Ok, again alias no identity Costner was sent this below reply to the above referenced to blog page of his, already now days ago; and it still remains unpublished. Again, it all amounts to again and again, to much truth, and again exposes his endless sick game and as well amounts to - to much truth, and which is to damaging to his in denial, lying and full of intentional deception...agenda. This puke of a man, then sits on a continued claim that, oh, YOU posted on my blog under sock puppet accounts, and thus you are not allowed to reply post in any form of your defense personally, nor as to the false information he publishes on his blog. Each and every published blog page he publishes as well of course designed to be a personal attack on one person, me. It really is near to impossible to get nor be any more screwed up in the head, than is one alias, Costner Matthews; which was the previous name he blogged under in 2007. That prior to my finding his profile and his later immediate removal of it that profile when he realized I was aware of it. The man; this jerk, was already blogging with a fake name profile, before he even ever knew who I was was? How entirely sick and obviously having a less than honest and forthright agenda, is this guy? Amazing.
Here is the reply that was as said sent regarding that and the blog page referenced to above.
The problem with this blog page, is that it only exemplifies
your own selective ignorance. The reason for that is found in the fact that
generalized google searches under a specific title such as vaccine safety, and
vaccine effectiveness, simply and obviously do not provide any actual evidence
of the same being in existence there. That alone obviously does not prove that
what is in that generalized list of links, in any way proves vaccine safety and
effectiveness; and is actually showing in many cases to be just the opposite,
and/or with conclusions in those studies that are far less then adequate to
prove any such point
All you did was prove that when you say there is scientific
evidence, in reality there may be only little to none in the actual data. But
nice job in your attempts to mislead and to keep misleading the sheeple. I have
shown this as well in my previous analysis of your studies, the very few time
that you put anything forward to claimed to be proof of your claims. Such was
again not actually the case.
When you are so non observant that you even put forth the
claim that Gardasil has been shown to be safe and effective, when actually what
is there shows no such thing; that in itself shows clearly the height of your
desperation as to regarding your own denial of all.Increased antibodies do not
necessarily equate to vaccine efficacy; and they certainly as well do not
equate to efficacy in preventing even one single case of cervical caner. This
page clearly contains nothing much but actually false and misleading
information nothing but. But what else is actually new here, for you. Not much.
You even went so far as to claim there were studies done comparing vaccinated
verses non vaccinated; just because typing in a google search resulted in those
studies. What an idiot you are Costner. Nothing in reality could be further
from the truth. Scam, smoke screen, and smoke and mirrors strongly comes to
mind here. You lose, again.
This is NOT even debatable, as it is all an obvious fact.
What a clearly very twisted man you are.

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