This guy thinks that attempting to control the information the public is allowed to consider, is a public service? In the United States of America? Wow! He thinks as well that literally stalking and investigating the person or people that put the information out there, is as well doing a public service? He thinks that distortion of facts, misrepresentation, and mockery of the person and the information, is a public service? Doing what ever it takes to lie about, misrepresent and distort the information that is there as to the information and as well concerning the person who presented it? Turning around and falsely claiming that ALL of the information put forward was public knowledge, and came from those public sources. An amazing level of deceptive evil! What is the motivation? It may never be admitted to. This is the sickness that clearly exists in our society? A person with no identity whatsoever, never has had; personally attacking a person with the courage to public, with full identity. Go figure.
I did have one comment I sent, that was to my amazement, actually published; as normally nothing is, or ever has been, that shows evidence of more truth than he can handle.
I reply sent, 13 specific questions to that blog. Oh course NONE of them were answered. I will reproduce them here. They are all based on and from the statements on that blog page.
Here we go! 13 specific questions: Copied exactly as it was sent.
Just more twisted lies and fabrication from alias no identity himself… Costner.
Quote: [The reality is, this blog is nothing more than a public service. The information contained here allows any prospective employers to know what they are getting before they make a mistake, and it allows anyone else who comes into contact with Mr. Hubbs (co-workers, friends, or potential romantic targets) to see him for who he really is before it is too late.] Unquote.
Question 1. Explain, why you would have reason to believe any of the above is necessary? Explain as well why you are so believing that any employer needs to be informed about me. Explain why I or anyone else should and or would not believe that set of statements is not just an unwarranted personal vendetta style attack, for other reasons than you have stated? One being that you have been proven wrong on vaccines and allot more, time and time again?
Question 2. Provide the complete basis for the claim that any employer should be worried about me for any reason, or reject me as an employee or a prospective employee? And do not just link to any of your blog pages which have had no verification of the claim or any such - either.
Question 3. Having never met me, explain to me exactly how you know my personality and exactly what I am made of? Having never met me, explain how you determined that there are no good employable characteristics about me.
Question 4. Explain what my past employment record has shown as to job performance? You know it all, right? Present any and all incidences in my past job performance that reflect a reason to believe I am not employable, or a risk in and as to employment ? Reflect as well any positive references as to past employment, that you know of. Remember, you claim to know me personally.
Quote: [Who Mr. Hubbs really is tends to be the problem, because if he actually shows people who he really is, most people would distance themselves pretty quickly. That may explain why Mr. Hubbs has found it difficult to find a career where he can really prosper in and why he has (last I heard) been forced to work in a meat processing facility in another state where has has to be bussed back and forth over 60 miles each way. This may also explain why Mr. Hubbs is in his mid-50s yet has never been married nor has he ever had children, and it may explain why he is so desperate to fill the void in his personal life.] Unquote.
Question 5. Provide the complete basis and the proof for these false accusations… in detail? Provide as well the basis for the claim that there is a desperate need to fill a void in my personal life. If either factual or nonfactual, tell me why any such issue for anyone would be a personal concern of yours? And the actual point of it all, and those said claims, is what?
Quote: [Don't take my word for it though... just look at his personal MySpace pages. One one page he lists the following: Who I'd like to meet: "A woman. Any woman that looks good."
And on another one of his pages he lists this:Who I'd like to meet: "A good woman. Needs not have anything materially."] Unquote.
Question 6. Question? How would they do that, when all accounts were privatized long ago?
Quote: [So there you have it... Mr. Hubbs is trolling for a good looking woman who doesn't really need to have anything else. I guess his meat cutting wages are more than enough to provide for a good woman... and she can ride on the handlebars of his bike when they go grocery shopping. Sounds fun.] Unquote:
Question 7. Explain to me what relevance this has to the issues of modern medicine and vaccines truth? How about the relevance to my information being factual, or not? Explain what relevance this has to anything, period? Explain entirely your motivation and reasons for such a twisted and senseless personal attack?
