Toxic Vaccinations
Complete and Utter Bullshit!
More Harm Than Good
Welcome to the, "Real World"!
Here is your study! Straight from the peer review of and from real life people! That's good enough, for anyone! You can not deny that much information. What, do you think they are all lying? I guess you think they are ALL only conspiracy theorists, too?
Unvaxed vs Vaxed Health
How sick and psychotic is this guy Costner, if you actually look at his sick blog work, and his agenda? And what is that? Take a look at that entire twisted, delusional and lying blog; and compare it to this one! This guy is as said, simply and endlessly flat out delusional far beyond any rational sensibility, and he clearly no longer deserves a reply to anything, he never did. What I am showing here is the endless insanity in his claims and typically always the same false arguments. Endlessly, over and over and over his claims are proven wrong, and over and over his lying hatred gets pushed again past the sensibility of even the most skilled liar. This is what the medical establishment has produced. It took 100 years of suppression of truth and fact, but THIS is the result. Who's problems is it if you refuse to educate yourself to the facts? Yours, or mine?
Don't believe me, start educating yourself to the real history of what was and has been known. And who suffers? Costner? No, all he has ever done is create sick mockery of all that exists. He in fact in reality, mocks every person who needlessly died at the hands of pharma, when there clearly was a better way. He mocks not only the vaccine damaged children but the parents and all the people adversely effected in any way. This isn't about modern medicine anymore, if it ever actually was. This is about one very sick individual with no identity falsely attacking a man willing to put the real truth out there as many others already have across the world, and to do that unlike him, with a real identity. Do you not have to ask that if he is so right, that he can not do what he does being a real man and coming forth fearless like I do? But Costner he can not do that, to say here is who I am and what I am. No, like a cowering pharma chicken he hides, making every false claim and excuse in the book for his lack of any guts and identity. What does that tell you??? What doers that tell you as well about the true nature of what he does.
Costner, that was his character name on the Argus Leader. Same sick guy, same exact lying and delusion and brainwashed bullshit - different day. Claim by claim, rant for rant, post by post. Here is a a little clue, alias no identity for now 2 years Costner. It has never been about YOU. It has been about the opportunity to put the truth out there. And actually unrealized to you, that in some way has allowed me to accomplish putting more information to the public, than if you hadn't been there. Your deception is actually turning off anyone that reads your garbage, and then they know they need to look for the truth. I am not talking about pharma fools like you and their following. I am talking about people in need of real facts and truth. The sickness and deceptive lying evil that resides in a soul like yours, is just unimaginable and unconscionable, period. It is all to obvious dude; you ever bother to look in the mirror?
You know what, here is a good enough study on both issues, that should be good enough for anyone, and its real life, and that is even better than some potentially corrupt pharma peer review. Clean living and diet, no diseases nor illness; not even the degenerative health issues exist in the older adults. That would be all I would need to hear. Why is not the CDC studying that group of people, and as well Dr. Mayer Eisensteins, Homefirst group of people with over 30,000 files having had no vaccines and no autism? The very clear answer to that is right below, they do not want to know. And in the rest of the article just look at the coercion and fear mongering the medical side is putting onto these to get vaccines and mess their life up like the medical-ized folks. It's sick, these said medical establishments are just plain sick. What kind of evil and just flat out refuse to get, does that take? Amazing.
The Amish Don't Get Autism but They Do Get Bio-Terrorism
People outside the alternative health community are often confused by the lack of autism in the Amish people. The Amish do not experience autism, or any of the other learning disabilities that plague our technological society. The Amish live in a society that consists of outdated technologies and ideals, by contemporary standards. Their diet consists of eating organic, fresh, locally-grown produce, and of course, they do not follow the established vaccination routines. To the dismay of the mainstream media and the medical establishment, this has resulted in a healthier people, that are void of all of our chronic diseases. Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are virtually non-existent in Amish villages. Equally non-existent are modern, chemically-engineered medicines, enhanced (chemically-engineered) foods, G.M.O. foods, and of course, vaccines. How is it that those who are without the "miracles" of modern orthodox medicine are healthier? The truth about health, medicine, and how they both relate to the Amish is becoming an embarrassment to some rather powerful people.
There have been 3 (yes three) verified cases of autism in the Amish, and at least two of those children were vaccinated. No information is available for the third. The strong correlation between vaccinations and autism is absolutely undeniable, unless you work for the medical establishment, the government, or Big Media. Proponents of the status-quo claim that the Amish obviously have a special super gene that makes them immune to autism. They pathetically try to rationalize that autism is some type of genetic failure (i.e. God's fault), which attacks a brain based on religious affiliation. We're tentatively expecting a space alien theory next, in a similar vein to the aliens theory used to attack those who believe in a Creator. This is truly is F.D.A. and A.M.A. science in all its shining glory. Vaccine proponents are willing to espouse any ridiculous explanation, so long as they do not have to accept that their entire industry of vaccinations is causing chronic disease, leaving autism for 1 in every 100 children now.
