Here we go again, another blog page where alias Costner opens right up making false statements against me right out of the gate. When ALL else fails of course, the name of the game then becomes character any and all means possible. Would that be correct Costner? You bet it is. Costner's statements will be italicize in bold below; my replies will follow.
Like most vaccine conspiracy theorists, Lowell Hubbs is often quick to explain that he doesn't believe vaccines actually work. When shown evidence that the rate of polio essentially fell off of a cliff upon the release of the polio vaccine, Mr. Hubbs tries to suggest it was all a sham and merely due to improved hygiene rather than the result of a vaccination. When shown evidence outlining the eradication of smallpox via vaccination programs, Mr. Hubbs claims it was a coincidence. Not only does Mr. Hubbs not believe these vaccines actually work, but he also believes they cause autism even though there has not been a single peer-reviewed published study that has been able to even suggest a link between the two, nor has there been any scientific evidence to suggest it.
You have been repeatedly shown on this blog that what you have just stated there is just full of lies and that it is not complete information as to what I have actually put forth. There is far more to it than that, in both this blog and on my site. You as well continue to claim that no peer reviewed study has ever been put forth that proves vaccines cause autism. That is a lie. No matter what you were shown, you have endless ignored it all. You are well continue to claim that no peer reviewed study has ever replicated nor supported Wakefields work. That is a lie. You falsley continue to claim that Wakefield is a fraud, no matter how much evidence is put before you that he is not, and that clearly the fraud was on the part of the GMC and Brian Deer. You ignore as well that this blog even exists, and have always since day one refused to allow any reply posts on your blog which show you and and any readers the real truth about the misinformation you are spreading in your blog, falsely entitled with my name in the url. How sick is that?
There is nothing this person will not ignore to keep on lying.
Murdochs Vaccine World
Murdoch and Vaccines: Exposure of Crimes Reveals a Much Larger Story
As to Polio and small pox as well the information I have put forth goes far far beyond anything you listed in that above paragraph, and that information explains in specific detail how as well that the diagnosis of polio was redefined to cover up the fact that the polio vaccines did not work, and created more polio than it prevented. read in detail in the article below just exactly how they accomplished that; and they just continue to lie to the general public today!
The polio vaccine: a critical assessment of its arcane history, efficacy, and long-term health-related consequences
Smallpox Vaccine: Origins of Vaccine Madness
Smallpox vaccine: Does it Work?
How would small pox vaccine have wiped out small pox, when an estimated only 10% of the polualtion were ever vaccinated. As well it is known that not until the small pox vaccine was removed from the market for a well causing far more small pox than it prevented, and as well causing a madrid of adverse effects, did small pox disappear. It is known as well that such diseases can run in cycles and eventually will die out on their own.
No studies prove, ever; huh Costner? This blog and the site are just full of studies and more proof than anyone should or would ever need. Honest people that is!
Self-Organized Criticality Theory of Autoimmunity
The Suppression of Immune System Disorders by Passive
Attrition, (see if you can comprehend that Costner, and tell me about its relationship to unnatural vaccines?)
Vaccines and Immunization Harm - References and Research Citations
So along comes a new study published in Pediatrics (The Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics) which discusses varicella (chickenpox) and the impact the vaccine had upon the varicella mortality rate. The result was a 88% reduction in the mortality rate for varicella since the vaccination was implemented (see page 216 of the full study). In fact, varicella deaths actually decreased in every single age group including a whopping 97% reduction in deaths for children and adolescents under 20 years old. Previous studies have also found significant reductions at a time the vaccination rate was on the rise, but this newer study is much more complete as it looks at a longer time frame and examines data from both the pre-vaccination period as well as 12 years after the vaccination was released.
Then he Costner, sites a Pediatrics study here. You mean thre same Pediatrics that did also a study claiming thimerosal, (mercury) injected in childrens vaccines actually improved the test scores of children, that Pediatrics? That organization wouldnt just be amazingly biased and unreliable, with to much to lose would they be? And YOu have the balls to calim all mu information is from biases antivacinatio sites that hand select the material? Wow.
