Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Response to: HPV DNA in Gardasil: The Wild and Unsubstantiated Claims of the Intellectually Challenged

HPV DNA in Gardasil: The Wild and Unsubstantiated Claims of the Intellectually Challenged
Quoth the anti-vaccine group SANE Vax: Beware HPV DNA in Gardasil!

Here we go again Editor (alias no identity- Argus character name - Costner), quoting more Gorski. Well lets start again with some more reply posts from me that he refused to this point to publish and thus address. As is common he posted one reply, and then realized there was to much truth coming in at him, and he again makes some poorly fabricated excuse as to why he will not reply nor address anything further.

Editor alias Costner said I had no peer reviewed science to back any of my claims; sure looks to me like he lied! Again.

HPV -Autoimmunity Science

Truth About Gardasil Demands Department of Justice Investigate HPV Vaccines. Part 1 of 3 

Read and understand what it states about the non use of an actual placebo in the Gardasil clinical trials!

One placebo contained the aluminum adjuvant and the other the carrier solution, which amounts to all but the viral antigen. That, is why there was not any significant difference found between the vaccinated verses the no vaccinated groups.


As you can see on that blog page the reply post he did publish. These are the rely posts (as typical and as always), that he did not publish nor respond to. I wonder why, lol.

Reply post #2

Can you answer this for me editor? Have you reviewed any of the information on those now near endless accounts of young girls and women who have experienced adverse reactions and as well unrecovered from outcomes after the HPV vaccine? And how much of it have you actually reviewed? Do you realize how many endless accounts of all that there actually are, and that keep coming in? What do you suggest was the cause? Maybe they all just made it up?

So, in your mind editor, all of this was or is likely to be a coincidence; correct? And you are not aware that new medical conditions were already seen and noted in the clinical trials?

You are not aware as well that there was no true placebo used in the clinical trials. One contained aluminum and the other the carrier solution. That was found all of it right in the FDA pre-approval information, by the way.

Do you realize how those accounts are so many of them describing nearly the same symptoms and the same outcomes, some far worse than others?

What I am asking you here directly, is have you done any review of the actual case histories and accounts of the harm done? As well, have you done any review of the research at all, beyond what little is on the CDC site? Are you aware that much more exists beyond that? Do those studies count? They should, unless you choose to be further part of the problem, instead of part of the solution.

Do you as well deny that Dr. Sin Hang Lee, is prominent cancer pathologist and HPV testing expert? Do you even know who he and as well are you informed regarding his background?

So editor, in reality what have you actually reviewed at all, beyond the blog that Gorski writes? You have revealed here for yourself no medical degree of any kind, correct; so that actually makes us on the same playing field.

Get started with some answers.


Reply post #3

As for Gorski. Dr. David Gorski is of course editor of the so called, science based medicine blog, and as well is editor of "Orac", Respectful Insolence.

What would possess the soul of a man (Gorski) to spend that much time finding the twisted means to bash and discredit alternative medicine and related alternative journalism? He does this entirely free? Or is he paid, and by whom? And does he NOT see the as well major failures of modern medicine. A nation in all age groups, actually only getting sicker, by the pharmaceutical means?

I found this below exerpt on Orac interesting. It actually also describes you ...editor... and to a T!

UPDATE from Pat and Patrick Jr. -

It is not our intention to "unmask" Orac so that anyone can cyber-stalk/spam/etc. him!!  We are proponents of civil debate and discussion.  We don't want to promote the type of character assasination that is unfortunately, quite common on Orac's blog.

We have both spent way too much time trying to defend what we believe are highly plausible reasons for numerous things that we believe on Orac's blog, only to then be ridiculed and attacked personally, all the while ignoring and dodging our arguments. (There are many others who have experienced this as well.)