Read more:
Lets get started with a copy of this reply I posted to Costner's blog page, just to put a few things into proper perspective here. As always it was refused and not published; with nothing but a smart ass reply. There is always to much truth contained and it would disallow his further lying. He knows that; so all he did was again lie entirely about what was there; which included as well a title and link to this blog page right here.
The reply:
Visited this blog numerous times over the past few days? And you have evidence of that? Ok, show and tell me what it is? There as well hasn't been any replies made by me, so obviously you are a bit confused. Including that above reply you falsely reposted under my name. Wow, that's not the first time for that!
First you claim that you require that I must reply by google acct. only, and then you go falsely publish something that clearly doesn't appear to have been from a google acct.
First you claim you know every time I post and when under another name. Then you at the same time claim I must post under a google acct ID, so you can now it is really me? Wow.
You, with no identity at all... yourself.
But yet when I actually send you something as a reply from me, with my name; each and every time you refuse to publish it!
It's just a little bit twisted in your world.. Costner! Always was. I know you all to well.
Seems you have a very false and self inflated image of yourself there..Costner!
I have by the way, supported my views with the science, far more times than you ever have! Admit it! You seen it and know it. Regardless of the fact that you as well failed to publish it.
Your twisted distortions and claims as to sex rings and kiddie porn and etc., are so ignorant of fact and grossly fabricated as to actual reality, that it is absolutely about mind boggling. You are a complete, twisted, and lying fool on every level.
To even claim that "he isn't even able to make friends on well known anti-vaccination strongholds", is all just more lying bullshit. What reference is there for that garbage? None. Is there anything you will not stop at, regarding your lies?
As far as the subject content of your blog page here, that will be covered quite well in my own blog, when there is the time. Some people actually are busy with other things and don't have the time to waste addressing all your bullshit ...every day. Not that your kind of ilk deserve any attention at all.
Lets see YOU provide the science to show that vaccinated children's health is superior to un-vaccinated children and teens!
Lets see you show us the rationale and the science as well, as to proof that there is no way that eating a proper diet, without sugar, white flour and all the processed chemicalized junk in it has any affect on immunity and resistance to illness! Show me a study proving as well that there is no such thing as toxicity having any affect on health.
I will ask you this? In the many times that the CDC has been asked to do it, and as well the IOM and others; why have they refused to do an vaxed verses unvaxed study? Its unethical? To not do one is unethical.
Why has not the CDC looked at and studied the Homefirst Medical Community, headed by Dr. Mayer Eisenstein? Over 30,000 files of un-vaccinated children, and no autism. They also do not have the sick kids with asthma, ADD, diabetes and all the rest of it that the vaccinated community has. Yet, what do you see going on? Stooges from and connected to the medical community publishing articles falsely claiming that Amish community does have autism. And have you ever seen any actual proof of that claim? No. The medical files are all there. There's YOUR autism vaxed verses unvaxed study, and allot more!
Last of all, as to your claim that I do not allow reply comments on my blog. That is another lie. And what means to any proof of that do you have? I am not willing, like YOU to create fake character names and fake replies to support my information and view points.
As a fact there have been no comments to publish. Early on there were many that were nothing but sick and twisted sexual innuendo and nothing more; why would I publish that? The comments that had any substance at all as to vaccines or anything related, were all published. The problem for those people is that they soon realized that they did not control the information on my blog, and they were quickly shown to be wrong about their claims. Go check it out. So, apparently no one since has bothered to reply post any garbage; having seen that.
I can tell you this, editor..Costner! Any time you want to post a reply on my blog I would be more than happy to publish it, and unlike you I will not screen it and refuse it because it has to much truth in it, just as long as it has any reasonable issue at all, that can be debated or addressed. Go ahead and see if you can prove your said false claim? I do not get to the blog comments every day as you seem to, but I will get to them.
End of reply.
Modern Toxic Medicine and Toxic Vaccinations

Complete and Utter Bullshit! More Harm Than Good.
Welcome to The Real World!
Medical, political correctness, JUST got shit down the toilet, right here! And who suffers for that brainwashed correctness? The children, the teens, the adults, the seniors; all trusting their allopathic and falsely presumed intelligent gods in white coats! Gardasil, for now boys and men??? The medical establishment itself, clearly has been DUPPED as well; where they could have been doing some real improving that human condition, had they been allowed to. Now, make no mistake, medical procedures, ER emergency serviced and emergency room services, and even as well pharma drugs have their place at times; the drugs limited to actually somewhat rare times.