Near Elimination of Varicella Deaths in the US After Implementation of the Vaccination Program
And it is clearly stated in most references, (that those at highest risk for complications are newborns, persons with weakened immune systems, and adults. Although adults make up fewer than 5% of chickenpox cases in the United States, they account for half of the deaths from the disease.) So what they are saying there is that the highest risk group for death due to varicella (chickenpox), are those that can not or should not be vaccinated at all. Those with compromised immune systems, and those prior to one year. In fact children with weak immune systems are the most likely to suffer more damage from vaccines.
So, what they are also really stating is that death from chicken pox are and would be due to some underlying condition! A healthy child that is not fed high amounts of sugar and junk food, living a heathy life style due to parents who really care, would be better off just getting the chicken pox and being done with it. That means life time immunity, and as well for largest part of the population, no risk for shingles as well. That being as long as there is no varicella vaccine out there to prevent reinfection that for the most part is benign and non problematic, going unnoticed for most people, which prevents shingles in and of itself. Herd immunity for this vaccine also clearly is NOT working, and the shedding of vaccine strain virus clearly may as well at times, cause more harm than good.
So now what did they immediately need after production of the varicella vaccine? A shingles vaccine. keep upping the vaccine toxins for YOUR good health? And what about the pregnant woman who is now 28 and lost her supposed vaccine varicella immunity? What about her risk at that point for chicken pox and its affect on the fetus? Wow, what a deal? So she should take boosters throughout any child bearing years, when she could have just had chicken pox at the age of 3 or 4 and been done with it. Oh, but the vacine, it is a convenience for the parent to not have to stay home with a chicken pox kid? (See his statement below). For profit insanity. Don't ya just love it. And I have addressed the subject of this vaccine previously on the pages of this blog.
Perhaps even more amazing was the fact these results reflect only one dosage of the vaccine. The newer recommendations include a two dose program which could all but eliminate varicella related deaths within the vaccinated populace. It is also important to consider the amount of people who no longer suffer from varicella (according to earlier studies an approximate reduction of 90% was witnessed in the first 10 years of vaccination), as well as the number of people who no longer need to be hospitalized as a result of varicella (previous studies found hospitalizations declined between 65% and 88% after implementation of the vaccine).
If you factor in the amount of lost productivity due to people being ill and unable to attend work or school coupled with the healthcare costs of treatment, hospitalizations, and complications to other medical conditions it is clear the vaccine program is not only effective, but it is nothing short of amazing.
So if vaccines really don't work, are we to believe these reductions are nothing more than a series of coincidences? Could it be that there is a varicella fairy that has simply been taking a vacation? Is the reduction of varicella cases directly tied to the proliferation of Twitter accounts? Not likely. The only reasonable answer to be taken from all of this is that quite simply... vaccines work. The science proves it, the results prove it, and study after study, research scientist after research scientist prove it time and time again.
If you're keeping score at home, here are the vital statistics:
Varicella related deaths* per year (1990-1994) prior to the vaccine being released: ~145
Varicella related deaths* in 2007 (the last year covered under this study): ~33
Wow, across the entire country the vaccine cost what? And the lives saved were 111.
Chickenpox Vaccine Protection Fails; Booster Needed
Excerpts: “If you’re unvaccinated and you get it later in life, there’s a 20-times greater risk of dying compared to a child, and a 10- to 15-times greater chance of getting hospitalized,” said Dr. Jane Seward of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, who worked on the study....The United States has been vaccinating against chickenpox since 1995. But tests have shown that the vaccine is not very effective in 15 percent to 20 percent of children who receive only one dose.
In 1995, NVIC went on record as opposing chicken pox vaccine mandates for the following reasons: (1) the childhood disease is highly communicable but mild for the vast majority of young children; (2) disease-induced immunity is qualitatively superior and lasts longer than vaccine induced, temporary immunity so mass vaccination sets up the need for booster shots; (3) mass vaccination will change the epidemiology of the disease and drive it into atypical older age groups where it is far more likely to cause permanent injury or death; (4) shingles cases may increase as chicken pox cases decrease.