Orac believes what he believes and has every right to express that.  We happen to think he is very biased, closed-minded, and often just plain wrong.  He also loves to call people terrible names assasinating their character instead of simply stating why he disagrees.  And I don't think I've ever see him concede any point, ever!  (It is not unlike the near total breakdown in civil discourse at the national political level.)

The "unmasking" is still appropriate because at least now we know who and what we are dealing with.

Orac Unmasked - David H. Gorski, M.D., Ph.D. (Updated) Who is David Gorski.

So, Costner. other than repeatedly going to and quoting Gorski's information, do you actually have any real understanding of the medical (so called) science - yourself? Do you have the ability to actually read it and comprehend it; and as to a studies strengths and weaknesses? Do you yourself, have any medical training at all?

To start with, a simple yes or no will do; if that is all you can muster.

I found this also interesting as to Gorski.

Dr. David Gorski and His Merry Band of Idiots Don’t Like Full Page Ads.


I have some quick advice for potential patients of Dr. Gorski: If you are looking for someone who is crass, arrogant, very black & white in his thinking, suffers from a weird Blogger-God complex, and spends all of his free time blogging, Dr. Gorski is your guy. Consider this gem from Dr. Gorski:

Read more:

Dr. David Gorski: King of the Quack’s

Looks like there are perhaps many other people that understand Gorski's real mission, the same as I do.

Reply post #4

Stick to the facts then editor; you want to use a clearly biased source like Gorski; yet you falsley claim vaccine truth websites are biased and bash them from wall to wall; including any doctors that address the vaccine truth. Pages and pages of it right here on this blog. That is being a bit hypocritical, if you ask me.

How impressive for credibility is this, you have no identity; creating a retaliation based blog going up against and bashing someone fearless enough to provide full identity. You as well claim to have an education, eluding somewhat to that it was a medically based education, but refuse to tell anyone what that is.

Lets look at some more of this.

Quoting you editor. Don't blame me because your sources are unable to support their own data or are unwilling to have their "science" examined. Blame them for spouting unverified theories and for claiming their methodology is “proprietary”. If a drug company released a study proving how effective a new pill was would you let them get away with making those statements if they refused to provide their methodology to the FDA for cross-examination and verification? Of course you wouldn’t… so why do you allow your anti-vaxxer friends to get away with it? That is yet another example of you allowing your personal bias to blur your understanding. Unquote.

When a drug companies releases a study on a new pharmaceutical drug, and seek approval, do they give away the drugs chemical proprietary” formulation information? No. Is that legally protected, yes! So why should this be expected to be any different; and that can take time to get legal confirmation of.

Do you understand what "proprietary" concerns are? Should this doctor just give up what he has worked for, as to the technology and perhaps as well its patentable profit? Why would you expect him to do that? Does Big Pharma ever do that, or allow that? Never. You can, comprehend that much of this?

You accuse me of personal bias. How is that? The fact is that I am only looking to put forth the needed information and as well first before I have done that evaluate the information for accuracy, validity. All that takes is some basic adult honesty and common sense. That I have done.

Quoting you again, editor, When you start understanding how the concept of "burden of proof" works, and when you are able to step back and understand how true science is not determined by “proprietary methods” then maybe we can talk. Unquote.

Obviously it is you that does not understand the situation. True science and peer reviewed studies often do not have anything to do with proprietary concerns, as there is no product to nor in need to directly reveal proprietary information on.

All Sanevax has done to this point is put forth that this said contamination was found, and as well how they know and confirmed that. That contamination was stated by the manufacturer Merck, to not exist in the vaccine. What is presently being requested and needs to happen is that the FDA investigates it further. Why is that so important? Because to many girls have died and have obviously been forever damaged. That, without any answers coming from the FDA, CDC, nor Merck. It is long past time for those answers. Vioxx was obviously a big enough disaster, without adding all this! Ya think?

You always spout the phrase, "burden of proof", but for the FDA and obviously as well you, there is NEVER any nor enough proof!


