasonable.

The blog article goes on to praise all the science they have, and again and again gets waved that banner over and over in a result that ends up literally the equivalent of the and a mindset no better than the Wizard of Oz falsely claiming to be the wizard granting immunization from illness; only to be found he there was no such thing nor entity there ever at all. All that was there were misinformation filled misrepresentations of all the good vaccines had done in history; while as a fact no such thing was ever true. Instead what was created was chronic illness and a need for pharma in and of unpresidented proportions never seen ever before on the planet earth.

The said and referenced to blog article and as well its reference to the Huffington Post article, go on and on as well as to making excuse after excuse for why vaccines have never been properly tested, claiming that such testing is always unethical; you know of course leaving a segment of population vulnerable to not having their so live saving vacines, even as to the proven toxic and essentially near worthless flu vaccine. Nothing would be enough, and they ignore time and again the real and true data when it is taken from an unbiased evaluation of the existing studies. Cochrane data base and other analysis all ignored; it was never there; they MUST continue to deny all. Natural protocols and even adequate amounts of vitamins D and C, and all prior evidence in history account of its use, all must be ignored. The Huff Post articles author even has the audacity to claim he works with a naturopath, and like protocols; and as if he actually understands it all and still promotes, vaccines. This is the height of deception and purely deceptive evil.

The article as well sings even the praises of the oral polio vaccine in underdeveloped countries, and ignores that the said polio vaccine used has caused mutations that are potentially more deadly, and 80 some thousand cases of acute flacid paralysis, only being found in the said countries that - that vaccine is used. Blaming it all on unrelated to the vaccine enteroviruses, and realy they are in a major pickle and of course deny all of it. 

Failure Of The Continued Polio Vaccine Campaign

In reality, nothing would ever be enough, they totally and entirely must continue to deny all the harm, and far more harm than good that vaccines have done and continue to do. THAT deserves the honesty of both the FDA and the CDC, and as well that of the WHO, but we will never get it. As a fact. Thats why we educate others and/or attempt to and provide the real information that is available. We do not compare car wrecks and parachutes to vaccines, and in an attempt to excplain away the lack of proper studies. We can as well can clearly compare ourselves the unvaccinated to the vaccinated children that we know of, and see the major difference in the quality of health. That is all to obvious. NOTHING would ever be enough for these people, and such as that editor, all to obviously. When you as well compare all of the information on my website and all the information I have put on and into this counter blog; you can all to easily see how deceptive and lying that blog editor and author is. He knows better, and it clearly does not matter to him what the truth really is; as he has been shown that repeatedly. He knows is there, and it doesn't matter. I would ask you right here and now...WHO IS ACTUALLY LYING AND MISINFORMING and continuing repeatedly to misinform the public. Is that criminal??? It most certainly and obviously is. The entire system that editor represents if of the same cloth and the same thing; all lies. And they have the audacity to claim that it is just the opposite, and to present with that it is us that is without reason, and any reasoning ability? How flat of bullshit is that? Amazing isn't it?

Never stop learning the truth.



After a significant period of time now, and editor Costner has not published any of the replies that I sent him, I sent this message to the blog, and reads as follows.

Editor, you have failed again to publish my replies that I sent you on the two previous pages here. What seems to be the problem with, and for you? To much truth, and you know it will blow wide open as exposed, all your knowingly false information and lying about the facts? If you obviously can not handle the truth feed back, then you should not be writing these blog pages. But then from day one, you never were and never have been able to debate anything whatsoever in any honesty, nor without denial of all and censoring the information as if it were never there. Again, what is it all worth and worth for you, when you continually refuse to be honest? LOL, what a flat out and pathetic joke you are.

Reply to: HuffPo: Anti-Vaccine Vitriol: Seeking Reason

Reply to: Need Another Reason to Get a Flu Shot?

Reply to: Move the Goalposts... It's Time to Talk Aluminum

Monday, December 03, 2012

Reply to: Need Another Reason to Get a Flu Shot?

Need Another Reason to Get a Flu Shot?

Reply to:

This blog page again contains a collection of nothing but obvious epidemiology based pseudo science, Mr. Blogging Editor. Yet, when provided it, any real and unbiased science, you refuse to acknowledge and consider. How’s that for being fitting for the obvious title of hypocrisy and being hypocritical, Mr. Editor?

Nothing produces inflammation like a vaccine by the way, especially aluminum and/ or mercury containing vaccines; and they are going to claim a vaccine reduces arterial inflammation? You don’t know much about that adjuvant related science in Pubmed do you? Maybe its long past time to educate yourself. What about the mercury in a flu vaccines effect alzheimers? They obviously forget to study that?

Check out the comments on that article you linked to as well, that pretty much as well tells the story.

When they as well go as far as claim that these two below vaccines also prevent heart attacks, they are simply full of it.

The herpes zoster vaccination against shingles.

Vaccination against pneumococcal pneumonia.

What about all the unbiased studies and as well the analysis done by Cochrane database main line that show the true ineffectivenss of flu vaccines; and as well the high level of bias in any most flu vaccine study connected to pharma, editor? Does that matter in and as to defermining the worthyness of getting a flu vaccine? It should. Should the ingredient list matter, as to what you are actually injecting? How about the unproven safety of flu vaccines and especially containing thimerosal, and for and given to pregnant women, that they still irresponsibly promote? What about all the reports of miscarriages after the thimerosal containing H1N1 and the flu vaccine; and you are ignoring all that, of course. Doesn't matter, to you? Of course not, just more added denial of all; right, editor? If the FDA and CDC can continue do it, so can you, right?

Danger and Ineffectiveness of Flu Vaccines

Flu Vaccine Ingredients

Flu Vaccine Ingredients As Lethal As Ever: Don't Risk Your Health, Pass on The Flu Shot

Health Basics: The 11 most toxic vaccine ingredients and their side effects

And by the way editor, as to your third article down on your page in which you made a reply to my comment. The article, one you titled, Will Antivaxxers Embrace the HIV Vaccine? Wednesday, November 7, 2012. Here is my response to that.

Any person who would state that they would allow themselves to be experimented on with a proposed HIV vaccine, and especially given the immense failures and side effects that vaccine in clinical trial phase has seen, is either lying or extremeley ignorant; which is it? Trusting the science is one thing but being flat out fool hardy is quite another. Anyone that would trust any form of HIV injected into the human body obviously does not understand the dangerous and crude process of vaccine development; especially with a pathogen like that. Dumb!