On March 14, 2007, CDC officials published an article in the New England Journal of Medicine and confirmed the warning that NVIC issued exactly twelve years earlier: Merck's VARIVAX vaccine has a high failure rate and mass vaccination of American children has driven the disease into atypical older age groups where it can be far more dangerous. Already the CDC has said children between 4 and 6 years need a booster dose and a third booster may well be planned for teenagers..
And what about the chicken pox vaccine's safety? In September 2000, the FDA reported that in the first three years of the vaccine's use, 1 in 33,000 doses was followed by shock, convulsions, encephalitis, thrombocytopenia or death. About 82 percent of the adverse event reports to VAERS occurred in individuals who only received the chicken pox vaccine and led to the addition of 17 adverse events to the Merck product label, including secondary bacterial infections (cellulitis); secondary transmission (infection of close contacts); transverse myelitis; Guillain Barre syndrome and herpes zoster (shingles). On Sept. 13, 2000, NVIC issued a press release and stated "This vaccine should not be mandated. There are too many questions about the true adverse event and efficacy profile of this relatively new live virus vaccine and it is up to the manufacturer marketing the vaccine and the federal agencies regulating the vaccine to conduct further follow-up."
Since 2000, NVIC and VAERS have received continuing reports of brain inflammation, convulsions, vaccine strain chicken pox, shingles, regression into autism and other serious health problems following receipt of VARIVAX alone or in combination with MMR, DTaP, influenza, pneumococcal and other vaccines.
In the past few years, Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D., founder and editor of Medical Veritas, published research in Vaccine and the International Journal of Toxicology documenting an increase in shingles (herpes zoster) in the U.S. after the states mandated use of chickenpox vaccine following the CDC's 1995 "universal use" recommendation. Goldman's research revealed that shingles, a painful nerve inflammation and rash that develops into pus-filled blisters that break open and form scabs and can cause three times as many deaths and five times the number of hospitalizations as chicken pox, is suppressed naturally in a population when older children and adults have their chickenpox-induced immunity asymptomatically "boosted" by coming into contact with younger children infected with chicken pox. Dr. Goldman's findings, summarized in his article "The Case Against Universal Varicella Vaccination" (International Journal of Toxicology, 25:313-317, 2006) corroborate those of other independent researchers questioning the cost-benefit rationale for mandatory vaccination of all children with chickenpox vaccine.
Goldman and others have pointed out that, even if chickenpox was nearly eradicated by mass vaccination, the higher number of shingles cases could continue in the US for up to 50 years with any chickenpox deaths prevented by vaccination offset by deaths from increasing shingles disease.
Excerpt: Results of the study suggest mass vaccination with varicella (chickenpox) vaccine may be responsible for this adverse effect. Complications from shingles, which is caused by the reactivation of the chickenpox virus that lies dormant in the body, result in about three times the number of hospitalizations and five times the number of deaths as those from chickenpox disease itself. Shingles, usually mild in children, can be severe in adults.
Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D. releases New Book: an exposé of the varicella vaccine’s threat to public health, (more to read Costner).
So what we have here is the varicella vaccine said driving the cases of chicken pox into the older age groups where it is far more hazardous and thsu as well creating a surge of deaths from shingles in the older population. Wow, and how good is the shingles vaccine? Just as ineffective as the varicella vaccine? Those said 111 saved lives from use of varicella vaccine may be far clearly be far more offset by the harm of this vaccine, than its benefits! And what about the toxins in the vaccine itself, and the harmful effect on the human body, and immune system? Oh thats right, Costner knows nothing about toxicity as well, and clearly he has denied its harmfull effect as to human health. There is no such thing as PHARMA has no peer reviewed studies on it. But there are plenty of those elsewhere!
J Infect Dis. 2008 Apr 1;197(7):944-9.
Primary vaccine failure after 1 dose of varicella vaccine in healthy children.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2004 May 14;53(18):389-92.
Outbreak of varicella among vaccinated children--Michigan, 2003.
Varicella Vaccine Less Effective Than Anticipated, [And then its always, "well lets just add more boosters, that should work"! But they have no proof.]
Laurie Barclay, MD
And if you still believe the varicella vaccine is safe and effective you need to read THIS, as to the VAERS reports!