Reply post #5

Mr Editor,

Regarding your referenced article. Clearly, all Gorski ever does in his articles regarding new vaccine studies that implicate vaccines doing harm, is to admit time after time, [and as well as he did regarding the Wakefield primate studies]; that he does not have sufficient details regarding the studies. Then he in complete disregard of that fact, goes on to add more and more unknown speculation of "what if, what if"; and, "what if, this and what if that". At the very same time, you can see he ridiculed Sane Vax for asking the additional questions of, "what - if". When you combine that with the near endless spouting and detailing of assumed knowledge of medical tests and testing, such as in this case regarding the PCR test, you have a situation that results in nothing more than speculation of a predetermined alternative outcome, Gorski just only hopes he finds as an eventual reality. It gets nowhere; as to the obviously Gorski endless agenda of intentionally being part of the problem, rather than honestly seeking the true answers and being part of the solution. The only way you might get Gorski and his agenda to be honest, is to pay him more money than some part of the pharma industry pays him right now to be dishonest and cover it all and everything... up! This man Gorski has clearly and obviously sold his soul to the devil and to everything existing within that realm of and as to help in and of those works!

Exerpted example below:

Color me not particularly worried. Until there is independent verification, it’s utterly pointless even to worry about these other questions because the source, being rabidly anti-HPV vaccine, is suspect, and there is no way to determine if the methodology used is valid and not likely to produce false positives. After all, the HPV vaccine is tested for the presence of recombinant DNA, and it’s below the limit of detection of standard techniques; otherwise, Merck, the FDA, and other scientists would have detected it before. Only a scientist affiliated with an anti-vaccine group can seemingly detect it. Moreover, even if Dr. Lee did detect what previously couldn’t be detected before, clearly he’s detecting rDNA at such a low quantity that it’s doubtful that it would be harmful in the least. Certainly, given such a tiny amount of rDNA, it’s downright silly to talk about whether the aluminum adjuvant could somehow become a “carrier” for HPV DNA that allows it to be present in the blood for an extended period of time. Given that the HPV rDNA couldn’t replicate, the law of conservation of mass is enough to dismiss this concern as ridiculous, because it would take far more DNA than could possibly be in the adjuvant to produce detectable levels in the blood for long periods of time, particularly given that the way the L1 protein is made is to use expression plasmids designed to work in yeast, most of which will not work (or will work very poorly) in human cells. Finally, even in the incredibly unlikely event that a tiny amount of L1 rDNA could be expressed by surrounding muscle cells, what would it do? It would make more L1, arguably slightly increasing the efficacy of the vaccine. Unquote.

There you heard have it and heard it; editor no identity Costner claiming that the Gardasil deaths and the now endless number of young women with un-recovered from Gardasils vaccine outcomes are pointless to even worry about. He is guessing and speculating, just like Gorski does to all the studies he claims to have evaluated. He is still in hope that the Gardasil damage can be denied. Well, what did I state; nothing would be enough.

I have allot more I could add to this, but as too the time I have available to me, I will just give you some of the links to more information.

More: Gardasil Truth

M. Bachmann-Gardasil

Vac Facts.info

BREAKING NEWS: Sane Vax Independently commissioned Laboratory analysis of HPV vaccine Gardasil (from 13 separate lot vials) finds 100% contamination with genetically modified (cloned) HPV rDNA

Leslie Carol Botha exposes HPV vaccines' fraudulent claims

(How the HELL do they get away with THIS)???

There are stated more than 3,000 videos on YouTube in which girls and women tell their stories of adversity after Gardasil injections. Below are links to a few of these stories.

True or false: HPV viruses cause cervical cancer

Continue reading on Examiner.com 

Prominent pathologist speaks out on HPV vaccines and cervical cancer prevention

Continue reading on Examiner.com 

Gardasil HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed- Mike Adams - Listen to what he states about the testing that has been available at HiFi DNA Tech, LLC, the FDA as stated, ignored it.