You first need to understand the real risks verses the benefits; but the majority of the population has not been told of the more harm than good that the many protocols of and the pharmaceuticals (falsely called medicine), have all become. How can people understand the real means to healing, health, and prevention; if you are NEVER shown? You think THEY have been shown...really?
Costner, also had even the audacity to create a page on Dr. Ben Rall, DC, running that good man down in every false way he could find. How can you knock it if you have never tried it? He has provided the means and knowledge to heal and create wellness again, in more people in his practice than he obviously has a clue about, nor cares! People, that pharma and modern medicine clearly and repeatedly failed...and miserably! What is it about his hatred of alternative means that actually work? Get to some of those seminars you know about Costner, and correct just a small part of your ignorance of fact? And you would and will have nothing to say when they are done, as a fact. The facts are backed up far to well. Try me, and what I am saying? Prove me wrong! But Costner will still be standing at the mighty towers of allopathic medicine when they fall, screaming, "find me a peer reviewed study, this can't happen"! Don't worry though, they have far to much power, money, control of the information, and to much to lose for THAT to ever happen! And the last 100 years to get a-hold of it all.
The 5 Essentials are the core foundation of Maximized Living.
Then he Costner, as well went on to attack Dr. Hagen a local chiropractor for being a quack. Voted best in the city multiple times. Why? Just because he wrote a book, and had an ad in the newspaper about a seminar? And, if you had an actual identity Cosnter, would you be doing all that? Or would you be far to embarrassed by it? Modern medicine is so endlessly full of more harm than good quackery Costner, and YOU can't see that? Yet, you insist on attacking, ANYONE who has it right!
How much has Sanford's millions actually improved the human condition... really; from what was already there, or will it ever? More money thrown at the same failed system will never get to the bottom of the problems. It takes actual understanding of the human body, and not just masking or altering the symptoms and/or conditions. There is no money in healthy people, nor in real understanding of the cause and resulting reversal of and a cure. I am telling you today, it IS all that evil.
Just what the hell is it exactly that you Costner can not or refuse to see, about the clear and endless failures of so called modern medicine? You want science, but you without fail refuse to accept it when it shows you what you do not want to see nor admit to. HOW ... can anyone advocate that for that modern medicine and no other, is the best thing out there for everyone, when it clearly is proven by the well studied numbers to be at least the third leading cause of death in America? Is that really good sign of success... to you? What should that tell you, and what should have that told you long ago, right out of the gate? Read, and listen to those numbers again!
That study, was originally published in the AMA Journal as you can see, but of course they later removed it out without a word to the public as to why. No further studies were done by them; except later update contributions by the original author. Have they published any of it? No.
But you Costner can simply not have someone like me putting that out there, correct? So you must do what? Lie about the math? You have dogged me for now nearly two years. First, on the Argus Leader in two over 300 reply letters on autism, and then now you created what you see in your blog, with the asinine aspect to that of putting not your name, but my name in the url. You clearly state that your top priority and intent is to mock and harass... me??? And why? Because you are and have been repeatedly shown to be wrong; and no matter how mind twisted your arguments get, to deny that? The actual truth is clearly NOT your objective. Who's fault is it, that modern medicine is what it is? Who's fault is it, that it all became that way? Mine? No, you have 100 years of human involvement involved, with a massive amount of greed and conflict of interest. The FDA is a literal house of revolving door corruption, and CDC not much better. It essentially involves a well known battle between good and evil; and that is where I come in. Like it or not; I am clearly very good at what I do - and with what I have to work with.
Do you ever wonder why alias Costner is so hateful of the truth? And do you ever wonder why he has chased after me now for nearly two years, trying to shut me down any chance he gets? It is TO MUCH TRUTH! The one thing alias Costner (used as his Argus log in character name), will never admit to though, is that knows very well from past experience that he can not ever shut me down when all the information is not in his control. He loses every time, regardless of his lack of admission of being such a fool. Do you wonder at all why he has progressed to refusing to allow any information but a peer reviewed study, and from only what he determines is an adequately accepted main stream journal, not just any journal. He can not counter the facts, so is the only means left to deny the facts. To simply state that there is no truth nor proof of anything, without a pharma/ mainstream recognized and connected peer reviewed study, and that is the only thing he ever will accept; is purely denialist foolish. So, what is HIS real agenda? You got it!
The 5 Essentials are the core foundation of Maximized Living.
Modern Toxic Medicine and Toxic Vaccinations

Welcome to the, "Real World"!
More harm Than Good.
As far as the reference to Mayer Eisenstein and Homefirst Medical. That information is easily found.
The Age of Autism: 'Amish bill' introduced
WASHINGTON, July 28 (UPI) -- For the second time this week, legislation aimed at determining whether vaccines are linked to an epidemic of unrecognized side effects has been introduced in Congress -- this time as a direct result of reporting by Age of Autism.