Also it states under: Summary for Basis of Approval (SBA) for Varicella Vaccine.
7) The SBA found evidence that "vaccine recipients may transmit the attenuated strain of varicella virus to close contacts". They urge vaccine
recipients to avoid contact with ....non-immune pregnant women for several weeks".
Wow, wasn't it a whole lot better and safer BEFORE the chicken pox vaccine? And you can find allot more of that information as to varicella vaccine failures. And they did as well have that herd immunity percentage existing!
And now LETS look at what is in the varicella vaccine ingredients in the below link. Cow serum, aborted fetal cells, MSG, gelatin, etc, etc. how awesome!
WAVE - Vaccine Ingredients.
Number of children diagnosed with autism as a direct result of vaccination programs: 0
More lying BULLSHIT from Costner! Knowing he is lying! You say that with 100% certainty. Nothing but a sheeple supporting someone with to much to lose. What caused all that autism then, running directly parallel to the quadrupling of now since 1987 no liability for vacine makers.... vacccines? The genetics factor studies have been shot down again and again; by their own admission. Maybe it was the video games or bad parenting?
*Includes varicella as the underlying cause as well as varicella as a contributing cause. Figures are taken from Table 1 on page 216 of the study.
Sure seems like vaccines are worth the risk to me... but then again I'm not a vaccine conspiracy theorist like Mr. Hubbs.
Do YOU even comprehend at all how Costner, how ignorant and stupid that makes you look and sound; to claim everything that disagrees with your vaccines are all safe and effective CDC/AAP mantra, is only a "conpiracy theory". Do you even get it at all how much harm vaccines have done, and do you even consider at all the proof of all the herd immunity failures; showing the vacines actually not to work even close to as well as the CDC claims they do. They are knowingly lying, and falsely laying blame on the unvaccinated ever time. Wow.
You lose again Costner; you should know by now far better than to screw with me, but then you attempt to deny that this counter blog even exists, and as to what is actually here.
Here on his blog he made this comment:
thē editor said...
I'd love to post your comments Mr. Hubbs, but until you can clean up the language and stop the dishonesty day after day I guess you'll just remain banned.
There is a vast difference between peer-reviewed published science and some random anti-vaxxer website full of opinion. Come back when you have learned the difference. Until then you're just wasting your time.
Reply: Looks like YOU are actually wasting my time there....Costner... FOOL! These ARE FACTS Costner! You can make up that crap and lie about the sources all you want, but the truth clearly is they are far better than yours! Period! You really need to start to understand what the term BIASED, really means.
If you actually had any real identity Costner, you would be to embarrassed to leave that blog up any longer, but of course all you are doing is creating harassment of the truth and anyone that puts forth the truth, that you can not stand to be told. Truth never was nor ever will be within your agenda nor game. Maybe there will be a few uneducated sheeple that per chance search and find your misleading blog, and you will be proud of yourself that you fed them all that garbage, keeping them mislead.
Some special advice for you and your associates, Costner!

Pharma Not in Business of Health, Healing, Cures, Wellness
Ex-Pharma Sales Reps Speaks Out - Pharma Not in Business of Health,
Ex-Pharmaceutical Rep. Speaks Out, Gwen Owen
Bechamp or Pasteur: A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology [Paperback]
The Blood and its Third Anatomical Element
The Third Element of the Blood
(Out of Print)
by Antoine Bechamp
Antoine Béchamp
Is Modern Medicine Founded on Error?
Soil Theory vs Germ Theory Theory
The Other Players (of that time).
Rockefeller Drug Empire
Pasteur exposed - the False foundations of Modern medicine
Louis Pasteur Exposed.
Book Review of: Pasteur Exposed: The False Foundations of Modern Medicine
Why Louis Pasteur's Germ Theory Is A Curse. It is Pasteur (1822-1895) who remains the father of vaccination and it is with him that the long string of lies begins.