Reply to: Move the Goalposts... It's Time to Talk Aluminum

Friday, November 16, 2012
Move the Goalposts... It's Time to Talk Aluminum


Reply to:

Your again intentional denial of the facts, surely does not even deserve a response as to this ridiculous and again in denial blog page, editor. You do know better; and you have no excuses left to continue in that kind of repeat denial of all. However, I will respond with this.

This reply was as well sent to the said editors blog page.

I assure you as well editor, that you can not lump all vaccine truth people into one stereotyped category, nor as to any of your and those mentioned as put forth claims in this again and again in denial article.

You made again the following below statement in the comments section of your previous blog page. Just as you always do and claim to, and the same as of course the false pretender Gorski, always falsely claiming that his keep on claiming to that vaccine safety and effectiveness science. The truth is that such science nor any sufficient any sufficient amount of science, simply does not exist to make any such stand as to your claims, and as you have been shown again and again long ago. How many mechanisms of aluminum adjuvant harm studies did and have I put in front of you in the past. Studies you refused to publish. You falsely claimed that none of the were from any reputable journals; yet about 95% are published right in Pubmed. There are numerous studies in Pubmed and other actually quite reputable sources that show the direct mechanisms of harm of and regarding both thimerosal and aluminum, and as well vaccine aluminum adjuvants. You simply and refuse to face it; and obviously must continue to ignore the facts.

Here below as said, is your said claim.

 (Quoting you, editor) You see Mr. Hubbs, I trust the science behind vaccines because I know the research has been done by people with scientific backgrounds and with credentials that prove to me the vaccines are not only effective, but that they are safe as well. I don't rely upon theory, but rather upon proven science. The benefits of vaccines far outweigh the risks, and as such I would have no problem taking a vaccine which would benefit me. (unquote)

When we look at the what they would call the main line believed hard line studies; what are they? Are they physiological studies as to toxicology and blood work performed on an actual infant, or a child; or anyone else? No, what they have is only so called epidemiological studies. Who funded those studies. Answer, the CDC What were those studies done in regard to? Answer, the only epidemiological studies ever done were on one single vaccine ingredient, thimerosal, and as well of course the Danish study on the MMR vaccine. In your mind do you think there is were any clear flaws in the study design and or any predetermined outcome present? Of course there were, and I have pointed that out to you long ago. You ignored it.

And when we look at vaccine clinical trials and any proof of efficacy, or that the vaccines actually work, they look at what? A certian level of antibody increases after a vaccine correct? So, in the year 2012 and as to the CDC and big pharma; that is all they know about the immune system. There is nothing there more complex than that? And how do they ever actually show or prove how many people the vaccines actually worked for or in? They don't, period. They never have. Better yet how long are the recipients of the vaccines ever followed for any significant time as for their health and record of ever getting those communicable illnesses? They aren't and they don't follow much of any of it. It then goes to VAERS as an after market reporting; which of course they all together ignore and deny that data and the outcome as well, and the only 1 to 10% known reporting. Never finding a common link to anything ever, no matter what. Gardasil, being the most prime example of that denial of all.

Both aluminum and mercury are neurotoxins, by the way; something else you ignore and likely as well deny. That fact has been known for decades. You are injecting a neurotoxin. A neurtoxin that can as well produce overactivation of the brains microglia and resulting chronic levels of brain inflammation. Is that good thing? Many studies have now shown this to be a finding in those with both ASD and those with ADHD. Other studies have shown the direct mechanism of harm and action regarding those said and often repeatedly injected aluminum adjuvants. Both aluminum and mercury injected cause an adjuvant effect, which clearly results in inflammation and non specific increased targeting of no onlya  killed/attentuated antigen; but as well can result in allergic and autoimmune reactions and conditions. Is that an important consideration? It should be?And the CDC remains silent. That science is all clearly there; why is the CDC and FDA not acting on it and demanding and doing further studies?  Answer, they have to much to lose, if the truth be known and admitted to, and they already as a fact know the truth.

So, where are the safety studies on aluminum adjuvants? I noticed that you did not have one single study provided for the public in this blog article. Didn’t you say you were about trusting the science? So, what science is acceptable to you; only that which is accepted by the CDC, the FDA, and the IOM? And if you think that the IOM is not directly influenced by big pharma and the whole of so called organized chemical based medicine, you are again entirely delusional.

Should it be of concern to a parent who is allowing all the vaccines on the current CDC schedule, that despite the number of references to aluminum toxicity, the FDA has always exempted it from testing from testing by putting it on their "Generally Regarded as Safe"  (GRAS ) list. Aluminum can be added to foods, medicines or water without restriction from the FDA.

Aluminum toxicity is a widespread problem in all forms of life, including humans, animals, fish, plants and trees, and causes widespread degradation of the environment and health. Over 7000 reference articles on aluminum toxicity exist in various data bases; ( as of 1996 ) all recognizing the toxicity but concluding the mechanism of action is unknown. — [ Search results - ]

From: History of crime against the Food Laws (1929) by Dr. Riley, the prime mover behind the original Pure Food Law and Director of the FDA. He resigned in disgust in 1912 over exceptions granted to the law and lack of enforcement.

Aluminum has been exempted from testing for safety by the FDA under a convoluted logic wherein it is classified as GRAS. (Generally Regarded As Safe.) It has never been tested by the FDA on its safety and there are NO restrictions whatever on the amount or use of aluminum. Diseases Associated with Aluminium Intoxication. H. Tomlinson, M.B., Ch.B., MRCS., LRCP. Since that time thousands of studies have been published indicating aluminum is involved in neurological dysfunction, immunocompetence, as well as a host of other morbidities. I cannot begin to reference them all. Sepsis: a cause of aluminum release from tissue stores associated with acute neurological dysfunction and mortality. Davenport A. – Williams P.S. – Roberts N.B. – Bone J.M. From: Clin Nephrol (1988 Jul) 30(1):48-51.

You can find the references to this on this page of my site. No, don’t be backing out of publishing this reply because you falsely claim this is from a personal website. There is a collection of actual unbiased science here that you can even touch and explain it away, and you do know that is there, editor! So, let me ask you this editor, why is it that all of the unbiased non pharma connected science is all off limits to you, and swiped off the table, and all the while that you make denial of its existence? That amounts to intellectual dishonesty of actually the highest order, and we are talking about the health and well being of millions of people here, who were actually mislead as to the safety and as well the effectiveness of vaccines.