Quote: [The entire point here is that Mr. Hubbs can remain upset that this blog exists, but the simple truth is he has nobody to blame other than himself. It isn't like I have quoted him unfairly or that I have simply made up information about him. The fact is, when I quote Mr. Hubbs they are his own words. When I call him on his nonsense it is based upon his own writings, and when I discuss his past it is based upon legitimate evidence such as his criminal record or published legal documents bearing his name. None of this is fabricated simply for personal enjoyment... rather it is shared specifically because those who come in contact with Mr. Hubbs deserve to know what they are getting themselves into.] Unquote:
Question 8. This above paragraph and its statements are completely and entirely nonfactual! It is a fabricated lie. No such statements have been quoted, and no such statements to verify ALL that you have stated here in this blog page. You know it and I know it. Start with a little truth and fill the rest in with fabricated lies. Prove me wrong and verify the sources for all the claims you have made?
Show as well how any verifiable sources prove additionally the remainder of your falsely believed and interconnected claims you have made?
List as well any links to the sources you are said referencing to on the internet? What I see here so far is exactly one link to nothing. Nothing but an alleged personal profile that is not indicative of much of anything.
What as well is the source for the picture on this page?
Quote: [The entire point here is that Mr. Hubbs can remain upset that this blog exists, but the simple truth is he has nobody to blame other than himself. It isn't like I have quoted him unfairly or that I have simply made up information about him. The fact is, when I quote Mr. Hubbs they are his own words. When I call him on his nonsense it is based upon his own writings, and when I discuss his past it is based upon legitimate evidence such as his criminal record or published legal documents bearing his name. None of this is fabricated simply for personal enjoyment... rather it is shared specifically because those who come in contact with Mr. Hubbs deserve to know what they are getting themselves into.] Unquote:
Question 9. This above paragraph and its statements are completely and entirely nonfactual! It is a fabricated lie. No such statements have been quoted, and there are no such statements to verify ALL that you have stated here in this blog page. You know it and I know it. Start with a little truth and fill the rest in with fabricated lies. Prove me wrong and verify the sources for all the claims you have made? Explain as well how any verifiable sources prove additionally the remainder of your falsely believed and interconnected claims, you have made?
Question 10. List any links to the sources you are said referencing to on the internet? I am not talking about your also unverified information blog pages. What I see here so far is exactly one link to nothing. What as well is the source for the picture on this page?
Question 11. Tell me why anyone would NOT believe that you are only a very angry person that has been beaten time and again as to the real facts, you refuse to face? Tell me why as well that anyone should not believe this blog page is not just falsely attacking revenge for the same?
Quote: [I know you like to pretend you are "winning" some type of argument here, but I'm afraid you lack the ability to be impartial about that fact. From those who have commented here, and from those who have interacted with you elsewhere it seems the only person who actually believes you are "winning" is you Mr. Hubbs.] Unquote:
Comment: No, in fact your delusions prevent you from seeing a large number of parents with vaccine damaged children and as well quite well educated doctors that have now seen and know the truth, the hard way. Their own children damaged. They would tell you that the truth I put forth is correct. The large number of sites out there and the parent’s vaccine truth seeking groups in each state, would tell you what I put forth is correct and that it is worth while as they do, to get the facts to anyone that will listen. And many have listened. The wanted the answers. Your endless denial does not change the facts nor the reality of it all.
Quote: [The fact you continually try to tell everyone else around you that you are “winning” and they are “losing” is more telling of your personal insecurity than it is anything else. To the rest of us, you remain as confused as you have ever been, and the more you claim your superiority the more it becomes clear your arguments cannot stand upon their own merits.] Unquote:
Comment: This twisted statement is the absolute height of your denial as to this blog page! How do drag some issue of insecurity into …THAT? I grab onto the information and facts and run with it, time after time. And I find more and more of that truth each time. I love it. It is clearly an information war for me, and something I am dam good at, deny it all you want. You wouldn’t have created this attacking blog and spent the hours you have denying all, if that were not true. That information war is something many others out there are as well involved in, and I would not have it any other way. We will put the truth out there until changes are made; and if they never are and it all only gets worse, we will fight even harder to get the message out there to anyone that wants the answers and truth.