The new legislation, titled the Comprehensive Comparative Study of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Populations Act of 2006, would order the National Institutes of Health to study "health outcomes, including autism," in those two groups.
In essence, the bill proposes the simplest way to exonerate vaccines as a cause of autism: If the autism rate is about the same in never-vaccinated children, vaccines are unlikely to play any role.
"In this country we have very high levels of vaccination," CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding told Age of Autism at a news conference last year. While "such studies could be done and should be done," she suggested, the obstacles might be overwhelming.
But this column identified several groups that might fit the bill -- from the Amish in Pennsylvania Dutch country to homeschooled children to patients of a Chicago family practice.
"I have not seen autism with the Amish," said Dr. Frank Noonan, a family practitioner in Lancaster County, Pa., who has treated thousands of Amish for a quarter-century.
"You'll find all the other stuff, but we don't find the autism. We're right in the heart of Amish country and seeing none, and that's just the way it is."
In Chicago, Homefirst Medical Services treats thousands of never-vaccinated children whose parents received exemptions through Illinois' relatively permissive immunization policy. Homefirst's medical director, Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, told us he is not aware of any cases of autism in never-vaccinated children; the national rate is 1 in 175, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
"We have a fairly large practice," Eisenstein told us. "We have about 30,000 or 35,000 children that we've taken care of over the years, and I don't think we have a single case of autism in children delivered by us who never received vaccines.
"We do have enough of a sample," Eisenstein said. "The numbers are too large to not see it. We would absolutely know. We're all family doctors. If I have a child with autism come in, there's no communication. It's frightening. You can't touch them. It's not something that anyone would miss."
Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, a Florida family practitioner with ties to families who homeschool their children for religious reasons, told Age of Autism he has proposed such a study in that group.
"I said I know I can tap into this community and find you large numbers of unvaccinated homeschooled," said Bradstreet, "and we can do simple prevalence and incidence studies in them, and my gut reaction is that you're going to see no autism in this group."
Osborne and Maloney said such examples undercut claims "there was not a big enough population to which we could compare the general vaccinated population. ... The Maloney-Osborne legislation proposes comparing vaccinated populations with unvaccinated populations such as these."
Read more:
And WHY does the CDC refuse to study that population and do a published study on that population??? They don't want to know...thats why? They already know!
Also here: the Homefirst Practice.
Why Don’t the Amish Have Autistic Children?
Natural Ways to Strengthen your Child's Immunity
by Melanie Waxman
Glutathione: The Body’s Natural Security System
If you still do not believe diet and toxicity issues play any significant roll in human health, nor as to effect on the immune system in staying resistant to illness or disease; go here.
Vaccine Ingredients
The look at the actual CDC schedule.
See any insanity in that? And Costner doesn't see that the children in this country are sicker than they have ever been? More of everything than there has ever been!
But not in the non-vaccinated children; as a fact. How much has he Costner, actually looked at the reality of that picture? Obviously, he hasn't; and could care less. He claims he needs a peer reviewed study from a journal mainstream approves of, and undoubtedly they will have to also have clearly excepted that study, or it remains non reputable in his view. He just can not get it through his head, and refuses to, that multiple and simultaneous toxic vaccines ...actually SUCK! If it all so good, why are the children left with more illness and disorders than ever before? Should they not instead be extremely healthy, if it was all good? They clearly over-all ...are NOT!
Ask around if you have the chance, and see and know as I have the parents of children non-vaccinated and see how much healthier they are than the vaccinated children, the differences become so absolutely obvious it is no longer even unquestionable. Add to that if the parents provide a diet devoid of sugar and over processed and chemicalized the foods, the health and well being outcomes for those children become even better.
Why do not the local medical clinics and pediatricians offices do their own study on how many vaccinated children they see for health issues other than getting vaccines, verses how many they see in a years time for health issues that are non-vaccinated? There the real studies of that would take on a whole new revelation!!! They already know! They will never admit to ...that! They clearly don't want to see the truth.
But you know what though? How would they even do a study like that, with many pediatricians now kicking all parents out of their office that refuse to vaccinate their children? There are many doctors of the same thinking. Wow, what a not so cool - actually an evil delema - for the refuse to get medical side.
Modern Toxic Pharma Medicine and Toxic Vaccinations

Complete And Utter Bullshit!
More Harm Than Good!
The typical story you will always hear!
Healthy Kids Without Vaccines!