Aluminum Adjuvants - Lack of Safety Data - Lack of Aluminum Adjuvant Safety Studies

You simply can not explain away that level of real science, editor. And you definitely can not do it without scientific safety studies on such as aluminum adjuvants of your own, which of course you provided none of. It is the largest elephant in the room, that as well both the FDA and the CDC as well ignore. So, editor; it is all good as long as they ignore it all as well? You as well can not explain that way with the CHOP, Paul Offits claim that ingestion of aluminum and mercury is all the same thing as if you inject it. You can not make the claim that such substances are handled and detoxed in the same way, without adequate physiological toxicology studies done on an actual human being. And you are telling me that Paul Offit has proven that ingestion of aluminum in dietary form, is physiologically detoxed the same way as injected aluminum adjuvants? Simple common sense should tell that is an entirely without any merit and a flat out bogus claim. Where is Offits science; he has none to make that claim. The real studies themselves prove that he is clearly wrong, as clearly are you.

How much collected and real science do you see on this page of my site? Showing you exactly the mechanisms of harm regarding aluminum adjuvants, and as well thimerosal? Your going to continue as always to ignore that? Of course you are, you have to or you could not continue to lie to and misinform the public like you always do. How much real data and real science is on this site in general? It is an overwhelming and massive amount of factual data and real science. And you as said go on rejecting it. The purpose of your whole blog is to make a mockery of facts and anyone that puts them forth. Who, is the real fool? You or me? That answer is all to obvious, when the real information is not censored, denied access to; or refused to be published in its entirety. You know it, and I definitely know it as a fact.

The Vaccine Damage – Science

Recovering Caroline, The Journey (an example of biomedical treatment, where parents have taken the time to do the needed and completed homework. Helping as well other parents to recover their children). Does it matter; oh yes it does matter.

They are detoxing the vaccines and healing the damage. Heavy metals, viral overload, and the harm done by the MMR vaccine. This would, not be possible if it were not the vaccines, as a fact. But what can the average mainstream doctor or pediatricain offer? More pharma chemcial drugs that may drug away the childs behavior; more therapy that never gets to the real causation? What a picture of evil, destruction, cluelessness, and dishonesty within the so called medical profession. To much to lose, it is all a simply uinderstood as that. All of us were once trusting that vaccines were effective and that they worked as advertised, and we would have continued to believe that, had we not investigated the truth. There is little way to in any honesty claim there is any bias in that.

Vaccines Cause Autism and More - The Scientific Explanation

Vaccine Caused Ischemia/Hypoxia


Vaccine Production With - Human Diploid Cells (aborted fetal cell tissue)

The False Theory of Vaccine Derived - Herd Immunity

Chiropractic - Correcting Physiological Function and Strengthening Immunity

Failure Of The Continued Polio Vaccine Campaign

Post Vaccination - Vaccine Targeted Strain - Viral and Bacterial Pathogen - Shedding

Gardasil - The Real Truth

FDA Reply Letter - and Further Questions Raised on Gardasil, (nothing would ever be enough, as they have to much to lose to ever admit the truth and their liability; as they at the CDC and FDA would be finished, as would be the entire vaccine program then put under a forced and far more appropriate spotlight of investigation)

Scientific proof that the known cancer causing SV40 virus, a previous contaminant in the polio vaccine, is obviously either contagious; or the virus is still in the vaccine/s.

Danger And Ineffectiveness of Flu Vaccines

The False Foundations of Modern Medicine

Death By Medicine

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Reply to: The HPV Vaccine and Promiscuity

The HPV Vaccine and Promiscuity
Again the following reply was sent to the above linked to editor of the page titled as you see above. That reply likely and as always, will never be published, and as it is to much truth.

[So since it is so easy to discredit many of the claims made by antivaxxers surrounding Gardasil, and because they have absolutely zero data to support their claims about deaths and serious injury caused by the vaccine.] Unquote.

Reply. That is because NOTHING would be enough for you to admit to anything ever Costner. There are endless personal accounts existing of the non recovered from outcomes, and as well as to numerous deaths. In fact that all do follow as well very similar patterns. Just because the FDA has failed to do their job because there is to much to lose, and in that they have found the need to whitewash it all, does not mean that what I am stating is not fact. As well there is plenty of actual science to show there are clearly recognized mechanisms of harm with this vaccine. You blog full of denial is simply worthless for any form of consideration, in regard to those who are looking for the real truth. As well the actual efficacy of Gardasil is in major question for some obvious reasons, and if you had the honesty to actually do unbiased research, and to consider such information at all, you would as a fact be unable to deny that. For any parent to be so mindless as to allow their teen to receive Gardasil or Cervarix in light of all the clearly adverse outcome information about it, and as well in regard to its unproven efficacy; as to that said approval of HPV vaccine in itself, would be highly irresponsible. If the life of your own son or daughter means so little and that little to you that you are willing to sacrifice their health and well being to such a proven dangerous vaccine, just because the mindless medical establishment tells you to; that in itself is literally reckless, and unconscionable. In the very least it represents a parent or parents that have only been mislead, without doing any unbiased research on the issue, whatsoever. HPV vaccine is clearly a game of Russian Roulette with your childs life. All for what, to profit the proven without any question very corrupt pharmaceutical company, Merck. Why would anyone do that; in simple dedication to being a mindless sheeple, that does anything you are told to do by an equally clueless and falsely indoctrinated medical community???

[Rest assured, even in spite of overwhelming evidence surrounding the safety and effectiveness of the Gardasil vaccine, and even though it has been shown to save at least 2,500 lives each year due to the reduced risk of cervical cancer, antivaxxers are unwilling to concede the vaccine might actually be a good thing... because once again it is a vaccine.] Unquote.

Face it Costner, you do not have any overwhelming evidence of the safety nor the effectiveness of either Gardasil, nor the equally dangerous HPV vaccine, Cervarix. So, you are you basing that on what? On the premise that 1000's of doses were administered, and no serious adverse effect was reported? What if as well all those girls are now sterile, or will have major fertility problems; which is a very real possibility. How many cases of lasting adverse effects were never recorded anywhere? Do you know? Of course you don't, because you refuse to acknowledge even the ones that have been. No proof of anything ever, right Costner? if the CDc and the FDFA both denied it all, its still all good right?