Autism, Vaccines, Mercury and the Culpability of the American Academy of Pediatrics, (Video)
Excerpt: Kenneth Stoller, MD was trained as a pediatrician at UCLA and was a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics for two decades. In 2008 he resigned from the AAP after realizing that the AAP has known that mercury in vaccines can cause Autism and other neurological damage, yet the organization has refused to make a determined effort to have mercury (in thimerosal) removed from all vaccines. And in fact, has instead engaged in a cover-up to protect the interests of the vaccine makers and pharmaceutical empires.
Crimes at the CDC
Excerpt: According to Kennedy, in a July 1999 letter, vaccine producer SmithKline Beecham tells CDC that it is ready to produce non-Thimerosal DTP (Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis) vaccines immediately and has sufficient inventories to supply the entire U.S. market during the remainder of 1999 and the first half of 2000, by which time other vaccine manufacturers would have their Thimerosal-free DTP vaccines on line. Thimerosal-laden DTP vaccines containing 25 micrograms of mercury apiece (75 thousand trillion atoms of mercury) were then being administered to American infants at two months, four months and six months — far exceeding EPA’s recommended safe level for mercury. Had CDC accepted SmithKline’s offer, it could have immediately reduced the mercury exposures to vaccinated six-month-old children by 40%.
Kennedy continued, “However, in November, CDC mysteriously sent a letter back rejecting SmithKline’s offer. Then, on July 14, 2000 CDC published a deceptive press release promising to require that all vaccines be Thimerosal-free as soon as “adequate supplies are available.” This was a full 12 months after the agency had denied SmithKline’s proposal.”
Autism, Vaccines, Mercury and the Culpability of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Dr. Stoller, MD
Autism Is A Medical Problem And There Is Proven, Effective Medical Treatment - Dr. Stoller, MD
Vaccines Cause Autism, ADD/ADHD & Brain Damage - Dr. Kenneth P. Stoller, MD
And what have I always said! Biomedical Treatment
How a Physician Cured Her Son's Autism
Gut and Psychology Syndrome: Natural Treatment for Autism, Dyspraxia, A.D.D., Dyslexia, A.D.H.D., Depression, Schizophrenia [Paperback]
Vaccine Epidemic
The reason WHY we can not trust the WHO and CDC numbers, EVER! Nor any of the other numbers that are claimed to as to millions of lives saved by vaccines. Nor can we trust the numbers for actually verified or unverified cases of any (so called) "vaccine preventable illness" (called disease) out there.
Flu Vaccines, pharma fraud, quack science, the CDC and WHO -- all exposed by Richard Gale and Gary Null
Thirty-Six Thousand People Do Not Die Each Year from "Regular Flu" (Confirmed
False Foundations of Science: Can Vaccine Studies Be Trusted?
49 Doses of 14 Vaccines Before Age 6?
Protect health food and dietary supplements from attack by opposing new Congressional bill
FDA unleashes end game scheme to outlaw virtually all dietary supplements formulated after 1994
FDA's scheme to outlaw nearly all nutritional supplements created after 1994 would destroy millions of jobs and devastate economy
Durbin 'Dietary Supplement Labeling Act' to reward FDA for failures and punish responsible supplement producers
Video on GMO Food Dangers. Excellent video on dangers of genetically modified food: The Future of Food (86 min)
Health Video Documentary The Future of Food
Organic farmers sue, seek protection from Monsanto
Parents: You Can Say No to Vaccinations, Right? Maybe Not for Much Longer...
Ugly Story Proves the Media is Lying to You About Vaccine, (the asinine, evil, and lying spirit of Paul Offit! )
When All Else Fails, the Name of the Game Becomes Character Assassination...
About National Vaccine Information Center
Does Gardasil Actually Increase Your Risk of Cervical Cancer?
Hundreds of Thousands of Reactions to Gardasil… Is Your Child Next?
