Reply below: sent to the editors blog, which he will again never publish; as it is to much truth and it again effectively shuts down this blog he created as nothing but lies and misinformation.
YOU LOSE.......AGAIN!!!!!
Polio Vaccines Now The #1 Cause of Polio Paralysis
The Polio Global Eradication Initiative (PGEI), founded in 1988 by the World Health Organization, Rotary International, UNICEF, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, holds up India as a prime example of its success at eradicating polio, stating on its website (Jan. 11 2012) that "India has made unprecedented progress against polio in the last two years and on 13 January, 2012, India will reach a major milestone - a 12-month period without any case of polio being recorded."
This report, however, is highly misleading, as an estimated 100-180 Indian children are diagnosed with vaccine-associated polio paralysis (VAPP) each year. In fact, the clinical presentation of the disease, including paralysis, caused by VAPP is indistinguishable from that caused by wild polioviruses, making the PGEI's pronouncements all the more suspect.1
According to the Polio Global Eradication Initiative's own statistics2 there were 42 cases of wild-type polio (WPV) reported in India in 2010, indicating that vaccine-induced cases of polio paralysis (100-180 annually) outnumber wild-type cases by a factor of 3-4. Even if we put aside the important question of whether or not the PGEI is accurately differentiating between wild and vaccine-associated polio cases in their statistics, we still must ask ourselves: should not the real-world effects of immunization, both good and bad, be included in PGEI's measurement of success? For the dozens of Indian children who develop vaccine-induced paralysis every year, the PGEI's recent declaration of India as nearing "polio free" status, is not only disingenuous, but could be considered an attempt to minimize their obvious liability in having transformed polio from a natural disease vector into a manmade (iatrogenic) one.
VAPP is, in fact, the predominant form of the disease in developed countries like the US since 1973.3 The problem of vaccine-induced polio paralysis was so severe that the The United States moved to the inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) in 2000, after the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended altogether eliminating the live-virus oral polio vaccine (OPV), which is still used throughout the third world, despite the known risks.
Polio underscores the need for a change in the way we look at so-called "vaccine preventable" diseases as a whole. In most people with a healthy immune system, a poliovirus infection does not even generate symptoms. Only rarely does the infection produce minor symptoms, e.g. sore throat, fever, gastrointestinal disturbances, and influenza-like illness. In only 3% of infections does virus gain entry to the central nervous system, and then, in only 1-5 in 1000 cases does the infection progress to paralytic disease.
Read more:
Vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP) has emerged as the predominant form of the disease in the United States since 1980. - GreenMedInfo Summary
Polio vaccine blamed for outbreaks in Nigeria
Government Inquiry Has Found That Polio Vaccines For Infants Funded By Gates’ GAVI Are Causing Deaths And Disabilities – Express Tribune
End of reply:
Second reply:
Response to: BBC News: India 'close to wiping out polio'
Again, you will not have the honesty to publish what you were sent! You never do. Like I said, you lose every time; and if you did publish the refute of your information; you would be finished, every time and every blog page. Period. That is a fact. No twisted lying bullshit about what was in the reply; just simply publish it; every time. Why is it that you say you do not have to refute the information I put forth; yet I can refute almost everything if not everything you have ever put forth? How much science do you see on your blog? What little there is, I entirely relegated to the junk science files through analysis you have never been able to publish nor respond to even once. Like I said you are a loser and you always will be a loser in these matters. Why? Because the entire foundations of so called modern medicine 80 to 100 years ago were all buildt on false premises; and they clearly knew it. Vaccines are not based on actual science. What little there is could not stand on its own merits in any circles. Vaccine policy is based on medical politics, not actual science. You simply believe whatever bullshit you are fed! There is as well obviously to much to lose, the truth be known, for someone you are connected to.
All you are doing is giving my information and the vaccine truth information more exposure. That's what you did on the Argus, and that is what you are doing here; even when you refuse to publish replies, and suppress and lie about the information. I can guarantee you that most anyone looking at this blog, is as well going to realize and knowing that a counter blog exists. they can go there and and see you are nor only lying but suppressing the real information straight up! And what does that do? It effectively puts it front and center that no only are you lying and misinforming the public with the mainstream and Gorski info., but it puts it right out there that the CDC and FDA are entirely incompetent, if not criminally negligent. Hows that sit with you, alias no identity Costner. Those are the facts!