Where is your proof that this vaccine saves 2500 lives per year? Where is there any proof, when as a fact there has never been any evidence nor proof that their of these HPV vaccines have ever prevented a single case of cervical cancer. A vaccine as well that claims to prevent cancer, is an entirely new frontier that has never been so to speak, ever traveled before. To make that said claim is simply beyond delusional, Costner. And as far as increased levels of antibodies as result of any vaccine in history; never has that been proven to actually equal a proven level of efficacy even against illness, much more a thing like cancer. You are nothing but a literal false Wizard of Oz, Costner; standing behind a curtain desperately pulling all the levers and switches, with smoke and stink and all sorts of wild craziness coming from a big false in your mind savior god in the front of the room, you know as VACCINES. By the time you ever wake up and/or in the very least get honest about the whole issue of the more harm than good in relation to vaccines, hell will have long frozen over. As always, your level of mindless denial and dishonesty here again in this blog page, is simply beyond ridiculous.

You never have had, nor will you ever have enough honesty and willingness, to allow the readers to judge for themselves, and as to the complete information that is available. You simply refuse to allow the public to realize the information that is there. So, in that; you repeatedly keep trying to drag any possible readers of this blog, down to your level of refusal to accept facts. You attempt to keep everyone in the same state of denial that you are in and insist on staying in. You repeatedly throw false discreditation mud and poo at all other available sources of information and actual science existing anywhere else on earth. You repeatedly attempt to keep any readers in the same state of needed denial that you are in, and as a fact the majority of the medical profession chooses to and must stay in.

Now once and for all start putting all the information on the table, or stop your endlessly in denial and dishonest blogging.

Gardasil - The Real Truth

Saturday, October 13, 2012

General Notice (as to personal attacks)

General Notice!

Regarding all personal attacks on me in regard to this said and linked to blog, and as found linked to below.

In regard to the titled pages that have been created on the said blog referenced to above. Any blog pages on that blog which are designed and designated as exclusively a twisted, lying and fabricated personal attack on me; as to those such and said blog pages, they have not will not continue to be within the scope of what will be addressed here on this blog. Those pages have been responded to directly, thus correcting that editors misinformation, and very few of those replies have ever actually been published. He can either directly respond to it there and allow those comments in their entirety, or he can as ususal and most often is the case, refuse to. To date what has appeared there as well is that editors effort in taking bits and pieces of my replies on only publishing those in an effort to construe those into an out of context array of more fabrication and falsee insinuations. The man is clearly very sick, and the DOJ needs to put an end to his slanderous attack on one person. There is no way that the editor known only as alias no identity Costner, can justify in any way the conscienceless, and desperate false and lying person attack he is repeatedly conducting. The question should be, is there at any time, that such mindless stupidity, and that level of sick and desperate human depravity, that such personal attacks ever deserve any response at all?

All that will be continued to be discussed, responded to and addressed on this blog, are the subject matters of vaccines and the related issues of health care, and so called modern medicine; and which have been addressed on that said blog. That, of course in and as the related to said matters, and in response to the majorly distorted and incorrect claims that the opposing blog has had on those specific pages, titled and directed to those specific and said vaccine and health care matters and issues. There is nothing to debate as to any such personal attack issues, as what is presented on those said personally attacking blog pages, amount to nothing but entirely a false fabrication of information, top to bottom. The man, this called blogging editor Costner,  is all obviously, and has been now for a long time, a very sick person. Over 80 pages of personal attack on one man, me. Thats some and obviously a major and very sick obsession, going on.

Costner! As well I will take a complete psychological exam at the professional facility of your choosing, and you can set that up. You will be needing to pay for it as well; being you are the one that is doing the accusing as for the calling me crazy, on your blog pages there, editor. However, I want a copy of your own said exam, done at the same time, and to be published on your blog as well. I will give you complete legal rights to publishing it, when completed. It is time once and for all, for you to prove what you are accusing and stating. There is only one way to do that.

Anything less here, is simply wasting my time, to respond to it.



Reply to: Child Abuse and Vaccines


Ok, again alias no identity Costner was sent this below reply to the above referenced to blog page of his, already now days ago; and it still remains unpublished. Again, it all amounts to again and again, to much truth, and again exposes his endless sick game and as well amounts to - to much truth, and which is to damaging to his in denial, lying and full of intentional deception...agenda. This puke of a man, then sits on a continued claim that, oh, YOU posted on my blog under sock puppet accounts, and thus you are not allowed to reply post in any form of your defense personally, nor as to the false information he publishes on his blog. Each and every published blog page he publishes as well of course designed to be a personal attack on one person, me. It really is near to impossible to get nor be any more screwed up in the head, than is one alias, Costner Matthews; which was the previous name he blogged under in 2007. That prior to my finding his profile and his later immediate removal of it that profile when he realized I was aware of it. The man; this jerk, was already blogging with a fake name profile, before he even ever knew who I was was? How entirely sick and obviously having a less than honest and forthright agenda, is this guy? Amazing.

Here is the reply that was as said sent regarding that and the blog page referenced to above.

The problem with this blog page, is that it only exemplifies your own selective ignorance. The reason for that is found in the fact that generalized google searches under a specific title such as vaccine safety, and vaccine effectiveness, simply and obviously do not provide any actual evidence of the same being in existence there. That alone obviously does not prove that what is in that generalized list of links, in any way proves vaccine safety and effectiveness; and is actually showing in many cases to be just the opposite, and/or with conclusions in those studies that are far less then adequate to prove any such point

All you did was prove that when you say there is scientific evidence, in reality there may be only little to none in the actual data. But nice job in your attempts to mislead and to keep misleading the sheeple. I have shown this as well in my previous analysis of your studies, the very few time that you put anything forward to claimed to be proof of your claims. Such was again not actually the case.

When you are so non observant that you even put forth the claim that Gardasil has been shown to be safe and effective, when actually what is there shows no such thing; that in itself shows clearly the height of your desperation as to regarding your own denial of all.Increased antibodies do not necessarily equate to vaccine efficacy; and they certainly as well do not equate to efficacy in preventing even one single case of cervical caner. This page clearly contains nothing much but actually false and misleading information nothing but. But what else is actually new here, for you. Not much. You even went so far as to claim there were studies done comparing vaccinated verses non vaccinated; just because typing in a google search resulted in those studies. What an idiot you are Costner. Nothing in reality could be further from the truth. Scam, smoke screen, and smoke and mirrors strongly comes to mind here. You lose, again. 

This is NOT even debatable, as it is all an obvious fact. What a clearly very twisted man you are.

End of reply.

Vac Facts.Info

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Reply to: Does the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Protect Vaccine Manufacturers?