Dear Thinktwice:
I am very happy to share with you the following information. Let me start from the beginning. Ten years ago my sister met her future husband who informed her that if they planned on having kids they would not be getting any vaccinations. She said, "We will see about that." Well, for the next two years she researched this information, of course looking at pros and cons of vaccinating and nonvaccinating, and came to the agreeing decision NOT to vaccinate. Soon thereafter, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. When she informed my parents of this decision they thought she was crazy, but for the next three years she and my parents were still looking into this CHOICE she had made. Then, my other sister gave birth to a healthy baby girl, and after looking into it herself for many years she and her fiance also did not vaccinate. To make a long story short, they both have two kids, now 8yrs and 2yrs; 4yrs and 1yr. I also have a little boy who is 20 months. Our cousin has three kids: 5yrs, 3yrs, and 1yr. Our aunt has four kids: 9yrs, 7yrs, 5yrs and 3yrs. And two friends of the family each have one-year-olds. The point of the story is that none of these children are vaccinated, none have any health problems, most of them have never even needed to go to the doctors except for a couple of broken bones, and they are well ahead of most kids' learning skills. People say they act two years older than their ages. And the ones that are old enough to be in school ARE in school with NO problems. We are big fans of your website. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story.
Vaccinated vs. Non-Vaccinated: Who Is Healthier?
Quick Compare:
Watch and listen below, as Dr. Rohlfsen, a Chiropractor, challenges the dogma of the medical establishment's claim of healthier children. Are vaccinated children healthier than non vaccinated children? And where is the proof? Please don't be a darn fool and claim because, "we don't have measles, polio, ect... and this demonstrates, all the proof we need". Any good scientist would agree that it is impossible and foolish to try and prove a negative. e.g "Because we don't have polio, the vaccination must have worked!" This is a sick and perverted informal fallacy that has promoted the vaccine hoax for so many years. Who's to say proper hygiene, sanitation and better nutrition as well as other factors didn't have a greater impact? Where does the burden of proof stand?
Vaccinated vs Non Vaccinated. Who is Healthier? Listen, and Learn!
Mother Explains Vaccine Injury, Deteriorating Health, Autism, and Why Not To Vaccinate
Autistic Child Fully Recovered with Biomedical Treatment for Autism
Kenneth Stoller, formerly a pediatrician with the American Academy of Pediatrics, listen to the real facts. At least there are a few people with the decency and fortitude to step up to the plate and admit responsibility. The AAP and CDC never will. They know!
Kenneth Stoller, MD was trained as a pediatrician at UCLA and was a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics for two decades. In 2008 he resigned from the AAP after realizing that the AAP has known that mercury in vaccines can cause Autism and other neurological damage, yet the organization has refused to make a determined effort to have mercury (in thimerosal) removed from all vaccines. And in fact, has instead engaged in a cover-up to protect the interests of the vaccine makers and pharmaceutical empires.
Autism, Vaccines, Mercury and the Culpability of the American Academy of Pediatrics
Vaccines Cause Autism, ADD/ADHD & Brain Damage - Dr. Kenneth Stoller
Autism Is A Medical Problem And There Is A Proven, Effective Medical Treatment - Dr. Kenneth
Stoller. Note what he even states how ischemic strokes happen in the vaccinated. Like the CDC does not who Dr Andrew Moulden is? They should, he was invited and asked to help evaluate a situation where there was a cluster of dead infant, likely a hot lot. When they found out what he knew he was escorted away by security, they did not want to know what he knew; nor anyone else to. They wanted to find a way it explain it away, that it was not their fault. These ischemic strokes are very easy to recognize once you see what they do.
The Use of Urinary Porphyrins Analysis in Autism
Dan Rossignol, MD International Child Development Resource Center
Pediatr Int. 2011 Apr;53(2):147-53. doi: 10.1111/j.1442-200X.2010.03196.x.
Toxicity biomarkers in autism spectrum disorder: a blinded study of urinary porphyrins.
Please take a moment to listen to Dr. Healy on CBS expressing her concerns regarding vaccine safety and a potential link to autism.
Autism Treatment Trust, Remembering Bernadine Healy
They were told. "Do not look for those susceptible groups"! So they didn't.
Excerpts: Dr. Bernadine Healy is the former head of the National Institutes of Health, and the most well-known medical voice yet to break with her colleagues on the vaccine-autism question.
In an exclusive interview with CBS News, Healy said the question is still open.
"I think that the public health officials have been too quick to dismiss the hypothesis as irrational," Healy said.
"But public health officials have been saying they know, they've been implying to the public there's enough evidence and they know it's not causal," Attkisson said.
"I think you can't say that," Healy said. "You can't say that."
Healy goes on to say public health officials have intentionally avoided researching whether subsets of children are "susceptible" to vaccine side effects - afraid the answer will scare the public.
"You're saying that public health officials have turned their back on a viable area of research largely because they're afraid of what might be found?" Attkisson asked.
Healy said: "There is a completely expressed concern that they don't want to pursue a hypothesis because that hypothesis could be damaging to the public health community at large by scaring people. "First of all," Healy said, "I think the public's smarter than that. The public values vaccines. But more importantly, I don't think you should ever turn your back on any scientific hypothesis because you're afraid of what it might show."