Question 12. I will also be wanting to check out your twisted psychology degree Costner; where is there a copy of it that I can verify the college you went to? LOL!
Send me a picture of you Costner? I would just love to see what someone like you looks like? Is there any links to that? Oh, that's right; you must maintain complete lack of any identity because you are fearful of me and all is provable by your unverified and falsely exaggerated expose of my horrid character defects. Please back up with the proof and links to any reference material you have to back up every statement you made on this page! Thank you for your attention and complete cooperation.
Quote: [None of this is fabricated simply for personal enjoyment... rather it is shared specifically because those who come in contact with Mr. Hubbs deserve to know what they are getting themselves into.]Unquote:
Question 13. And exactly what is it that those who come in contact with me - are getting into? Care to explain; and back up your statements with verifiable facts and proof. False accusations without a direct source of applicable proof, is nothing but a baseless claim. Apparently you seem to be claiming there are direct proof examples of past and current interactions that lead to this conclusion.
Produce it!
Last of all, this comment!
Quote: [The best part is that even if I never post to this blog again... it will be on the Internet for years, and therefore it will have served its purpose long after I have moved on to something else.
Don't you just love technology?] Unquote.
Comments: So what you are saying is that you love it that you made a major attempt to destroy someone that only put the truth forward to help parents and people make the right decisions, based on the information that mainstream medcial sources refuse to allow them to have access to. You are saying in effect that there should be a limitation as to what people are allowed to consider for information, and you alone will play God as to what that will be. You discourage anyone and everyone from exploring ANY alternative information as to their health care and as to vaccines. And while what? The parents and children have and remain with no answers? No issue as to autism and its causes should be off the table, nor as to anything else in relation to all of the now very sick children that exist in out world! What is the cause? And YOU do not know!
That internet technology can be used for some very good purposes of attaining information sources that years back we had very little acccess to. That is a good thing. The public is allot smarter than you think, and want to think. They can determine for themselves what is the best information and as well what is actually fact information. And many have, far more than you want to believe exist, alis no identity Costner!
When the internet is used to attempt to atttack and destroy someone, and their information, by someone with no identity at all, then it becomes a source of evil. You ARE doing the devils work, Costner! Make no mistake about it.
You have clearly been shown to be wrong and as well to be putting forth lies and misinformation on every front, as evidenced in the pages of this blog right here. If there is any reason you would give that effort up, it would be that you had repeatedly failed on every front, to accomplish your task. Then you just leave it sit as is, and hopefully in your bent mind you can have something perpetually out there, that can lie to and mislead anyone having the misfortune of seeing your blog. What a noble... mission.
Maybe you would want to answer this question as well Costner? What were you doing, blogging with a false name and identity as early as 2007? With the profile name, Costner Matthews, listed occupation - consultant. When you realized I had found that, you removed the information from the profile. Isn't that a little strange?
End of the questions. As said, no response to any of them was received.
Here I will also reproduce a copy of what were 3 additional reply comments, as well. If you go to his replies on that blog page, you can easily see how he lied, ignored and misrepresented what was there in the content of my replies. Of course, those replies remain unpublished. To much truth. If he had published them, he then of course would not be able to lie about and misrepresent the truth about the content of what was actually there.
Here we go: My replies he refused to publish.
Reply #1
Reply quote: Bottom line – if you make a claim it is your duty to support it. If you cannot support it and you need to flip it around and ask everyone else to prove you wrong... you have failed. That is how it works. Unquote.
You seem to be, and/or are acting terribly confused! Is that being done intentionally, to derail having to put the information sources up here? You are right, it is my duty to support it, and I have never not provided that. It is as well entirely within reason, and also within my right, to ask you to support your position as well. Are you assuming that people will just take it for granted that all the science is there to support your position, cases closed? Wow. That is a two way street; not a one way.