You believe you are conducting a person attack on me, because you can't stand the truth to be known, and quite obviously you have attacked anyone and everyone that puts it out there. Doctors, it doesn't matter to you; they are all incompetent and mislead fools, right? Who's the mislead fool here!!! You, or them? Any time you can not publish the counter information you are sent that directly refutes yours; you are suppressing and controlling the information. That is not the kind of thing most people nor the parents are looking for when they want unbiased and truthful information. The people you cater to who delight in staying brainwashed and bashing the vaccine truth people and information; they do not matter and nor have they ever mattered, as to this issue. So, quite obviously your agenda and your priorities are a little misplaced.
End of reply.
3rd reply, after this editor again refused to publish my reply and then again lied and fabricated false information as to what information that reply contained.
That is so stupid its hilarious; my article cites the Polio Global Eradication Initiative's own statistics, and your article cited no reference at all, supposedly the WHO. So exactly what qualifies you information over mine? Keep making those lying excuses as to why you can not publish the actual information! I told you you would do that. Same thing you have done on nearly every blog page here. You can't exist here unless you fabricate twisted stories and claims concerning what the information contained; and you clearly know it. That makes YOU a loser, quite clearly. What is the point to this blog when people can so easily find and reference my blog three spots below yours in the google listing. Keep clicking on your blog so you can keep it above mine!
Did you happen to see all the referenced to science listed on that green med site? many of them as well referenced in pubmed.
Where is the science in anything you have put forth here? You are so incompetent at presenting any truth and facts that an average derelict with no knowledge at could do a better job of sorting the facts if provided them. Hows that sit with you as to your intended agenda? Its all absolutely worthless, and you know it. Absolutely no-one looking for the truth would take any stock in anything you put forth; and the nothing would be enough to much to lose medical sheeple who want the information suppressed and you try to please, simply don't matter.
You are a very sick and in denial loser Costner, and you always were.
End of reply.
Second reply:
Response to: BBC News: India 'close to wiping out polio'
Again, you will not have the honesty to publish what you were sent! You never do. Like I said, you lose every time; and if you did publish the refute of your information; you would be finished, every time and every blog page. Period. That is a fact. No twisted lying bullshit about what was in the reply; just simply publish it; every time. Why is it that you say you do not have to refute the information I put forth; yet I can refute almost everything if not everything you have ever put forth? How much science do you see on your blog? What little there is, I entirely relegated to the junk science files through analysis you have never been able to publish nor respond to even once. Like I said you are a loser and you always will be a loser in these matters. Why? Because the entire foundations of so called modern medicine 80 to 100 years ago were all buildt on false premises; and they clearly knew it. Vaccines are not based on actual science. What little there is could not stand on its own merits in any circles. Vaccine policy is based on medical politics, not actual science. You simply believe whatever bullshit you are fed! There is as well obviously to much to lose, the truth be known, for someone you are connected to.
All you are doing is giving my information and the vaccine truth information more exposure. That's what you did on the Argus, and that is what you are doing here; even when you refuse to publish replies, and suppress and lie about the information. I can guarantee you that most anyone looking at this blog, is as well going to realize and knowing that a counter blog exists. they can go there and and see you are nor only lying but suppressing the real information straight up! And what does that do? It effectively puts it front and center that no only are you lying and misinforming the public with the mainstream and Gorski info., but it puts it right out there that the CDC and FDA are entirely incompetent, if not criminally negligent. Hows that sit with you, alias no identity Costner. Those are the facts!
You believe you are conducting a person attack on me, because you can't stand the truth to be known, and quite obviously you have attacked anyone and everyone that puts it out there. Doctors, it doesn't matter to you; they are all incompetent and mislead fools, right? Who's the mislead fool here!!! You, or them? Any time you can not publish the counter information you are sent that directly refutes yours; you are suppressing and controlling the information. That is not the kind of thing most people nor the parents are looking for when they want unbiased and truthful information. The people you cater to who delight in staying brainwashed and bashing the vaccine truth people and information; they do not matter and nor have they ever mattered, as to this issue. So, quite obviously your agenda and your priorities are a little misplaced.
End of reply.
3rd reply, after this editor again refused to publish my reply and then again lied and fabricated false information as to what information that reply contained.
That is so stupid its hilarious; my article cites the Polio Global Eradication Initiative's own statistics, and your article cited no reference at all, supposedly the WHO. So exactly what qualifies you information over mine? Keep making those lying excuses as to why you can not publish the actual information! I told you you would do that. Same thing you have done on nearly every blog page here. You can't exist here unless you fabricate twisted stories and claims concerning what the information contained; and you clearly know it. That makes YOU a loser, quite clearly. What is the point to this blog when people can so easily find and reference my blog three spots below yours in the google listing. Keep clicking on your blog so you can keep it above mine!