Does the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Protect Vaccine Manufacturers?

This is the reply that was sent to the above linked to, and opposing blog. However, as always editor no identity Costner, will never publish; as it again contains to much truth.

Your claim that pharmaceutical companies can be sued; is entirely false, Mr. Editor. In most any court you can file a lawsuit for almost anything; however that does not mean that the plaintiff can actually be successfully sued. If you know anything about the courts legal system; you would realize that a precedence was set by the Bruesewitz case. Meaning that any such cases that follow it if they are filed, will strongly be influenced by and determined by any previous precedence in a similar case that has been set. So, quite obviously if with the clearly good merits that the Bruesewitz case had, they were not successful; then there is little to no chance that any other such case filed will have any better luck. Those types of cases against the vaccine manufacturer, are clearly preempted by the existence of the NCVIA. So, in reality and at this point, no parent of a vaccine damaged child is going to ever again pursue the avenue that the Bruesewitz family did against such as Wyeth. Common sense should tell you that Mr. Editor. That family spent over a decade chasing that claim and came up with no compensation. If you call that justice, then something is way wrong with you.

In reality here you are being flat out intellectually dishonest, to yet claim that a vaccine maker can be sued for anything, ever. They are quite obviously. immune to any lawsuits of any kind from a parent of a vaccine damaged child. 



Held: The NCVIA preempts all design-defect claims  against vaccine manufacturers brought by plaintiffs seeking compensation for injury
or death caused by a vaccine’s side effects.  Pp. 7–19.

NVIC Cites "Betrayal" of Consumers by U.S. Supreme Court Decision Giving Total Liability Shield to Big Pharma

Excerpt: Hannah Bruesewitz was brain injured by DPT vaccine as a child but she was denied compensation by the U.S. Court of Claims, which administers the federal vaccine injury compensation program created by the 1986 Act that has turned away two out of three plaintiffs. Her attorneys then sued in civil court, providing evidence that Wyeth-Lederle had the technology to produce a less reactive, purified pertussis vaccine but declined to do so.

“The U.S. Supreme Court has removed all financial incentive for multi-national pharmaceutical corporations, which enjoy a $20 billion dollar business, to make vaccines as safe as they can be,” said Fisher. “This is a sad day for all Americans forced by law to use dozens of doses of vaccines or be barred from school or health insurance or employment. The only leverage left to American consumers to ensure that vaccines with the fewest health risks are produced is to oppose vaccine mandates and work to defend vaccine exemptions in all public health laws.”

The Latest in Atrocious Supreme Court Decisions - Only 2 Justices Stand Up for Your Rights...

Vaccination Profiteers Gang Up on Hannah Bruesewitz - In Supreme Court

Excerpt: The Court took the Bruesewitz case to determine whether 18-year-old Hannah, disabled by injuries she received from Wyeth’s diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DPT) vaccine at 6-months-old in 1992, has the right to bring a lawsuit against Wyeth after the Vaccine Court, set up by the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, refused compensation even though she will require life-long care and her vaccine was traced to a lot that had 65 adverse reactions including two deaths, 39 emergency room visits, and 6 hospitalizations.

No Pharma Liability? No Vaccine Mandates, March 3, 2011


Global vaccine market now exceeds $20B


I wish to address one other matter as well, and will be directly.

This involves some replies by character name on that blog, Dakota James, and is on again this mindless and dimwitted blog page right here. One mans obsession with me for now since the summer of 2010, and some now over 80 blog pages of personal attack, on me.

Is Lowell Hubbs' "" Anti-Vaccination Website Gone?

This is a copy of the statement and claims made in so called Dakota James reply on that said page.

Dakota James, September 24, 2012 9:29 PM

It looks like Lowell is having some landlord issues: 

And for more reassurance of his sickening obsession with children, he went as far as to list LS Magazine as his employer!

FYI, you must be logged into Facebook to view his "Info" page:

Ref: Wikipedia article of the 2004 Child Pornography raids listing LS Magazine as a manufacturer and distributor of child porn media:


This is the reply I made and as well quite obviously will never be published, in my defense, and nor in the defense of myself personally.

Your claim that pharmaceutical companies can be sued; is entirely false, Mr. Editor. In most any court you can file a lawsuit for almost anything; however that does not mean that the plaintiff can actually be successfully sued. If you know anything about the courts legal system; you would realize that a precedence was set by the Bruesewitz case. Meaning that any such cases that follow it if they are filed, will strongly be influenced by and determined by any previous precedence in a similar case that has been set. So, quite obviously if with the clearly good merits that the Bruesewitz case had, they were not successful; then there is little to no chance that any other such case filed will have any better luck. Those types of cases against the vaccine manufacturer, are clearly preempted by the existence of the NCVIA. So, in reality and at this point, no parent of a vaccine damaged child is going to ever again pursue the avenue that the Bruesewitz family did against such as Wyeth. Common sense should tell you that Mr. Editor. That family spent over a decade chasing that claim and came up with no compensation. If you call that justice, then something is way wrong with you.

In reality here you are being flat out intellectually dishonest, to yet claim that a vaccine maker can be sued for anything, ever. They are quite obviously. immune to any lawsuits of any kind from a parent of a vaccine damaged child. 



Held: The NCVIA preempts all design-defect claims  against vaccine manufacturers brought by plaintiffs seeking compensation for injury
or death caused by a vaccine’s side effects.  Pp. 7–19.

NVIC Cites "Betrayal" of Consumers by U.S. Supreme Court Decision Giving Total Liability Shield to Big Pharma

Excerpt: Hannah Bruesewitz was brain injured by DPT vaccine as a child but she was denied compensation by the U.S. Court of Claims, which administers the federal vaccine injury compensation program created by the 1986 Act that has turned away two out of three plaintiffs. Her attorneys then sued in civil court, providing evidence that Wyeth-Lederle had the technology to produce a less reactive, purified pertussis vaccine but declined to do so.

“The U.S. Supreme Court has removed all financial incentive for multi-national pharmaceutical corporations, which enjoy a $20 billion dollar business, to make vaccines as safe as they can be,” said Fisher. “This is a sad day for all Americans forced by law to use dozens of doses of vaccines or be barred from school or health insurance or employment. The only leverage left to American consumers to ensure that vaccines with the fewest health risks are produced is to oppose vaccine mandates and work to defend vaccine exemptions in all public health laws.”

The Latest in Atrocious Supreme Court Decisions - Only 2 Justices Stand Up for Your Rights...