As an example, Healy points to the existing vaccine court claims.
CBS News has learned the government has paid more than 1,300 brain injury claims in vaccine court since 1988, but is not studying those cases or tracking how many of them resulted in autism.
The branch of the government that handles vaccine court told CBS News: "Some children who have been compensated for vaccine injuries…may ultimately end up with autism or autistic symptoms, but we do not track cases on this basis."
Leading Dr.: Vaccines-Autism Worth Study;videoMetaInfo
The Vaccination Debate, (good video that shows the ignorance of these brainwashed MD's) 26 new vaccines after 1989, right after the federal court 1988 NVCA, absolutely no liability for vaccine makers act. Direct parallel existing to the increase in not only autism, but ADD ADHD, asthma, allergy, diabetes, and cancer.
What Does An MD Sound Like Debating Vaccination? Dr. Rohlfsen, a Chiropractor, debating, Dr. Allan Koslow. Koslow doesn't know, what a vaccine reaction is! Imagine ...that!
Prominent MD "confused" on the Facts on immunity: Dr. Rohlfsen, Chiropractor. Welcome to the REAL world!!!!
Vaccine Wake Up Call for Parents: Your Children Are Being Taken, September 6, 2011
Think its not real, check it out with the references!
The Health Liberty Revolution & Forced Vaccination August 24, 2011
No Shots, No School, Not Really. By Dawn Richardson, NVIC Director of Advocacy,-No-School,-Not-Really-.aspx
Doctors Denying Vaccine Risks: An American Tragedy
The Moral Right to Conscientious, Philosophical and Personal Belief Exemption to Vaccination
State Law & Vaccine Requirements NVIC Cites "Betrayal" of Consumers by U.S. Supreme Court Decision Giving Total Liability Shield to Big Pharma
URGENT ACTION ALERT -- HELP STOP COERCED VACCINATION OF CHILDREN BEHIND THE BACKS OF THEIR PARENTS -THIS is what is now happening in our country! And there is a very active effort to produce a void of all exemptions that currently exist. The effort is there but has not been largely successful, YET! The activism groups like NVIC are and have been holding most of them off ...for now. Become a voice and stay active in the NVIC signature sends, to where ever you can!
The Life of Ian Larsen Gromowski Hepatitis B Vaccine Facts, and why; does an hours old infant get nor need a toxic hepatitis B vaccine? Its all about money.
The Effects of Vaccination on the Brain, Dr. Russell Blaylock
Screw YOU ...Costner!!!
Looks like in your sick personally attacking me, etc. that what and you have really done all along is to help get more fact information out there! People aren't that dumb, nor as dumb as YOU! And they can make their own decisions without you, and your knowingly lying help.
Gardasil! (Which you Costner, claim is all safe and effective as well). You and Paul Offit should make great buddies one day in the fires of hell! You can tell each other then how you had all that non debatable science, with the CDC and WHO truth and facts! You stated from day one as well that there was NOTHING wrong with Gardasil and there was no proof Gardasil caused anything. Nothing, would be enough! No problem. unless it happened... to YOU!
Gardasil Victim Speaks Out After 2 Years
Ashley Ryburn's life ruined by HPV (Gardasil) vaccine
Vaccine Autism Debate - "Except When They Do" - SafeMinds
Vaccine Epidemic
Warning, Gardasil May Cause Increased Risk of Cervical Cancer. 44.6%
Gardasil Death & Brain Damage: A National Tragedy.,-February-09,-2009-Gardasil-Death---Brain-D.aspx
Vaccine Safety Group Releases GARDASIL Reaction Report. NVIC
How US Government is Covering Up HPV Vaccine Side Effects, (also please go to the Gardasil pages).
The scientific evidence shows flu vaccines don't work 99% of the time.
Bill Gates admits Vaccines kill and/or sterilize. And all those CDC and WHO numbers of saved lives; where in the hell is their verification of that? It never existed in the 50's, and it does not exist now!
What they won't admit about measles outbreaks: Most children who catch measles were already vaccinated. And the herd immunity failures for all the main and commonly used vaccines over time, are numerous; they are there and known, and they cover it up. How? Falsely blaming the non vaccinated when herd immunity quite clearly existed.
Herd Immunity
VACCINES AND AUTISM – WHAT DO EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDIES REALLY TELL US? Coalition for SAFEMINDS The Cause of Disease & Healing Disease. Short expose on the basics of the health care controversy that goes back 100 years, Becamp's concepts verses the failed concepts of Pasteur. What did they run with? the only thing that would make MONEY! They knew, even then! How much needless suffer has been because of that? It is endless and massive!
Designed By God To Be In Health
Are Vaccines a Gift From God? Thank You JAMA, HPV Vaccine Warning.