Where is the science in anything you have put forth here? You are so incompetent at presenting any truth and facts that an average derelict with no knowledge at could do a better job of sorting the facts if provided them. Hows that sit with you as to your intended agenda? Its all absolutely worthless, and you know it. Absolutely no-one looking for the truth would take any stock in anything you put forth; and the nothing would be enough to much to lose medical sheeple who want the information suppressed and you try to please, simply don't matter.
You are a very sick and in denial loser Costner, and you always were.
End of reply.
We HAVE all been lied to in regard to vaccines, he, alias no identity Costner, just refuses to get it through his head and admit it. For someone he is connected to, or knows; there is obviously to much to lose, in the facts and real truth being known. He wants to suppress and silence the truth. He will lie and use any form of deception he can to accomplish that goal! He refuses to believe that we have been fed nothing but endless misinformation for decades. It was all a lie! Their Goliath has been created, and there is no way to turn it back, unless allot of people lose their credibility and careers. Think of the mind boggling liability factor they would need to face, and the lose of credibility? The whole thing would go back to a blank slate for them. But it never has been a blank slate; naturopathic and alternative means, and as well Antinone Becamp had it right from the start. The Rockefellers who created the first AMA and its funding to all medical schools, knew that. Understand that much? They knew the truth, but non patented medicine could make no money; and certainly would never become the billion dollar business we see today. The business that still finds no real cures nor causes. That's because they are not really in the business of healing and cures.
The polio vaccine: a critical assessment of its arcane history, efficacy, and long-term health-related consequences
Neil Z. Miller
Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute
Suppressed Facts About Vaccination
The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine
(Chapter 10 of Poisoned Needle plus addendums) by Eleanor McBean
Smallpox Vaccine: Origins of Vaccine Madness
The real world of vaccinations.
The hoax of modern medicine and its toxic medications, Viera Scheibner
Review of Vaccination by Viera Scheibner: Irene Alleger
State of health of unvaccinated children
Unvaxed vs Vaxed Health
This is "Medical Mysteries Solved". (How Vaccines cause BODILY HARM to everyone getting a vaccine.)
Alex Yates screaming trying to head butt floor
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny_____________________
This is "Medical Mysteries Solved". (How Vaccines cause BODILY HARM to everyone getting a vaccine.)
BODILY HARM via Vaccinations
MADregal test clip 2
Vaccinations Cause Microscopic Strokes
Interview with Dr. Andrew Moulden
Rivers of Life and Death
Dehydration, Blood Chi, Zeta Potential,Mercury. Aluminum, Vaccines, Vitamin CDr Mark Sircus
Rivers of Life and Death Part 4
Vitamin C and Vascular Disease
Hirschberg test
In the fields of optometry and ophthalmology, the Hirschberg test, also Hirschberg corneal reflex test, is a screening test that can be used to assess whether a person has strabismus (ocular misalignment).
Note that a lot of processed foods with chemical preservatives, pesticide residue and additives are of a cationic 1:1, 2:1 nature. Bad for humans. These foods have a natural zeta potential lowering effect on the blood.
(So what would an aluminum containing vaccine do)?
Zeta potential
(and its relationship to cardiovascular disease)
Riddick, Thomas M , (the work of)
The concept of zeta potential was recognized more than 100 years ago, but early instruments were fragile and custom-made. About 50 years ago, we pioneered the development of a simple, reliable instrument to measure electrophoretic mobility and zeta potential.
The Electrokinetic Connection
Understanding zeta potential can help you to understand and control colloidal suspensions. Examples include complex biological systems such as blood, and functional ones like paint. Water, milk, wine, clay, inks, dyes, paper, and pharmaceuticals are good examples of useful colloidal systems. In many cases, the performance of a suspension can be improved by understanding the effects of colloidal behavior on such properties as viscosity, settling, and effective particle size.