You remain in refusal to put the information and three easy sources up here! Why is that? There is just an enormous amount of evidence that unvaccinated children, and actually those people in general are healthier. There exists as well an enormous amount of information and evidence that people who follow the correct dietary protocols, eliminating all the processed food, toxic additives, and as well sugar. Those people are most often in amazing health when include as well lots of whole living raw food and vegetable juices. This is the basis for reversal of health problems and even cancer known as the Gerson Institute protocol, that has worked since the 30's and has been refined since then, to include the information you can get through the Halleluijha Acres site, with all the testimonials, go look.(Hallelujah Diet?), although you can also choose some meat protein as well. Look at those people and the children that live that protocol, and better yet are as well unvaccinated. They are amazingly healthy. In the testimonials also see how many health conditions they have reversed with that, no longer requiring prescription drugs.
What more proof would anyone need that this protocol and the information is something that is far better than being vaccinated with toxin filled vaccines, to prevent so called disease. Chronic disorders and illnesses have skyrocketed in children perfectly parallel with the steady increase in vaccines since 1987. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to put all that together. If you had your way, no one would ever know about it until pharma does an acceptable enough peer reviewed study.
You are suppressing the truth. You are denying the truth and the information on and concerning all of the above. You are refusing to put my information sources up here. Put them up here and LET the public be the judge. If you think you have determined that there is nothing significant there, and choose instead to falsely mock it all while refusing to reference to it; how can anyone determine what is actually being put forth and referenced to at all? There is just far to much information to even begin attempting to put all that into reply comments. Unless you have something to fear concerning what would be realized if you put those sources up here, you will do it. Right on my site home page there is more than enough information to back up what I am stating, and as well on my counter blog page, also listed. In view of that information, for you to continue to demand a peer reviewed study that you already know and were told does not exist, is just incredibly asinine; thus amounting to just more mockery of fact.
Unvaxed vs Vaxed Health
Another one: Reply #2
Whats the problem Costner, you can read English. Do you not understand the most basic of common sense?
The only reason that study has not been done is because the CDC has failed in their responsibilities to study the un-vaccinated populations that exist. Who else is going to pay for that study in its official form? The CDC already knows about those Amish and other populations, that they could study, yet they ignore it as if it is not there. They know what the outcome would be of that study because the answer is already to obvious.
As far as the study of those populations, why would anyone need to study it further? We already know what is there. Thousands of un-vaccinated children and adults that are perfectly healthy, and they remain far healthier than the general population who are o9r have been vaccinated. That is and has become increasingly more obvious when you compare the children on the current CDC vaccine schedule, to those within those said populations that received no vaccines. There is a dramatic difference. Also, when you compare the children in our communities that are home schooled without vaccinations, and those as well that have exemptions; the health of those children as well is far superior to those who have been vaccinated. Why? Because their bodies and immune systems are not pumped full of endless toxic chemicals and unnatural Frankenstein style biological agents made from animals and even aborted fetuses. This is not rocket science, Costner. Time for you to wake up!
So, if you don't have that said desire study in its official form, then what is the next best thing and proof item??? It involves actually taking an honest look at those un-vaccinated populations.
So here we have it. That said. You are refusing to allow any information to be put forth that outlines the information and specifics and as to the health of those said populations! You are refusing to allow it to be put forth and as well to review any such direct information about those populations. You are acting like a bratty 2nd grader, yet refusing anything but a peer reviewed study, which you already know does not exist, and why. So, what have you proven here, Costner? Have you proven that there is no difference in the health of the vaccinated verses the un-vaccinated? No. Have you proven that there is no proof that the un-vaccinated are far healthier, just because there is no referenced published peer reviewed study? No. And what journal would that as well need to be in, to be acceptable enough for you? A pharma connected journal-no less? And what else would be required; hat the CDC acknowledged the study as valid? And until that happens there is no proof that the un-vaccinated are far healthier. Just reviewing what exists within those population is not enough, correct? Unless, it is per reviewed by who? Pharma? There you have it again. Total denial of ALL.