Public Health vs Private Wealth, Gardasil
Vaccine Ingredients
Basics of the Human Immune System Prior to Introduction of Vaccines: Are Vaccines Turning Our Children’s Immune Systems Inside Out? Part 1
Basics of the Human Immune System Prior to Introduction of Vaccines: Are Vaccines Turning Our Children’s Immune Systems Inside Out? Part 2
The Suppression of Immune System Disorders by Passive Attrition. (Explains why and how natural immunity opposed to supposed vaccine immunity, creates a strong properly functioning immune system, opposed to one that is compromised by vaccine toxins and pathogens. Creation of increased vaccine derived antibodies, does NOT prove, correlate to, nor equal proven efficacy.
No science ever huh...Costner? Lying jackass, pit of endless... bullshit!!!
Self-Organized Criticality Theory of Autoimmunity
Conclusions/Significance Systemic autoimmunity appears to be the inevitable consequence of over-stimulating the host's immune ‘system’ by repeated immunization with antigen, to the levels that surpass system's self-organized criticality.
The polio vaccine: a critical assessment of its arcane history, efficacy, and long-term health-related consequences, [Lots of historical evidence that polio vaccine only increased cases of polio; realize how they accomplished this fraud
Smallpox vaccine: Does it Work?
Smallpox Vaccine: Origins of Vaccine Madness
Dispelling Vaccination Myths
Vaccines Grown on Aborted Fetal Tissue, and most parent have no clue what is in the vaccines, nor ask.
A Brief History of Human Diploid Cell Strains, used in vaccines. Rene Leiva, M.D.
Vaccines and Brain Inflammation, Harold E Buttram, MD and Catherine J Frompovich
Herd Immunity-Truth
Government vaccine compensation payouts prove autism link.
Unanswered Questions from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: A Review of Compensated Cases of Vaccine-Induced Brain Injury.
Some of the latest information on Gardasil. This is some majorly damaging information. If this can not get this dangerous vaccine pulled from the market, what would enough? Obviously nothing
SANE Vax Inc. Discovers Potential Bio-hazard Contaminant in Merck’s Gardasil™ HPV 4 Vaccine
Polysorbate 80 is in Gardasil as well.
Polysorbate 80 bypassing the blood brain barrier, and the harm it does. Polysorbate 80 is in many vaccines and also causes sterility in rats. An Elsevier/ Science Direct Study
Food Chem Toxicol. 1993 Mar;31(3):183-90.
Delayed effects of neonatal exposure to Tween 80 on female reproductive organs in rats
Gardasil Girls give the silent faces of autism a voice -- again
Not good.
It is not just one vaccine nor one vaccine ingredient causing all vaccine induced autism, nor is it just one bio-medical treatment protocol that works for all cases. Diet changes, heavy metal detox, and antiviral detox; one of all three have been know to have worked. Ask, why are they so reluctant to consider nor believe it is the vaccines? The answers can only come from unbiased and full review of all the information! Nothing left off limits.
Biomedical Treatment For Autism Video
Unanswered Questions from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: A Review of Compensated Cases of Vaccine-Induced Brain Injury
Children Sicker Now Than in Past, Harvard Report Says (Update1)
The Immunization Safety Review committee, reviewed the evidence regarding the hypothesis that multiple immunizations increase the risk for immune dysfunction, with a focus on evidence related to risk for infections, the autoimmune disease type I diabetes, and allergic disorders.
Immunization Safety Review: Multiple Immunizations and Immune Dysfunction
Released: February 20, 2002
Excerpt: The committee found that evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between multiple immunizations and increased risk for infections and for type I diabetes. They also found that epidemiological evidence regarding risk for allergic disease, particularly asthma, was inadequate to accept or reject a causal relationship. The committee recommended continued attention in the form of policy analysis, research, and communication strategy development to inform those concerned about these issues and to encourage parents to vaccinate their children.
Sooo, they quite clearly do NOT have a clue. They make the statement that there is no evidence, but yet admit that adequate epidemiological, studies have never been done. As a fact the CDC knows as well that vaxed verses entirely unvaxed studies, have never been done; by them nor anyone else in authority over the matter. So how can Costner claim there is no proof when he never looked for any, nor do those studies exist, and he very well of course knew that? Just more harassment of the obvious facts he can not stand to know or have known! Sick stuff.
Of course this study Costner attempted in his last blog page to discredit; but when asked for his actual math and explanation of those said calculations, he ignored it and thus effectively refused to provide it. Just like in his blog page refute of the 3rd leading cause of death, modern medicine study, when his math was examined he clearly failed to be able to do the basic math correctly. Likely, intentionally.