Everything you want to know about Zeta Potential…
The interface between an organism and its environment is the site of many important reactions. Zeta potential measurements help describe this interface and have been used in studies of bacteria, plant cells, blood cells, etc.These measurements are a good supplement to chemical analysis and can be carried out without altering the organism's original environment.Surface charge characterizations are useful both in research and in practical clinical work. Areas that have been studied include: blood cells and circulatory problems; differentiation of normal and malignant tissue; detection of cystic fibrosis; and, effects of antibodies and viruses. Potential:
Isn"t it interesting that they have had the early technology to study what vaccines do to the blood for no less than 100 years!!!! When is the CDC going to have apage on Zeta Potential. They have had the scientific knowledge and never used it. Why has the FDA also banned darkfield blood microscopy from use in diagnostic testing in any living human being? They KNOW!
A Complete Course in 5 Minute
Everything you want to know about
Coagulation & Flocculation....
Aluminum in Vaccines: Where Are the Safety Studies?
Aluminum: Has The FDA Got It All Wrong?
Vaccines & Vaccinations: The Need for Congressional Investigation
Curr Med Chem. 2011;18(17):2630-7.
Aluminum vaccine adjuvants: are they safe?
Tomljenovic L, Shaw CA.
Neural Dynamics Research Group, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1L8, Canada.
Aluminum is an experimentally demonstrated neurotoxin and the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant. Despite almost 90 years of widespread use of aluminum adjuvants, medical science's understanding about their mechanisms of action is still remarkably poor. There is also a concerning scarcity of data on toxicology and pharmacokinetics of these compounds. In spite of this, the notion that aluminum in vaccines is safe appears to be widely accepted. Experimental research, however, clearly shows that aluminum adjuvants have a potential to induce serious immunological disorders in humans. In particular, aluminum in adjuvant form carries a risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and associated neurological complications and may thus have profound and widespread adverse health consequences. In our opinion, the possibility that vaccine benefits may have been overrated and the risk of potential adverse effects underestimated, has not been rigorously evaluated in the medical and scientific community. We hope that the present paper will provide a framework for a much needed and long overdue assessment of this highly contentious medical issue.
Vaccine critics & studies on vaccine autism link
Aluminium Medical citations
Disease linked to metals/ Vaccine ingredients
CDC researchers say mothers should stop breastfeeding to boost 'efficacy' of vaccines
How far its gone, replacing the creator with man. (How has that worked, in the past)?
Vaccine-autism proven
The Frightening Truth!
Informmed consent and doctors liability form-(vaccinations).
Excuse Me Waiter – There’s a Fly in My Vaccine Soup
The presence in the final vaccines of residue (“adventitious agents”) including cells and fragments of DNA from foreign tissue is certainly realistic.
Its not only what is listed as vaccine ingredients, it is as well what is unlisted, and that they do not even know is in there. (below)
Adventitious Agents and Vaccines
Philip R. Krause
Food and Drug Administration, Bethesda, Maryland, US
There is no incentive for vaccine promoters to find substances which are detrimental to health. FDA only presents nonbinding recommendations:
“If an adventitious agent is known to be present in your cell substrate or viral seed, then you should demonstrate that your production process is sufficiently robust to eliminate or inactivate the agent with an appropriate margin of safety.”
Merck nor the FDA knew about this either, nor cover-ed it up? And this involves ingredients they listed. (below)
SANE Vax, Inc. Reports Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Contamination in Gardasil™ To FDA: Requests Public Safety Investigation
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO
Death by Vaccination: The Gates Foundation and the New Eugenics
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 3 – Synthetic Genomics & The Death Of Natural Immunity
The Crazy Ones?
It Will Cost You Everything
This is what vaccines have created, they can deny it all they want.
This is what vaccines have created, they can deny it all they want.
Alex Yates screaming trying to head butt floor
Lies and more lies, nothing is enough.
Dr. Russel blaylock, published papers
You lose, alias no identity Costner, again and again and again!

Health Canada Corruption - Dr. Andrew Moulden - MD, PhD
Dr. Andrew Moulden getting the message of truth out to people about the extreme corporate corruption of Health Canada, the FDA, and other corporate controlled medical care entities that are, in fact, destroying peoples health with vaccines and other chemical pharmaceutical drugs. Check him out at;
MASS Ischemia, Autism, Vaccine, MMR, children
SIDS - Sudden Death Syndrome - Vaccine MASS ischemia - video
See the warning signs unfold with sudden infant death syndrome from silent vaccine MASS ischemia - months before respiratory failure ensued - the damages happen after every vaccine received . The damages are additive over time...many survive, some do not. Those that survive develop ADHD, learning disabilities, lowered intellect, altered personality, susceptibility to other disorders and health consequences later in life, ... this is also falsely accused cases of Alleged Shaken Baby Syndrome, Autism, ADHD, specific learning disabilities and much much more.... know what to do, when to do it, who to do it to see this unfolding in everyone around you..look....