In regard to the FDA's suppression of alternative cancer cures that work amazingly better than chemo and radiation, and the information concerning Burzynski and his new clinic; you conveniently ignored that as well, correct???
Denial of ALL. What else is new? How pathetic is that? Keep showing the world what you really are and what your made of! It has become all to obvious.
How can it be claimed that Hubbs is dodging the issue because there is no such study available, when Hubbs never stated nor maintained there was such a study available. In fact he has said just the opposite, with the exception of the health of un-vaccinated children survey study that was as well addressed in your blog here. Of course as you know, your understanding and take on that study was obviously and intentionally skewed, and as to the numbers. You even admitted not understanding the study outcome. You refused to respond when your math was put to question. You were specifically asked for the math used, the numbers you used and verification of those numbers and sources. You of course never responded.
Survey results: State of health of unvaccinated children
This is similar if not exactly the same as what you did regarding the 3rd leading cause of death studies. You clearly skewed the numbers there as well, and were not able to follow even basic math. I clearly outlined that in my corresponding counter blog page. What would be enough? Obviously nothing.
Here is something that should interest YOU! Enjoy!
The Great Cancer Hoax Part 1: The Brilliant Cure the FDA Tried Their Best to Shut Down...
The Great Cancer Hoax Part 2: The Brilliant Cure the FDA Tried Their Best to Shut Down...
End of the three replies he refused to publish. To much truth; you can not lie your way around that! Just go read his lying responses to these three reply posts, on his blog. Sick stuff - indeed.
Wow, is this guy for real? Amazing evil, and amazing... endless denial of all! Who is it that has so much to lose, the truth be known? Good question - indeed.
More info:
And Costner states, ALL the science is in...vaccines do NOT cause autism! End of story.
Dr. Healy was the first woman appointed head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), former professor of medicine at John Hopkins University, professor and dean of College of Medicine and Public Health at the Ohio State University and president of the American Red Cross.
Dr Healy was recognised for her brilliance, wisdom, passion, loyalty, integrative thinking and willingness to help others. In the field of autism, she stood recognising the concerns raised by parents regarding the potential triggers of vaccines.
“I think public health officials have been too quick to dismiss the hypothesis (vaccines can trigger autism) as irrational without sufficient studies of causation.”
Please take a moment to listen to Dr. Healy on CBS expressing her concerns regarding vaccine safety and a potential link to autism.
They were told. "Do not look for those susceptible groups"! So they didn't.
Autism Treatment Trust, Remembering Bernadine Healy
Healy on the Vaccine Autism Link
Coalition for SAFEMINDS
As well Costner, you put a challenge in front of me on your previous blog page to produce a peer reviewed study that showed that unvaccinated children were healthier than vaccinated, and as well a peer reviewed study proving that there was a better way than vaccinations to avoid disease.
You were TOLD there is no peer reviewed study, as that has been the responsibility of the CDC to study those groups, and as well you know very well that they have refused to. Is there any reason you could not publish the collected information on that blog page I did provide you? No, there is NO reason; it was to much truth. More truth than you could allow acknowledged!
Here it is - again: You refused to publish that! If you can - not publish that, and refuse to accept anything but a peer reviewed study that you knew all along did not exist, something is just way wrong with your agenda. Does the lack of that peer reviewed study prove that there is no significance in the differences in that health of those groups? Does it mean that there were no unvaccinated groups to study? NO.
You as well Costner, have falsely claimed before - that there ARE vaxed verses un-vaxed studies that show little to no differences in the rate of autism. However, when you review those as I told you, they are NOT actually vaxed verses un-vaxed studies; not when only one vaccine (MMR) has been eliminated from the two groups.
You have produced nothing! So why do you continue to disallow the information from someone who has! Let the public be the judge and comment accordingly! You scared of that?