State of health of unvaccinated children
(The most important of all the findings of that study). (Costner had a different version and kind of math analysis on the study and of course totally skewed the findings)! Isn't HE a ....nice guy? He really cares about ..YOUR kids??? Nice, how he uses my name (and not his) in the blog url.
Only 4 unvaccinated children out of the 7,600+ total surveys reported severe autism. In all 4 cases, however, the mother tested very high for mercury. In the USA, approximately 1 in 100 children suffer this neurological illness and 1 in every 38 boys in the UK.
Some basic actual findings of that above vaxed verses unvaxed health study.
This is the kind of stuff alias Costner does, just like Gorski (below) his false also in major denial... hero! Science based medicine?? B.S! (Junk - pharma science).
Unvaccinated Kids Healthier Study – Gorski & His Internet Bullies Admit Sabotage
The Marvellous Health of Unvaccinated Children
Why Vaccines Are Scientific Fraud
RhoGam Shot: Big Pharma Profit Ploy, (load that pregnant mother with mercury; insanity).
If you think the mercury has been all removed? It has not.
Vaccines Are Not Mercury Free
Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated
Unvaccinated children healthier - quotes.
There are clearly studies out there on individual vaccines that show the adverse affect on health they have. So is that adequate proof, in itself? It should be.
Here is just a little of it right here. You will see some of is blocked by Net Gear. Someone out there obviously doesn't want you to know whats there. The site compromised.
Unvaccinated Children Healthier
Again, where the real truth is.
Health News
The Age of Autism: 'Amish bill' introduced
"In this country we have very high levels of vaccination," CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding told Age of Autism at a news conference last year. While "such studies could be done and should be done," she suggested, the obstacles might be overwhelming.
But this column identified several groups that might fit the bill -- from the Amish in Pennsylvania Dutch country to homeschooled children to patients of a Chicago family practice.
"I have not seen autism with the Amish," said Dr. Frank Noonan, a family practitioner in Lancaster County, Pa., who has treated thousands of Amish for a quarter-century.
"You'll find all the other stuff, but we don't find the autism. We're right in the heart of Amish country and seeing none, and that's just the way it is."
In Chicago, Homefirst Medical Services treats thousands of never-vaccinated children whose parents received exemptions through Illinois' relatively permissive immunization policy. Homefirst's medical director, Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, told us he is not aware of any cases of autism in never-vaccinated children; the national rate is 1 in 175, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
"We have a fairly large practice," Eisenstein told us. "We have about 30,000 or 35,000 children that we've taken care of over the years, and I don't think we have a single case of autism in children delivered by us who never received vaccines.
"We do have enough of a sample," Eisenstein said. "The numbers are too large to not see it. We would absolutely know. We're all family doctors. If I have a child with autism come in, there's no communication. It's frightening. You can't touch them. It's not something that anyone would miss."
Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, a Florida family practitioner with ties to families who homeschool their children for religious reasons, told Age of Autism he has proposed such a study in that group.
"I said I know I can tap into this community and find you large numbers of unvaccinated homeschooled," said Bradstreet, "and we can do simple prevalence and incidence studies in them, and my gut reaction is that you're going to see no autism in this group."
Osborne and Maloney said such examples undercut claims "there was not a big enough population to which we could compare the general vaccinated population. ... The Maloney-Osborne legislation proposes comparing vaccinated populations with unvaccinated populations such as these."
Read more:
And WHY does the CDC refuse to study that population and do a published study on that population??? They dont want to know...thats why? They already know!
The Vaccination Racket [Screw you and YOUR asinine and lying stupidity..alias Costner!]
Chronic Illness Epidemic: Unvaccinated Children Healthier
The relationship between vaccine refusal and self-report of atopic disease in children
Un-vaccinated Children Healthier!
Vaccination The Hidden truth, very informative as to the facts.
And this is the control of not only the information but you access to natural means to health that they want. This has gone on for the last 100 years, as to its starting point.
Review all 3 pages.
RED ALERT: FDA Set to Ban Your Supplements
Review all the denial and pro-vaccine insanity right here. Safe and effective, no evidence nor no amount of studies is ever enough, and nothing is ever enough...they will deny all until hell freezes over, there is to much to lose. Costner was very likely reply posting there too, it seems to me; just with a differant name; he would not have been able to resist.
New genetic mutations trigger many cases of autism
No, ICE didn't seize your domain; you've just been punked
Modern Toxic Pharma Medicine and Toxic Vaccinations

Complete and Utter Bullshit!
More harm Than Good
Welcome to the, "Real World"!
Costner has delusions of being one these guys, he used to post it as the his picture on his Argus Leader character log in..
Costner has delusions of being one these guys, he used to post it as the his picture on his Argus Leader character log in..

He is more than likely to be and look like one of these guys, however.
Vaccine Epidemic the Book

Callous Disregard - The Book
Paul For Profit Offit, CDC spokesman

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