Andrew Moulden To sum this: Note that oxidative stress (low oxygen), blood platelet and vascular lining activations (increase resistance to forward flow) AND white blood cells called Neutrophils (thats a story for a another post) all play a role in the vaccine induced autism spectrum plaquing the worlds children..... we can cure it all...but first, we come to terms with why this happened and how to prevent this form happening again. If you truly want your children's health back (and yours) and some panacea cure-all, that will only come once you help spread this message and what you are learning on this facebook page.
The BLOOD has been DAMMED by NOT following the LORD's LAWS of Clean and Unclean (fit for consumption and Unfit for consumption) BLOOD is top of the list....aborted fetal cell vaccines makes YOU a cannibal..imagine that.
Paul Offit
Andrew Moulden Vascualr Physiology 101: The basics of capillary blood flow (the cause of Autism etc....when derailed by things like repeat vaccines, immune hyper stimulation, certain genetic defects, heavy metals, germs, and above all flocculating agents like positively charged heavy metals (ALuminum Al+3 - in most vaccines), and polymers like MA/MMA...oops, we are getting ahead of ourselves, lets start with what a capillary is and what it does relative to red blood cells -the cells that carry oxygen to cellss - after all, disorders like Autism are due to impaired Oxygen to cells, and blood flow.
Altered Vascular Phenotype in Autism
Correlation With Oxidative Stress
Yuemang Yao, BSc; William J. Walsh, PhD; Woody R. McGinnis, MD; Domenico Praticò, MD Arch Neurol. 2006;63:1161-1164
Conclusion Besides enhanced oxidative stress, platelet and vascular endothelium activation also could contribute to the development and clinical manifestations of autism.
COMMENT - (excerpt)
Because F2-isoprostanes promote platelet aggregation and vasoconstriction, the correlation of these variables in our study allows some speculation about a direct effect of these bioactive lipids on the vascular phenotype in autism. However, our data do not establish a causal relationship among the variables we measured. Abnormal markers of platelet activation and vasoconstriction in autism may result from many factors, including other biologically active species resulting from free radicals.11 In general, abnormalities of the vascular phenotype can be reflected clinically by an abnormal blood flow. In this regard, it is interesting that results of multiple neuroimaging studies demonstrate brain hypoperfusion in autism.21-22 Further elucidation of the relationship of oxidative stress and vascular homeostasis to the pathogenesis of autism, including the possible influence of F2-isoprostane on tissue perfusion, could lead to improvements in therapy.
Functional neuroimaging and childhood autism Pediatr Radiol. 2002 Jan;32(1):1-7. Epub 2001 Nov 13.
Brain perfusion in autism varies with age Intolerant vaccine Damages Found DVD intro Loop
Vascular Physiology (Capillary: part 1/6)
Vascular Physiology (Oxygen capacity: part 2/6)
Vascular Physiology (Flow rate and Flow velocity: part 3/6)
Vascular Physiology (Total cross-sectional area: part 4/6)
Vascular Physiology (Metabolic hyperaemia: part 5/6)
Vascular Physiology (Organ blood supply: part 6/6)
Vaccine court
How the denial and injustice ..rolls.
In 2008 the federal government agreed to award damages to the family of Hannah Poling, a girl who developed autistic-like symptoms after receiving a series of vaccines in a single day.[12] The vaccines given were DTaP, Hib, MMR, varicella, and inactivated polio. Poling was diagnosed months later with encephalopathy (brain disease) caused by a mitochondrial enzyme deficit, a mitochondrial disorder; it is not unusual for children with such deficits to develop neurologic signs between their first and second years. [11] There is little scientific research in the area: no scientific studies show whether childhood vaccines can cause or contribute to mitochondrial disease,[13] and there is no scientific evidence that vaccinations damage the brains of children with mitochondrial disorders.[14] Although many parents view this ruling as confirming that vaccines cause regressive autism, most children with autism do not seem to have mitochondrial disorders, and the case was conceded without proof of causation.[15]
With the commencement of hearings in the case of Cedillo v. Secretary of Health and Human Services (Case #98-916V), the battle over vaccine injuries moved into the courts. A panel of three special masters began hearing the first cases of the historic Omnibus Autism Proceedings in June 2007. The lead petitioners, the parents of Michelle Cedillo, claimed that Michelle's autism was caused by a vaccine. Theresa and Michael Cedillo contended that thiomersal seriously weakened Michelle's immune system and prevented her body from clearing the measles virus after her vaccination at the age of fifteen months. At the outset Special Master George Hastings, Jr. said "Clearly the story of Michelle's life is a tragic one,"[16] while pledging to listen carefully to the evidence. On February 12, 2009, the court ruled in three test cases that the combination of the MMR vaccine and thiomersal-containing vaccines were not to blame for autism. Hastings concluded in his decision, "Unfortunately, the Cedillos have been misled by physicians who are guilty, in my view, of gross medical misjudgment."[17] The ruling has been appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals.[18]
On March 13, 2010, the court ruled in three test cases that thiomersal-containing vaccines do not cause autism. The test cases were among the strongest for this theory. Special Master Hastings concluded, "The overall weight of the evidence is overwhelmingly contrary to the petitioners' causation theories."[18]
This young girl, Hanna Poling, the girl they gave 9 vaccines in one day, referenced to in the previous post. Of course this is old news, but highlights here the way they spin and have spun the information.