Time for the Truth about Gardasil
Vaccine Failure -- Over 1000 Got Mumps in NY in Last Six Months
MMR Vaccine Should Not Have Been Licensed, prominent Scientists Assert MMR Vaccine Should Not Have Been Licensed in the UK 1/7/01
Adverse Effects Of Adjuvants In Vaccines
Expert Pediatrician Exposes Vaccine Myths
How Journals Can Twist and Manipulate Vaccine Research
H1N1 vaccine linked to 700 percent increase in miscarriages
If you actually had any real identity Costner, you would be to embarrassed to leave that blog up any longer, but of course all you are doing is creating harassment of the truth and anyone that puts forth the truth, that you can not stand to be told. Truth never was nor ever will be within your agenda nor game. Maybe there will be a few uneducated sheeple that per chance search and find your misleading blog, and you will be proud of yourself that you fed them all that garbage, keeping them mislead.
Some special advice for you and your associates, Costner!

Pharma Not in Business of Health, Healing, Cures, Wellness
Ex-Pharma Sales Reps Speaks Out - Pharma Not in Business of Health,
Ex-Pharmaceutical Rep. Speaks Out, Gwen Owen
Bechamp or Pasteur: A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology [Paperback]
The Blood and its Third Anatomical Element
The Third Element of the Blood
(Out of Print)
by Antoine Bechamp
Antoine Béchamp
Is Modern Medicine Founded on Error?
Soil Theory vs Germ Theory Theory
The Other Players (of that time).
Rockefeller Drug Empire
Pasteur exposed - the False foundations of Modern medicine
Louis Pasteur Exposed.
Book Review of: Pasteur Exposed: The False Foundations of Modern Medicine
Why Louis Pasteur's Germ Theory Is A Curse. It is Pasteur (1822-1895) who remains the father of vaccination and it is with him that the long string of lies begins.

Autism, Vaccines, Mercury and the Culpability of the American Academy of Pediatrics, (Video)
Excerpt: Kenneth Stoller, MD was trained as a pediatrician at UCLA and was a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics for two decades. In 2008 he resigned from the AAP after realizing that the AAP has known that mercury in vaccines can cause Autism and other neurological damage, yet the organization has refused to make a determined effort to have mercury (in thimerosal) removed from all vaccines. And in fact, has instead engaged in a cover-up to protect the interests of the vaccine makers and pharmaceutical empires.
Crimes at the CDC
Excerpt: According to Kennedy, in a July 1999 letter, vaccine producer SmithKline Beecham tells CDC that it is ready to produce non-Thimerosal DTP (Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis) vaccines immediately and has sufficient inventories to supply the entire U.S. market during the remainder of 1999 and the first half of 2000, by which time other vaccine manufacturers would have their Thimerosal-free DTP vaccines on line. Thimerosal-laden DTP vaccines containing 25 micrograms of mercury apiece (75 thousand trillion atoms of mercury) were then being administered to American infants at two months, four months and six months — far exceeding EPA’s recommended safe level for mercury. Had CDC accepted SmithKline’s offer, it could have immediately reduced the mercury exposures to vaccinated six-month-old children by 40%.
Kennedy continued, “However, in November, CDC mysteriously sent a letter back rejecting SmithKline’s offer. Then, on July 14, 2000 CDC published a deceptive press release promising to require that all vaccines be Thimerosal-free as soon as “adequate supplies are available.” This was a full 12 months after the agency had denied SmithKline’s proposal.”
Autism, Vaccines, Mercury and the Culpability of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Dr. Stoller, MD
Autism Is A Medical Problem And There Is Proven, Effective Medical Treatment - Dr. Stoller, MD
Vaccines Cause Autism, ADD/ADHD & Brain Damage - Dr. Kenneth P. Stoller, MD
And what have I always said! Biomedical Treatment
How a Physician Cured Her Son's Autism
Gut and Psychology Syndrome: Natural Treatment for Autism, Dyspraxia, A.D.D., Dyslexia, A.D.H.D., Depression, Schizophrenia [Paperback]
Natasha Campbell-McBride (Author).
A Special Interview with Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
By Dr. Mercola
Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS™) - Natural treatment for autism, ADHD/ADD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, depression and schizophrenia
Mindd Mission
Vaccine Epidemic
The reason WHY we can not trust the WHO and CDC numbers, EVER! Nor any of the other numbers that are claimed to as to millions of lives saved by vaccines. Nor can we trust the numbers for actually verified or unverified cases of any (so called) "vaccine preventable illness" (called disease) out there.