Reply to: A Simple Request For Lowell Hubbs
Unvaxed vs Vaxed Health
First of all the term disease is a misnomer, as to most of the viruses, etc, that they vaccinate for. Those illnesses and cycling through them in many cases are able to strengthen the immune system; where as vaccines only in many cases dysregulate the immune system. Doctors are so ignorant that they do not even realize that fever and not treating fever in most cases is the key to developing immunity and recovery. Life time immunity is far better than the temporary immunity of vaccines. With the many actual herd immunity failures that have been, it questions just how effective vaccines are, or if they are at all? That information is undeniable and avoided any direct address by the CDC other than to again and again falsely fear monger the non-vaccinating parents. If 80% of the outbreaks were in the vaccinated, there is clearly a big hole in their claims and story. Herd immunity, there is NO real science for it, period. How about all the people who are older, and any claimed antibody protection from the vaccines has worn off? Are they not a reservoir for a break in that herd immunity, and disease? See how stupid this whole, we have the science thing... is?
How adequately do immunologists understand the immune system when they put peanut oil in vaccines, and resulted in life threatening peanut allergies in children? Gee, I wonder why that was so rare before they did that? How about latex, and in the tips of prefilled vials?
The Peanut Allergy Epidemic is a MAN-MADE EPIDEMIC caused by vaccinations!
Peanut Allergy.
Peanut Allergy – Vaccinations Link: Consumer Concerns
The History of the Peanut Allergy Epidemic, by Heather Fraser that implicates vaccinations. [Paperback]
Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2006 Jun;6(3):202-6.
Current developments in peanut allergy.
The immunologists do not really have a clue.
So, what do they suggest and do next? What else? Profit from the first mistake.
BMJ. 1999 April 3; 318(7188): 894.
PMCID: PMC1115329
Copyright © 1999, British Medical Journal
Scientists develop vaccine strategy for peanut allergy
Basics of the Human Immune System Prior to Introduction of Vaccines: Are Vaccines Turning Our Children’s Immune Systems Inside Out? Part 1
Basics of the Human Immune System Prior to Introduction of Vaccines: Are Vaccines Turning Our Children’s Immune Systems Inside Out? Part 2
Oh, but does he have any peer reviewed studies on that...Costner, fretting like a nervous internet - attacking rat in a corner?
Costner has maintained as well that there are NO concerns, even with Gardasil. Every vaccine is safe and effective in his view. He has all the science, and you can see what I did as well with that claim. Don't think I understand the science? "Denial, is a river in Egypt"!
HPV -- Let the safety challenges begin
Thanks to Cynthia for all she does!
SANE Vax Inc. Discovers Potential Bio-hazard Contaminant in Merck’s Gardasil™ HPV 4 Vaccine
Gardasil HPV vaccines found contaminated with recombinant DNA that persists in human blood.
Check out this video, is it enough damage ...YET!
Local Parent Files Lawsuit Against Makers Of Gardasil
To serve and protect their neighbors, their communities, and their country, is part of the military honor code. Lets get the vaccine truth information out there to anyone that will listen. Courage, and selfless service; no matter how rejected the information ends up, in certain hands that have to much to lose, or simply will just refuse to get it. We serve those that will learn and take the information seriously, and those parents and people are clearly out there.
Brooke The Thankyou Fairy!
Gardasil and Cervarix - Merck's murder weapons
The mothers fighting to get this vaccine removed from the market, and the FDA so far listened but obviously did not hear. They have to much to lose, and the price tag for that reluctance to accept fact, is resulting in the continued and needless more harm than good - destruction that continues to go on. When it is enough? Obviously never-they continue in the false light of the ill-conceived and believed, greater good. Shocking and amazing.
Truth About Gardasil
Gardasil- 4 separate pages there.
Every Child - Vaccine Damaged - By Two!
You see Costner? All you are doing is giving me more exposure of this truth information you hate, to the world!
"Kiss my.....what"? Vaccines Saved the world! ...Sheeples, 100's of them, head stuck in a fence..."baaaa" ..."baaa"!
It does not matter who I am or what I do. All you know Costner, is that I am someone YOU can not deal with! And never could.