Reclassification Petition - Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Nested Polymerase Chain
Reaction (PCR) Detection Device (K063649 )

VRBPAC Background Document (46% increased chanced of presumes precancerous indicators in the previously infected with the targeted strains in Gardasil, and as well observance of non targeted strains becoming stronger. And it was still approved; fast tracked in June of 2006

Gardasil™ HPV Quadrivalent Vaccine 
May 18, 2006 VRBPAC Meeting

The below information is exerpted from the following said document.

Case in point: Regarding that the 2006 FDA VRBPAC pre-approval document clearly indicated an increase of 46% in suspected precancerous indicators in those with an existing strain of vaccine targeted HPV, and as well the observance of other non-targeted strain becoming more virulent with use of the vaccine; clearly these finds prove again that the vaccine was at the least worthless to those with preexisitng vaccine targeted strains of HPV. Yet they sold this expensive vaccine to everyone that would take it. They put those girls and women at risk of not only the possible vaccine adverse effects, but made obviously much larger profits by not exposing these facts, nor doing the testing required which clearly was available at a price of about $90. Much cheaper than the vaccine! And safer. they obviously do not care. They as well avoided any negetive publicity on Gardasil.    

Clinical Review of Biologics License Application Supplement for Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent (Types 6, 11, 16, 18) Vaccine, Recombinant (Gardasil®) to extend indication for prevention of vaginal and vulvar cancers related to HPV types 16 and 18 September 11, 2008 

Efficacy Not Demonstrated for VIN 2/3 related to HPV in subjects already infected with HPV type at baseline: 


Truth About Gardasil

Memorial page:

Memorial page:

Remember MY Name

Other Victims



In her senior yearbook, she wrote, "The best things in life aren't things, they're friends."
Now that's the quote chiseled into her gravestone.

Jessica Ericzon, 17, was "an all-American teenager," as described by one of her upstate LaFargeville teachers.

On Feb. 20, while on winter break from school, she got her third and final dose of the vaccine.

The next night, "she told me the spot on the back of her head was bothering her again," her mom said.

The next morning, Feb. 22, Lisa, a hospital technician, left for work just after 5 a.m., leaving Jessie asleep.

Jessie never showed up for the class she was taking at Jefferson Community College.
When her mom got home at 3:20 p.m., she found Jessie sprawled on her back on the bathroom floor, with blood spots on her head where it had hit a flowerpot.

Jefferson County Medical Examiner Samuel Livingstone is stumped."She was essentially dead by the time she hit the floor. Whatever it was, it was instantaneous," Livingstone said. His autopsy found no cause.

He speculates she suffered a cardiac arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, extremely rare in young people.

Jessica's Memorial

Tribute to a lost Gardasil Girl: Jessica Ericzon: March 27, 1990 to February 22, 2008    

Gardasil: One less best friend, Jessica

Jessica Ericzon Memorial

HPV vaccines and Lisa Ericzon: One mother's fight to save others


Gardasil Victims – In Memoriam – Healthy Young Women – Aged 15 to 21

Remember My Name

Lisa is fighting to stop these types of events from happening.(Click refresh to back out of the frame).

HPV vaccine (Gardasil) - Seizures, Fainting, Paralyis, ....(Updated Chart)

HPV Vaccine - fainting, seizures, and other side effects, (endless personal accounts).


14 Feb 2011


Duration of Protection for Gardasil: At this moment in time 5 years. Therefore, those who were vaccinated early in the programme in 2006, their protection period will soon be running out.

All of these facts can be quite easily checked out and the question is “Is this really what we want to provide for our girls in the UK?

Updated VAERS Reports - HPV Vaccine - Deaths reported to VAERS 93, Disabled 689, Did not recover 4,346, 

Emergency Room Visits 8,617. (Check out that graph).