Vaccination Profiteers Gang Up on Hannah Bruesewitz - In Supreme Court

Excerpt: The Court took the Bruesewitz case to determine whether 18-year-old Hannah, disabled by injuries she received from Wyeth’s diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DPT) vaccine at 6-months-old in 1992, has the right to bring a lawsuit against Wyeth after the Vaccine Court, set up by the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, refused compensation even though she will require life-long care and her vaccine was traced to a lot that had 65 adverse reactions including two deaths, 39 emergency room visits, and 6 hospitalizations.

No Pharma Liability? No Vaccine Mandates, March 3, 2011


Global vaccine market now exceeds $20B

Friday, September 14, 2012

Reply to: Genetic Test For Autism Developed By Australian Scientists: HuffPo

 Genetic Test For Autism Developed By Australian Scientists: HuffPo

Is there some reason that you could not even link to as much as the abstract of the study you are referencing, Mr. Editor, Costner? So that tells me as well that likely you did not even read the study, yourself. You just based what you claimed to off the two articles in itself. Would I be correct? That’s right; you never even as much as read the study you are promoting.

What is actually hilarious is the fact that you obviously do not even realize it, that in fact that your said study actually in fact directly supports the ASD/ vaccine connection. The reason you do are oblivious to that fact and do not realize that, is based in the fact that you have failed to study any of the unbiased non CDC connected scientific studies, to begin with. Your pathetic presentation of this Molecular Psychiatry study, with the additional claim that it debunks the vaccine connection, amounts to just another expose of your own misunderstanding of the science.  In the further promotion of such said incorrect and unjustified claims on your part;  you are thus in that effort only promoting further baseless conclusions. Conclusions that not only show a large amount of lack of critical thinking on your part, but as well a major degree of intellectual dishonesty.  And you want to accuse others of promoting, “Quackery”?  That is more than a bit hypocritical, coming from the obvious head Quack, such as yourself.

What I am as well referring to of course are all the studies on this page right here, that of course as said; you conveniently ignored.  

The Vaccine Damage – Science

Here is a copy of your said study, the one you failed to provide a link to in your blog page.

Molecular Psychiatry advance online publication 11 September 2012;      doi: 10.1038/mp.2012.126

Predicting the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder using gene pathway analysis

E Skafidas1, R Testa2,3, D Zantomio4, G Chana5, I P Everall5 and C Pantelis2,5

See if you can actually follow the science, Costner; and make the obvious connections??? Clueless yet?

J Neurodev Disord. 2011 Jun;3(2):132-43. Epub 2011 Mar 5.
Glutathione pathway gene variation and risk of autism spectrum disorders.
Bowers K, Li Q, Bressler J, Avramopoulos D, Newschaffer C, Fallin MD.

Source: Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 615 N. Wolfe St. room W6509, Baltimore, MD, 21205, USA.

Despite evidence that autism is highly heritable with estimates of 15 or more genes involved, few studies have directly examined associations of multiple gene interactions. Since inability to effectively combat oxidative stress has been suggested as a mechanism of autism, we examined genetic variation 42 genes (308 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)) related to glutathione, the most important antioxidant in the brain, for both marginal association and multi-gene interaction among 318 case-parent trios from The Autism Genetic Resource Exchange. Models of multi-SNP interactions were estimated using the trio Logic Regression method. A three-SNP joint effect was observed for genotype combinations of SNPs in glutaredoxin, glutaredoxin 3 (GLRX3), and cystathione gamma lyase (CTH); OR?=?3.78, 95% CI: 2.36, 6.04. Marginal associations were observed for four genes including two involved in the three-way interaction: CTH, alcohol dehydrogenase 5, gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase, catalytic subunit and GLRX3. These results suggest that variation in genes involved in counterbalancing oxidative stress may contribute to autism, though replication is necessary.

Autism and Glutathione

Article description

Recent research indicates that Autism is related to immune, neurologic, and inflammation issues that are triggered by a genetic disposition to be sensitive to certain pollutants, toxins, food additives and so on. Strong evidence relates the lack of cellular glutathione (the major anti-inflammatory agent) and Autism.


Originally it was thought that autism was mainly from the brain, we now find that there are three components of autism. They are the brain, immune system, the intestinal track. It's not uncommon that these children have intestinal disorders—maybe they are constipated or have certain food sensitivities that irritate their stomachs. Autism is now being related as a immune, neurological, and inflammatory disorder. Being that glutathione is the major anti inflammatory agent, inflammation very well can be the component associated with low glutathione in Autism.
It has been discovered that there are vulnerable genes that in combination with the right environmental triggers do not allow the child to stay healthy. Is this an outgrowth of increased pollution and toxins in our food and air? If the child has a genetic disposition, then under the right environmental factors (or shall we say unhealthy factors) autism appears. These genetic variants are called Polymorphisms. When theses genes are affected they disturb fundamental pathways in the body and the end result of autism is chronic inflammation through out the brain, digestive and the immune system. The good news is that inflammation is treatable. In the studies that have been done the correlation between low glutathione levels and autism is staggering. Dr. Daria suggests that you simply google “autism and low glutathione” and you'll find many references to attest to this fact.

Jill James PhD. at the  Arkansas Children’s Hospital Research Institute where she is the director of the Metabolic Genomics Austin Lab and also she is the professor for pediatrics at the same institute.

In an article published in New Science of Health Sept of 09 page 75, she states that “children with Autism do not make as much of a compound called glutathione as nero-typical children do. Glutathione is the cells most abundant antioxidant and is critical for removing toxins. If cells lack sufficient antioxidants they experience oxidative stress which is often found with chronic inflammation.”

The mitochondria use oxygen to help make ATP, but if the cell is deficient in glutathione the cell senses this and diminishes the production of ATP which will diminish the functioning of that cell—whatever its purpose.
In American Journal of Medical Genetics in 2006 Jill James found that common genes variants that support glutathione pathways may be associated with Autism risks. Jill James says “We also plan to look at mitochondria dysfunctions. Since mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cells, this is also the place where the most free radicals are that play a role in oxidative stress are produced. If the electron transport chain in a mitochondria is faulty and you are not effectively making ATP.  You’ll produce more free radicals to deplete your glutathione.”

For children with Autism we have to help them control their diet, the environmental toxins and do what we can to boost glutathione.