Vaccines and Immunization Harm - References and Research Citations
Watch HDNet World Report “Vaccines & Autism: Mixed Signals” (3 very good videos - telling it like it is from the parents view - point).
Healing Our Children, (what an awesome site and well put together set of information)!
The Cause of Disease & Healing Disease. Short expose on the basics of the health care controversy that goes back 100 years, Becamp's concepts verses the failed concepts of Pasteur. Understand THAT, and the whole picture immediately comes together!
The polio vaccine: a critical assessment of its arcane history, efficacy, and long-term health-related consequences
Polio Index: What part did vaccines play in the eradication of Polio?
The Myths of Science - Rethinking Polio
In the 1950s, the poliovirus for the polio vaccine was cultured from monkey kidneys. Bernice Eddy, a scientist at the Division of Biologics Standards (DBS), tested the vaccine for contaminants. Her findings were shocking!
She discovered that hamsters injected with the virus cultured off monkey kidneys eventually developed tumors! Several years later, her findings were confirmed by Merck scientist, Maurice Hilleman. The name of the virus that contaminated the polio vaccine was SV-40.
Note: Please start with “Exhibit 51” on page 3 of the 50-page document.
Vaccine pioneer admits unknowingly adding cancer-causing virus to Vaccine, SV40.
Origin of AIDS: The Polio Vaccine (CBC 'Witness', 2004)
Smallpox vaccine: Does it Work?
Smallpox Vaccine: Origins of Vaccine Madness
Vaccines Grown on Aborted Fetal Tissue
A Brief History of Human Diploid Cell Strains, used in vaccines.
Rene Leiva, M.D.
Vaccines and Brain Inflammation, Harold E Buttram, MD and Catherine J Frompovich
Herd Immunity-Truth
Government vaccine compensation payouts prove autism link.
Coalition for SAFEMINDS
Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality
Kathleen Stratton, Andrew Ford, Erin Rusch, and Ellen Wright Clayton,
Editors; Committee to Review Adverse Effects of Vaccines; Institute of
New IOM Report on Vaccine Adverse Effects Shows Alarming Lack of Good Science SafeMinds Notes: Parents Should Still be Concerned
Unanswered Questions from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: A Review of Compensated Cases of Vaccine-Induced Brain Injury
http://digitalcommons.pace. edu/pelr/vol28/iss2/6/
The Flu Vaccine–What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You (Or Probably Doesn’t Even Know).
The Flu Vaccine–What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You (Or Probably Doesn’t Even Know).
This is ME Costner, at my new home away from the stalkers and hackers! LOL.
The gov't sentenced him at the age of 62 to prison for what were his life long activities making a living. Why? Because they couldn't control it or tax it. He died of carbon monoxide poisoning, suicide.
When you go up in space Costner, don't forget to put the one way valve farting hose on the suit!!! This is his character image attached to his character name Costner on the Argus Leader, Sioux Falls, SD. The place where he spent an inordinate amount of time attacking me there to.

No, They didn't tell me that"?
I've been duped??? They'll never cure, anything? I don't get it?

Buying properties and building buildings.
Blue lights on the buildings from here to Hong Kong!
What ....Improved???

You do not improve ANYTHING, throwing millions and millions at the same failed system! Proof positive.
Reversing diabetes.
Review: Healing Cancer from the Inside Out.
Vitamin D Receptor Deficiency Enhances Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling and Tumor Burden in Colon Cancer. Applicable to likely genetic breast cancer as well, which only a small percentage of breast cancer is genetic as to increased risk.
And Sanford just donated another 100 million to addressing that genetic cause.
Burzynski The Movie - Cancer Is Serious Business
Video Information
Burzynski, the Movie is the story of a medical doctor and Ph.D biochemist named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the FDA in American history.

The real.... way. And the right way!
And THAT is what Costner just hates! "They have no peer reviewed studies!? Let them die! It's all quackery and conspiracy theories! He wants the information silenced! Completer denial of anything from A to Z.
Pharma Not in Business of Health, Healing, Cures, Wellness.
Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher
The Nile
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