Girls who have died following Gardasil come from many States in America, from Canada, from India and from New Zealand.  The reports in VAERS only represent between 1% and 10% of those which have been reported therefore there is a huge discrepancy and the undernoted figures could be enormous. These figures represent the most up to date information from VAERS. 


Journal of Autoimmunity 36 (2011) 4e


Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants
Yehuda Shoenfeld a,b,*, Nancy Agmon-Levin a

The Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases, Department of Medicine B’ Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel
Incumbent of the Laura Schwarz-kipp chair for research of autoimmune diseases, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

51 references:

Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2011, 18, 2630-2637
 © 2011 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

Aluminum Vaccine Adjuvants: Are they Safe?


Aluminum in various forms can be toxic to the nervous system. The widespread presence in the human environment may underlie a number of CNS disorders. The continued use of aluminum adjuvants in various vaccines for children as well as the general public may be of significant concern. In particular, aluminum presented in this form carries a risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and associated neurological complications and may thus have profound and widespread adverse health consequences. The widely accepted notion of aluminum adjuvant safety does not appear to be firmly established in the scientific literature and, as such, this absence may have lead to an erroneous 
conclusions regarding the significance of these compounds in the etiologies of many common neurological disorders. Furthermore, the continued use of aluminum-containing placebos in vaccine clinical trials may have lead to an underestimation of the true rate of adverse outcomes associated with aluminum-adjuvanted vaccines. In our opinion, a comprehensive evaluation of the overall impact of aluminum on human health is overdue.

Self-Organized Criticality Theory of Autoimmunity

Systemic autoimmunity appears to be the inevitable consequence of over-stimulating the host's immune ‘system’ by repeated immunization with antigen, to the levels that surpass system's self-organized criticality.

Vaccines and Autoimmune Diseases of the Adult

Dr Russel Blaylock, retired board certified neurosurgeon

Published papers: (Immunoexcitotoxicity)

Brief Assessment of Aluminum Exposure and Endocrine Disruption, (With 41 scientific references).

Aluminum A Neurological Gamble


BREAKING NEWS: California on the verge of legislating an end to parental authority in decision-making process regarding vaccination of their under-age child/children

Vaccine Wake-up Call for Parents: Your Children Are Being Taken, September 6, 2011


What the CDC claims are the most prevelent HPV strains. Types 6, 11, and 18

JAMA. 2007 Feb 28;297(8):813-9.
Prevalence of HPV infection among females in the United States.

Like ..WHAT? Not so, and Gardasil was approved for..... what?

Obstet Gynecol. 2008 Nov;112(5):979-89.
Prevalence of high-risk human papillomavirus among older women.


Among high-risk HPV-positive women, 63% had multiple type infections. Human papillomavirus-16 or -18 was present in 17.4% of all high-risk HPV-positive women. The most common high-risk genotypes among high-risk HPV-positive women were HPV-61 (19.1%), -31 (13.1%), -52 (12.9%), -58 (12.5%), -83 (12.3%), -66 (12.0%), -51 (11.7%), -45 (11.2%), -56 (10.3%), -53 (10.2%), -16 (9.7%), and -62 (9.2%). 

J Infect Dis. 2005 Jan 15;191(2):182-92. Epub 2004 Dec 10.
A longitudinal study of genital human papillomavirus infection in a cohort of closely followed adolescent women

Results: HPV was detected in 45.3% of all adequate specimens, by use of a polymerase chain reaction/reverse blot strip assay. Oncogenic--or high-risk (HR)--HPV types were detected in 38.6% of specimens, and nononcogenic--or low-risk (LR)--types were detected in 19.6% of specimens. During the entire study period, 49 of 60 subjects tested positive for HPV (cumulative prevalence, 81.7%). The most frequently detected HR types were HPV types 52, 16, and 59. Infections with multiple HPV types were common. The median duration of persistence of a specific HPV type was 168 days, and HR types were more persistent than LR types. Abnormal cervical cytological results occurred in 37% of the adolescent women and were significantly associated with HR HPV infection.