Flu Vaccines, pharma fraud, quack science, the CDC and WHO -- all exposed by Richard Gale and Gary Null
Thirty-Six Thousand People Do Not Die Each Year from "Regular Flu" (Confirmed
False Foundations of Science: Can Vaccine Studies Be Trusted?
49 Doses of 14 Vaccines Before Age 6?
NDI Draft Guidance is a Big, Fat Gift to Big Pharma
March 29, 2011, Reuters News
"Juicing: Your Key to Radiant Health"
The Latest in Atrocious Supreme Court Decisions - Only 2 Justices Stand Up for Your Rights...
Excerpt: Big Pharma Blackmailed Congress in 1982 To understand how this happened, we have to turn the clock back to 1982. That is when four big drug companies (Merck, Wyeth, Lederle, Connaught) blackmailed Congress by threatening to stop selling vaccines in America unless a law was passed giving them complete immunity from prosecution. 21 The pharmaceutical industry knew they were in big trouble because the old, crude whooping cough vaccine in the DPT shot was causing brain inflammation and death in many children; 22 the live oral polio vaccine was crippling children and adults with vaccine strain polio; 23 Americans were filing lawsuits to hold drug companies responsible for the safety of their products. On February 23, 2011, one day after the Supreme Court blocked lawsuits against drug companies for failing to make vaccines safer, they cleared the way for lawsuits against car manufacturers for failing to make seat belts safer. 24
Biography, Barbara Loe Fisher
And the truth stands, and if you are not on the side of truth, and if a person keeps on lying knowing they are lying, what do they deserve?
Two Dangerous "Experts" You Should Never EVER Believe...Offit and Poul Thorsen
What is In the Flu Vaccine that Can Cause Infertility? Same as Gardasil, polysorbate 80.
Meningococcal Vaccine - Perhaps One of the Most Unnecessary Vaccines Ever
The Toxic Origins of Autism
Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Vaccines And Autism: Are 1 in 50 Children at Risk?
Why Vaccine-Injured Kids are Rarely Compensated Posted By Dr. Mercola | December 13 2008 | 21,057 views
The HPV Vaccine: Preventive Care or Human Sacrifice?
Feds Approve Unnecessary Cervical Cancer Vaccine That Will Make Drug Company Billions
Gardasil -- New Video Reveals Hidden Dangers
Preventing HPV Without a Vaccine is the Real Answer
Chickenpox Vaccine Increases Risk for Shingles, so they made a shingles vaccine and now push that on older adults to no end.
Children Who Had Chickenpox Vaccine Contract Disease
Of the children who contracted chickenpox in an outbreak in Maryland in 2001, 75 percent of the affected had been vaccinated against the disease.
In 2007, it became clear that the use of the vaccine Prevnar, used against pneumonia, meningitis, and deadly bloodstream infections in young children, has unleashed a superbug that is resistant to all currently available drugs.
60 Things that Can Go Terribly Wrong with Hepatitis B Vaccination
Mercury in Vaccines: The Appalling Truth Revealed
It has been suggested that the H1N1 Flu vaccine causes miscarriages (see, for example, here, here, and here). This month, I want to see if the claim is supported by VAERS data.
How do we determine whether a VAERS event resulted in a miscarriage? VAERS uses the MedDRA symptom classification, which organizes all known symptoms at five levels of detail. At the second level of detail is an entry “Abortions and stillbirth” which has under it “Abortion related conditions and complications”, “Abortions spontaneous”, “Stillbirth and foetal death” and “Abortions not specified as induced or spontaneous”. Each of these is further refined into specific symptoms. So it seems that this second-level term (or as it is known in MedDRA, the High-Level Group Term or HLGT) is a valid way to identify miscarriages.
H1N1 Miscarriages: Hundreds of women claim miscarriage after taking vaccine.
Aren't those vaccines wonderful?
A Young Boy's Amazing Recovery From PDD and Autism-Like Symptoms
Autism and the Gut Connection
Autism and Mercury Detoxification
Link Between Autism Increase And Vaccination
Vaccine Induced Autism
But Costner has all that vaccine science? What a load of crap!
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