Vaccine Case: An Exception Or A Precedent?
A lump sum payment of 1,507,284.67 is what they say compensates her Hanna Poling and the family for as well their loss, and pain and suffering. Then they walk away still claiming vaccines do not cause autism, and as well nor has it contributed to the drastic rise in autism cases.
Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award
Now comes their information spin:
Vaccines Don't CAUSE Autism, They Just RESULT in Autism
Excerpted highlights:
Hannah Poling finally gets paid for her vaccine induced resulted autism.
So if a brilliant Johns Hopkins neurologist and his super smarty nurse/lawyer wife file a vaccine injury claim for their daughter, that is such a slam dunk case that the government does not even bother to fight it but concedes the case, they can expect to wait, let see... add the four, carry the three, divide by pain and suffering and... oh, thats not bad... ONLY ten years, one month and two weeks or so after the child is injured to be paid by the government. Yep! That is one compassionate program alright!
Mind you the Polings have been dragged through the mud, personally and professionally, for daring to file in the VICP and win to get money to help their daughter. Oh... and they also had the bad taste to tell people. In public even. Bastards.
Vaccines Don't CAUSE Autism, They Just RESULT in Autism
Excerpted highlights: CBS has updated their post to read:
"The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.
In addition to the first year, the family will receive more than $500,000 per year to pay for Hannah's care. Those familiar with the case believe the compensation could easily amount to $20 million over the child's lifetime".
The government is paying Hannah Poling 20 million dollars for a vaccine injury that the same government claims does not exist.
But at least we have finally gotten a straight answer from the government on whether or not vaccines cause autism. Turns out that vaccines don't "cause" autism, they just "result" in autism. From CBS News:
In acknowledging Hannah's injuries, the government said vaccines aggravated an unknown mitochondrial disorder Hannah had which didn't "cause" her autism, but "resulted" in it.
THANK GOD! Parents, you can go back to blindly trusting their government. All your questions and concerns about the safety of the vaccine program have been asked and answered with the utmost integrity and with thorough thoroughness.
Sleep in peace citizens. All is well.
In acknowledging Hannah's injuries, the government said vaccines aggravated an unknown mitochondrial disorder Hannah had which didn't "cause" her autism, but "resulted" in it.
So again... vaccines cause encephalopathy which progresses into autism, but vaccines don't cause autism. And by the way, HHS does not track whether or not vaccines cause autism, they just pay attention to cases where vaccines cause encephalopathy. Then they stick their fingers in their ears and yell "la la la, I'm not listing", when parents come back a month later and say their child has been diagnosed with autism.
The government is paying Hannah Poling 20 million dollars for a vaccine injury that the same government claims does not exist.
I am speechless.
Vaccine case draws new attention to autism debate
Spinning the Hannah Poling Case
The Vaccine-Autism Story: Trust Your Government, or Be a Patriot and Get on Google
Excerpted: But within 48 hours after receiving nine routinely administered childhood vaccines in July 2000, the girl's health rapidly declined, she said.
Terry Poling said her daughter stopped eating, failed to respond to verbal stimuli and became prone to episodes of screaming and high fever. Watch more from Terry Poling at the news conference
"We knew something was wrong," said the registered nurse, who was then working as a trial attorney.
More disturbing behavior followed, including staring at lights, running in circles, looking at fans -- all symptoms of autism, she said. "When my husband saw this, his heart just broke," Terry Poling said.
Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children [Hardcover]
Benjamin Zeller, vaccine harmed child, compensated in federal court.