Diet generally means gluten and or casein free. It's based on the theory that children with autism are more likely to have allergies to gluten (the protein in wheat, oats, barley and rye) and casein (the protein in milk). Unfortunately most children with these allergies are drawn to foods with gluten—especially junk foods-- and foods with casein in them, making a change challenging for some families. If you google “King Diet,” you'll find a diet for parasite sufferers. Ironically it's an anti-inflammatory diet and will work wonders with inflammation. It's a three stage diet with Stage I being devoid of any milk or casein products. For the most part Stage II can be employed for Autism minus the casein products.  Later on, one can be advanced to Stage III (again minus the casein unless casein is not a problem.) The other advantage is that this diet is rich in foods that contribute to the cellular production of glutathione.

Whereas most children under age 20 have enough glutathione, those with Autism have a problem with the mitochondria that uses up too much glutathione and they simply don't have enough glutathione. 

In summary, inflammation plays an important role in Autism and glutathione is the major anti inflammatory agent and anti toxin agent in the cellular mechanism. Genetically there is a predisposition for certain children to be subject to certain environmental/food toxins which cause the mitochondria to produce more free radicals than normal which in turn uses up the cellular glutathione resulting in insufficient production of ATP.  There is a strong correlation between children with Autism and the lack of glutathione. It makes sense to do whatever can be done to boost cellular levels of glutathione.

Evidence of oxidative damage and inflammation associated with low glutathione redox status in the autism brain

Citation: Translational Psychiatry (2012) 2, e134; doi:10.1038/tp.2012.61
Published online 10 July 2012

Despite increasing evidence of oxidative stress in the pathophysiology of autism, most studies have not evaluated biomarkers within specific brain regions, and the functional consequences of oxidative stress remain relatively understudied. We examined frozen samples from the cerebellum and temporal cortex (Brodmann area 22 (BA22)) from individuals with autism and unaffected controls (n=15 and n=12 per group, respectively). Biomarkers of oxidative stress, including reduced glutathione (GSH), oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and glutathione redox/antioxidant capacity (GSH/GSSG), were measured. Biomarkers of oxidative protein damage (3-nitrotyrosine; 3-NT) and oxidative DNA damage (8-oxo-deoxyguanosine; 8-oxo-dG) were also assessed. Functional indicators of oxidative stress included relative levels of 3-chlorotyrosine (3-CT), an established biomarker of a chronic inflammatory response, and aconitase activity, a biomarker of mitochondrial superoxide production. Consistent with previous studies on plasma and immune cells, GSH and GSH/GSSG were significantly decreased in both autism cerebellum (P<0.01) and BA22 (P<0.01). There was a significant increase in 3-NT in the autism cerebellum and BA22 (P<0.01). Similarly, 8-oxo-dG was significantly increased in autism cerebellum and BA22 (P<0.01 and P=0.01, respectively), and was inversely correlated with GSH/GSSG in the cerebellum (P<0.01). There was a significant increase in 3-CT levels in both brain regions (P<0.01), whereas aconitase activity was significantly decreased in autism cerebellum (P<0.01), and was negatively correlated with GSH/GSSG (P=0.01). Together, these results indicate that decreased GSH/GSSG redox/antioxidant capacity and increased oxidative stress in the autism brain may have functional consequence in terms of a chronic inflammatory response, increased mitochondrial superoxide production, and oxidative protein and DNA damage.

Another recent study, to be published later this year, was conducted by Dr. Jill James of the Autism Speaks' Autism Treatment Network.  It relates to the mother’s inability to produce sufficient levels of a chemical called Glutathione. The chemical is essential in fighting toxic metals in the body. Several studies have already established that high levels of toxic metals in children are strongly correlated with the severity of Autism, Adams said. According to Adams, the glutathione study shows that low levels of Glutathione, coupled with high production levels of another chemical, homocysteine, greatly increase the chances of a woman having a child with Autism. Among ? Autism moms? in the study, 41 percent of them carried this chemical abnormality.


Clinical findings in autism and relevance of dysfunctional calcium signaling in
Abnormal Biomedical Findings in Autism – SUMMARY

Reduced cerebral blood flow and cerebral edema in autism

Results of several studies have shown abnormal platelet reactivity and altered blood flow in children with autism. Following these findings it has been suggested that platelet and vascular endothelium activation could be one of the contributing factors to the development and clinical manifestations of the disorder (16908745). Relative to this the following case reports are of particular interest, both describing cases of inflammation of brain blood vessels resulting in loss of language and emergence of symptoms of autism. In both cases administration of nicardipine lead to recovery of language and behaviour (1373338, 11008286).

PET and SPECT scans in autistic children show a decreased cerebral blood floow in some regions of the brain (12077922, 10960047, 7790938) and cerebral water content was found to be raised in brain grey matter in children with autism (16924017). A model has been suggested in which the observed gray matter abnormality could be inflammatory (see Immunity-Inflammation section below). This finding of cerebral edema at the same time offered an alternative explanation for enlarged brain size in autism, which up to then had been hypothesized to be due to lack ‘pruning’ of neurons during development.

Abnormality of the immune function and chronic inflammation in autism

Results of numerous studies point to an abnormality of the immune function in autism, as well as active, ongoing inflammation in the GI tract, the brain and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

A recent study by Vargas et al (15546155) investigated the presence of immune activation in postmortem brain specimens and CFS from subjects with autism. The authors found active neuroinflammation in multiple areas of the brain, for example in the cerebral cortex and white matter, and in the cerebellum. A marked migroglial and astroglial activation was also found, as well as the presence of an altered cytokine pattern, with macrophage chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 and tumor growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) being the most prevalent cytokines. There was also an accumulation of macrophages and monocytes, and a marked absence of lymphocytes and antibodies, pointing toward an innate neuroimmune activation with the absence of adaptive immune system/T cell activation in the brain. In addition, an enhanced proinflammatory cytokine profile was observed in the CSF, including once more a marked increase in MCP-1. These observations resemble findings in other neurological disorders in which elevations in cytokine levels is associated with the pathogenesis of neuroinflammation, neurotoxicity and neuronal injury and subsequent behavioural and cognitive impairments, for example HIV-associated dementia and multiple sclerosis (15288500, 11282546, 16875710, 9852582). Animal experiments illustrate that, during early pre and postnatal development, inflammatory cytokine challenge can induce various psychological, behavioral and cognitive impairments (17804539, 16147952, 9852582). At the same time the expression of many cytokines, including MCP-1, in neurons and glial cells seems to be upregulated by increased intracellular calcium triggered by membrane depolarisation (11102468, 10943723).
Another investigation into inflammatory markers in the brain tissue of patients with autisms revealed significantly increased levels of several proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-alpha, IL-6 and GM-CSF, IFN-gamma, IL-8). The Th1/Th2 ratio was also significantly increased in ASD patients, suggesting that localized brain inflammation and autoimmune disorder may be involved in the pathogenesis of ASD (19157572).