True or false: HPV viruses cause cervical cancer

Continue reading on Examiner.com 

Prominent pathologist speaks out on HPV vaccines and cervical cancer prevention

Continue reading on Examiner.com 

From Medscape Medical News
Report of Motor Neuron Disease After HPV Vaccine

Excerpts:"Pathological features support the temporal association of the clinical presentation and vaccination and provides supporting evidence that immune-mediated reactions to the nervous system are potential risks after Gardasil vaccination," Catherine Lomen-Hoerth, MD, director of the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Center at the University of California–San Francisco, told the meeting.

"Our patient received 3 doses of Gardasil with symptom onset 2 months after her last dose," the poster presenters wrote. "Despite treatment with aggressive immunosuppression, her weakness relentlessly progressed and she died of respiratory failure 21 months after the onset of her weakness."

Quantifying the possible cross-reactivity risk of an hPV16 vaccine

Journal of Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology, Vol. 8, pp. 65–7

Darja Kanduc

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Bari, Italy

Background: The potential adverse events associated with vaccination for infectious diseases underscore the need for effective analysis and definition of possible vaccine side effects. Using the HPV16 proteome as a model, we quantified the actual and theoretical risks of anti-HPV16 vaccination, and defined the potential disease spectrum derived from concomitant cross-reactions with the human organism.Methods: We searched the primary sequence of the HPV16 proteome for heptamer aminoacid sequences shared with human proteins using the Protein International Resource database.

Results: The human proteome contains 82 heptapeptides and two octapeptides found in HPV16. The viral matches are spread among proteins involved in fundamental processes, such as cell differentiation and growth and neurosensory regulation. The human proteins containing the HPV16-derived heptamers include celladhesion molecules, leukocyte differentiation antigens, enzymes, proteins associated with spermatogenesis, transcription factors, and neuronal antigens. The number of viral matches and their locations make the occurrence of side autoimmune cross-reactions in the human host following HPV16-based vaccination almost unavoidable.

Conclusions: Any antigen-based vaccine needs to be carefully and thoroughly designed and critically screened for potential side effects by comparing sequence similarity at the molecular level.

Key words: HPV16 proteome; human proteome; similarity analysis; viral versus human proteome overlapping; vaccine-related cross-reactions

Vaccination for infectious diseases is associated with potential adverse events.

1. Indeed, current antigen-specific immunotherapy protocols may target not only the antigen from the infectious microorganism, but also host tissues expressing antigens that share sequences with the target.

2. There is no clear, defined, mathematical tabulation of the possible cross-reactivity risks associated with a vaccination protocol. This task is not unachievable, because the entire protein assemblies of viruses, bacteria, and higher vertebrates have been sequenced, allowing for proteomic sequence-tosequence profiling analyses.Here, the HPV16 polyprotein was examined for amino acid sequence similarity to the human proteome at the heptamer level. A high level of sharing of heptapeptide motifs between HPV16 and human proteins was found. This is discussed in relationship to the potential cross-reactivity risk of HPV16 vaccine.

Here, the HPV16 polyprotein was examined for amino acid sequence similarity to the human proteome at the heptamer level. A high level of sharing of heptapeptide motifs between HPV16 and human proteins was found. This is discussed in relationship to the potential cross-reactivity risk of HPV16 vaccine.

More sources of that type of info: 

HPV vaccine possibly linked to cutaneous PAN

Excerpt: The first documented case of cutaneous polyarteritis nodosum following HPV vaccine injection suggests dermatologists should consider it as a possible vaccine-related complication, says a pathologist who worked on this case.

Cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa

Excerpt: What is the cause of cutaneous PAN?

In many cases the cause is not known. However, in some cases it appears to be a hypersensitivity reaction to certain infections, particularly Group A streptococcus, hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Human Immunodeficiency virus, Parvovirus B19 (Fifth disease). There is an over-reaction of the immune system to the infection.