Special ...Masters, they call them?
Vaccine Program/Office of Special Masters
And still no direct admission of the connection between vaccines and autism.
The case before the court, Bruesewitz v. Wyeth, No. 09-152, was brought by the parents of Hannah Bruesewitz, who received a vaccine known as D.T.P. as an infant in 1992. The vaccine offers protection against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, or whooping cough. She suffered seizures and has had developmental problems and seizure disorders since.
Ms. Bruesewitz’s parents filed a petition under the compensation program created by the 1986 law. They lost, on the ground that they had not proved that the vaccine caused their daughter’s injuries. Then they sued in state court in Pennsylvania. The case was moved to the federal courts, which have ruled that their claims are pre-empted by the 1986 law.
The case turned on the proper interpretation of a provision of the law that bars ordinary lawsuits “if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.”
Do you see HOW brutal it is??? And then they tell you, DON'T be an internet mom, and listen to the unproven claims of the vaccine "conspiracy theorists". No proof, no proof. Threatening parents of un-vaccinated children, and with baseless claims of irresponsibility, and that their children will cause or make the vaccinated children get vaccine preventable illnesses. Can you see how far this decades and decades long now - brainwashing has gone? While yet again in several known herd immunity failures that have happened while having present the required percentage of uptake of the vaccine; they again fer monger and falsely accuse the non-vaccinated. Pure evil; and so much for their science; actually the lack of. Exploiting fears for profitable gain, and while denying the evidence of ineffectiveness and harm.
Vaccine Critics Claim Court Paid for Autism Cases, (88 cases, to be exact)
Unanswered Questions from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: A Review of Compensated Cases of Vaccine-Induced Brain Injury
Injury Compensation
Welcome to Julia's Site!
Julia was born a healthy baby on 12-28-05. She was a delight to her family. On January 5th,2007, 1 week past her 1st b-day, our family's lives changed forever. Julia had been seizing most of the night, was transported to the nearest ER for stabilization, and then airlifted to Miami Children's hospital, where she stayed in PICU and the neurology ward for nearly one month. Her diagnosis? Encephalitis (inflammation of her brain) most likely attributed to the MMR-V (measles, mumps, reubella, chicken pox) vaccine she had received nine days previously. When Julia left the hospital, she was functioning at an 8 week level. She is globally delayed, nonverbal and has significant left sided hemiplegia along with severe behavior issues. It has been over 4 years since her MMR-V encephalitis, and Julia has progressed, but has a very long way to go. Julia's case with the Vaccine Court was recently conceded and the settlement is complete.
Pediatricians continue denying role in worldwide epidemic
Impaired Microscopic Blood Flow, (vaccines)
This is "Medical Mysteries Solved". (How Vaccines cause BODILY HARM to everyone getting a vaccine.)
BODILY HARM via Vaccinations
MADregal test clip 2
Vaccinations Cause Microscopic Strokes
Interview with Dr. Andrew Moulden
Rivers of Life and Death
Dehydration, Blood Chi, Zeta Potential,Mercury. Aluminum, Vaccines, Vitamin CDr Mark Sircus
Rivers of Life and Death Part 4
Vitamin C and Vascular Disease
Hirschberg test
In the fields of optometry and ophthalmology, the Hirschberg test, also Hirschberg corneal reflex test, is a screening test that can be used to assess whether a person has strabismus (ocular misalignment).
Note that a lot of processed foods with chemical preservatives, pesticide residue and additives are of a cationic 1:1, 2:1 nature. Bad for humans. These foods have a natural zeta potential lowering effect on the blood.
(So what would an aluminum containing vaccine do)?
Zeta potential
(and its relationship to cardiovascular disease)
Riddick, Thomas M , (the work of)
The concept of zeta potential was recognized more than 100 years ago, but early instruments were fragile and custom-made. About 50 years ago, we pioneered the development of a simple, reliable instrument to measure electrophoretic mobility and zeta potential.
The Electrokinetic Connection
Understanding zeta potential can help you to understand and control colloidal suspensions. Examples include complex biological systems such as blood, and functional ones like paint. Water, milk, wine, clay, inks, dyes, paper, and pharmaceuticals are good examples of useful colloidal systems. In many cases, the performance of a suspension can be improved by understanding the effects of colloidal behavior on such properties as viscosity, settling, and effective particle size.