Various serological findings further confirm the presence of immune system dysregulation and active inflammation in autism - raised levels of proinflammatory cytokines have often been observed in blood of patients with autism, with significant increases of IFN-gamma, IL-6 and TNF-alpha. These results are followed by findings of decreased peripheral lymphocyte numbers, incomplete or partial T cell activation following stimulation, decreased NK cells activity, dysregulated apoptosis mechanisms, imbalances of serum immunoglobulin levels, increased numbers of monocytes and abnormal T helper cell (Th1/Th2) ratio, with a Th2 predominance, and without the compensatory increase in the regulatory cytokine IL-10 (16698940, 16360218). It is of interest to note that, following increased levels of TGF-beta1 in brain specimen as observed by Vargas et al, this cytokine was found to be significantly lower in the blood of adult patients with autism compared to controls (17030376).

Another relevant observation is the elevation of cerebrospinal fluid levels of TNF-alpha compared to its serum levels in subjects with autism. The observed ratio of 53.7:1 is significantly higher than the elevations reported for other pathological states for which cerebrospinal fluid and serum tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels have been simultaneously measured (17560496).

Central Role of Voltage Gated Calcium Channels
and Intercellular Calcium Homeostasis in Autism

[Although this below study again looks at a lot of variable aspects to ASD, and in that as well they seem to not ever address the potential vaccine connection; one thing is clear, the information actually does not exonerate vaccines, but indirectly again points right to that likely possibility].

part 2:
Dysregulating Factors:
Genetic Factors – page 2

In addition, autism has been link to some genetic mutations and polymorphisms that raise
suceptibility to oxidative stress (see Oxidative_Stress).

Toxic Agents
Of special interest might be the findings of a series of murine studies pointing to links
between viral infections and absorbtion and tissue/organ distribution of
environmental toxins, in the light of reports indicating impaired detoxification and
accumulation in the body of environmental toxins in ASD individuals (see Infectious

In addition to effects of mercury on neuronal cells, of equal interest are the findings of its negative effects in immune responses. Dysturbances of calcium homeostasis induced by lowlevel chronic exposure to mercury is suggested to be one of the mechanisms behind immune dysfunction and tendency towards development of chronic disease following viral infection [9653674, 8952707]. Both organic and inorganic mercury have been observed to screw immune responses and induce autoimmunity in mice, with mouse strains that are genetically suceptible to autoimmunity showing most pronuonced developmental disturbances following exposure to ethylmercury [17084957, 15184908] (see also Viruses/Bacteria).

Dendritic cells, crucial for the first-line response of the immune system towards external pathogens, have recently demonstrated particular sensitivity to changes in calcium levels as induced by ethylmercury-containing perservative thimerosal [16835063] (see Immunity/Inflammation). The tendency of increased persistence of virus with methylmercury exposure may turn out to be of particular relevance in autism, as this toxin has been observed in a murine model to change viral myocarditis in a direction compatible with the development of chronic
inflammatory disease. Amongst other markers significantly raised levels of calcium and decreased levels of zinc were recorded in the inflamed heart [11314973, 8682094].

The continuous application of heavy metals lead and mercury in vivo resulted in their accumulation in brain cells and the occurrence of delayed toxic effects in rat fetuses. It was shown that when methylmercury is applied at non-toxic concentrations it becomes neurotoxic under pro-oxidative conditions. Lead and mercury induce glial cell reactivity, a hallmark of brain inflammation and increase the expression of the amyloid precursor protein. Mercury also
stimulates the formation of insoluble beta-amyloid, which plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of AD and causes oxidative stress and neurotoxicity in vitro. Based on their results and reviews of previous findings authors suggest that those heavy metals may contribute to the etiology of neurodegenerative diseases [16898674] (see Related Disorders)


J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev. 2006 Nov-Dec;9(6):485-99.
Evidence of toxicity, oxidative stress, and neuronal insult in autism.

Increasing intracellular glutathione levels has been shown to:

Read more:

Glutathione and Autism

J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev. 2006 Nov-Dec;9(6):485-99.
Evidence of toxicity, oxidative stress, and neuronal insult in autism.

Subcellular compartmentalization of glutathione: Correlations with parameters of oxidative stress related to genotoxicity

Glutathione Articles/Studies - ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders)

Health Concerns and Low Glutathione Levels, (more endless studies connecting low glutathione and detoxification, to ASD)

56 studies in Pubmed in relation to glutathione depletion and ASD

J Neurol Sci. 2009 May 15;280(1-2):101-8. Epub 2008 Sep 25.
Biomarkers of environmental toxicity and susceptibility in autism.

Molecular Psychiatry 14, 968-975 (October 2009) | doi:10.1038/mp.2008.54

Genetic variants in AVPR1A linked to autism predict amygdala activation and personality traits in healthy humansAVPR1A genetic variation, amygdala reactivity and personality.

In mammals, the neuropeptide vasopressin is a key molecule for complex emotional and social behaviors. Two microsatellite polymorphisms, RS1 and RS3, near the promoter of AVPR1A, encoding the receptor subtype most heavily implicated in behavior regulation, have been linked to autism and behavioral traits. However, the impact of these variants on human brain function is unknown. Here we show that human amygdala function is strongly associated with genetic variation in AVPR1A. Using an imaging genetics approach in a sample of 121 volunteers studied with an emotional face-matching paradigm, we found that differential activation of amygdala is observed in carriers of risk alleles for RS3 and RS1. Alleles in RS1 previously reported to be significantly over- and under transmitted to autistic probands showed opposing effects on amygdala activation. Furthermore, we show functional difference in human brain between short and long repeat lengths that mirror findings recently obtained in a corresponding variant in voles. Our results indicate a neural mechanism mediating genetic risk for autism through an impact on amygdala signaling and provide a rationale for exploring therapeutic strategies aimed at abnormal amygdala function in this disorder.

Get it, yet? You should!

Again do not forget about THIS science, that you should have included in the combined information assessment, as to the proper conclusion regarding that said Molecular Psychiatry so called genetics study!

The Vaccine Damage – Science