Everything you want to know
about Zeta Potential…
The interface between an organism and its environment is the site of many important reactions. Zeta potential measurements help describe this interface and have been used in studies of bacteria, plant cells, blood cells, etc.These measurements are a good supplement to chemical analysis and can be carried out without altering the organism's original environment.Surface charge characterizations are useful both in research and in practical clinical work. Areas that have been studied include: blood cells and circulatory problems; differentiation of normal and malignant tissue; detection of cystic fibrosis; and, effects of antibodies and viruses. Potential:
Isn"t it interesting that they have had the early technology to study what vaccines do to the blood for no less than 100 years!!!! When is the CDC going to have apage on Zeta Potential. They have had the scientific knowledge and never used it. Why has the FDA also banned darkfield blood microscopy from use in diagnostic testing in any living human being? They KNOW!
A Complete Course in 5 Minute
Everything you want to know about
Coagulation & Flocculation....
SIDS - Sudden Death Syndrome - Vaccine MASS ischemia - LIVE video
Intolerant Vaccine Damages Found DVD -
Harms Ways DVD cuts to edit floor
SIDS - Sudden Death Syndrome - Vaccine MASS ischemia - LIVE video
This video makes a very bold and direct statement, as to what will happen to those in authority who refuse the vaccine truth. I couldn't agree more!!!!
See the warning signs unfold with sudden infant death syndrome from silent vaccine MASS ischemia - months before respiratory failure ensued - the damages happen after every vaccine received . The damages are additive over time...many survive, some do not. Those that survive develop ADHD, learning disabilities, lowered intellect, altered personality, susceptibility to other disorders and health consequences later in life, ... this is also falsely accused cases of Alleged Shaken Baby Syndrome, Autism, ADHD, specific learning disabilities and much much more.... know what to do, when to do it, who to do it to see this unfolding in everyone around you..look....
Aluminum in Vaccines: Where Are the Safety Studies?
Aluminum: Has The FDA Got It All Wrong?
Vaccines & Vaccinations: The Need for Congressional Investigation
Curr Med Chem. 2011;18(17):2630-7.
Aluminum vaccine adjuvants: are they safe?
Tomljenovic L, Shaw CA.
Neural Dynamics Research Group, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1L8, Canada.
Aluminum is an experimentally demonstrated neurotoxin and the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant. Despite almost 90 years of widespread use of aluminum adjuvants, medical science's understanding about their mechanisms of action is still remarkably poor. There is also a concerning scarcity of data on toxicology and pharmacokinetics of these compounds. In spite of this, the notion that aluminum in vaccines is safe appears to be widely accepted. Experimental research, however, clearly shows that aluminum adjuvants have a potential to induce serious immunological disorders in humans. In particular, aluminum in adjuvant form carries a risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and associated neurological complications and may thus have profound and widespread adverse health consequences. In our opinion, the possibility that vaccine benefits may have been overrated and the risk of potential adverse effects underestimated, has not been rigorously evaluated in the medical and scientific community. We hope that the present paper will provide a framework for a much needed and long overdue assessment of this highly contentious medical issue.
Vaccine critics & studies on vaccine autism link
Aluminium Medical citations
Disease linked to metals/ Vaccine ingredients
CDC researchers say mothers should stop breastfeeding to boost 'efficacy' of vaccines
How far its gone, replacing the creator with man. (How has that worked, in the past)?
Vaccine-autism proven
The Frightening Truth!
Informmed consent and doctors liability form-(vaccinations).
Excuse Me Waiter – There’s a Fly in My Vaccine Soup
The presence in the final vaccines of residue (“adventitious agents”) including cells and fragments of DNA from foreign tissue is certainly realistic.
Its not only what is listed as vaccine ingredients, it is as well what is unlisted, and that they do not even know is in there. (below)
Adventitious Agents and Vaccines
Philip R. Krause
Food and Drug Administration, Bethesda, Maryland, US
There is no incentive for vaccine promoters to find substances which are detrimental to health. FDA only presents nonbinding recommendations:
“If an adventitious agent is known to be present in your cell substrate or viral seed, then you should demonstrate that your production process is sufficiently robust to eliminate or inactivate the agent with an appropriate margin of safety.”
Merck nor the FDA knew about this either, nor cover-ed it up? And this involves ingredients they listed. (below)
SANE Vax, Inc. Reports Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Contamination in Gardasil™ To FDA: Requests Public Safety Investigation
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO
Death by Vaccination: The Gates Foundation and the New Eugenics
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 3 – Synthetic Genomics & The Death Of Natural Immunity