Sunday, May 08, 2011

Response to:The Condition or the Person?

 The Condition or the Person?

I have sworn on the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. 

I have never been able to conceive how any rational being could propose happiness to himself from the exercise of power over others. Thomas Jefferson - quotes

Thomas Jefferson - quotes

Quotation: What difference do you want to make in the world and what are you willing to sacrifice for it?

And here we go again, in the link [above] to another created blog page by a man that is clearly psychotic and apparently so delusional that he actually and obviously thinks he is doing right and doing a service by this garbage, and to society. In overview of it all; do we actually need more people like this in our world, or less? Wow. And all done from a no identity himself, standpoint. What a wonderful information tool the Internet is, and can be; until people like THIS come along and change it from a system of finding the truth, to one of attacking the truth!

The below is the initial reply I made to this said blog page, as well are two rebuttals posted to the blog page above, and were as well refused to be published.

You can not create any sicker nor any more false an expose than this. Your blog pages obviously are getting more sick and desperate as they go here. And if all that is truth, then why did you refuse to publish the reply rebuttal I made to your comment in the comments section of your previous blog page, and as well the previous blog page before that. You have refused to publish rebuttal replies to endless blog pages here, that effectively shows any possible readers the real truth. Those reply sends to you have repeatedly shown the depth of your lies again and again; and you refuse to publish it because you know it effectively sounds the death knell for your lying blog pages.

Let's see if you can explain what you were doing driving around my residence and investigating what is there? How sick is that! And really, lets have you explain how and why you acquired my address at all, and why you did. What was the point, that should be a good one? The point being that the address has 3-6's in it. So what, that means I am evil and you are not? That kind of stupidity and mentality just about boggles the mind, and it should for anyone that reads or had the stomach to read that blog page.  

And you are still claiming to not be involved in all you have been accused of? Keep rolling, Buckwheat! 


[Rebuttal below, to the one reply Costner made to this page.]

Just like always, you refuse to publish a reply comment from me that exposes the truth! With every new page, it is the same thing! If you publish an initial reply and then you respond to it in your typical twisted and lying fashion, then you refuse to publish my rebuttal. Those rebuttals have proven every one of your claims are false, and yetr you refuse to publish that! Again and again.

Just like on the Argus, and just like here; you can not hold any debate nor address the facts, unless you lie and suppress and as well as attempt to silence the real truth information. What is that worth? Absolutely nothing! On no level can nor could you compete with me, ever. You know it and I know it, and that is why you attempted to go after me. of course if all else fails you have achieved nothing more than harassement and mockery of fact, together with a false and slanderous attack on the messenger. What is THAT worth? Nothing. What is it worth to do all that from a standpoint of no identity on your part, lying about someone putting forth full and fearless identity. Wow, there has to be a special place in hell for people like you.

And your not going to tell me what you were doing driving around and investigating my neighborhood? And you obviously are not going to tell me why you needed my exact address, nor how and why and the reason you sought that? What was the point? Wow. And other than your equally brainwashed cronies that have to much to lose, and your hacker/stalker connections that have left replies here; who is going to read this blog and take anything at all you have put forth and stated, seriously. You are more delusional than even I realized. I have had people read some of what is on this blog, and say, "wow that guy has some really serious problems"; and, "that is a serious psycho case". I would tend to much more than agree.

I presume you are going to deny any knowledge and involvement in the several breaks in's over the past two months to my apt as well? That, using some sort of burglary tool where they can even lock the door when they leave; but there is alway evidence, as I know how it was left. Top that off H. Manning and his cohorts even admit he and they, [the Kingpin], did it. Oh of course they had spotters watching where I was at the time, and they knew when I left to return. Yup, a new lock on the door and they got right thru that too. Then top it off the back door which just had a new lock put in is now damaged and won't open at all.

But never mind, the coincidence of your publishing this page, would not lead anyone to think you were with knowledge of that, especially when that log in costner 360 had clearly been involved with what I outlined before. I bet thats all a concidence as always, and only my imagination. Wow.

Keep chanting it Costner, "No proof exists" "None ever, of anything, nothing is enough"! "I am a complete GENIUS, and the pharma science can not be debated nor challenged"!



Reply, also not published.

I am getting a little fed up as well with throwing out any open food, and removing the refrigerated water, because I know they were there. Why? Because the reason they are claiming to be there is to put stuff in the food, and install some undetectable surveillance items, and you don't know what is spoof and what is real anymore.

This is my home and residence I am talking about. Yes, the same one you are publishing a page about its location. And you ARE involved and have knowledge of it all! You people are sick! But then I have always known that about you.

Just because I put forth the truth and proof information that shows you what modern medicine and vaccines are really all about, and that it is for the most part nothing but a for profit sham and scam; you thus in return attempt to rape me and my life, endlessly. Stalking, hacking, small undetectable video cameras set up in my alley, the same thing at anotht location you know I frequent. Those are extremely sick activities Costner; and dont even attempt to claim I can not prove it. It is all beyond any doubt, and that you as well are involved. Look at you blog page, and tell the readers why you would need to do that, if you can actually debate me in honesty. It is all a plan of harrasssment, mockery of fact; and anyone that puts it forward. Anyone can see on the Argus how you even continue to atttempt to take control and belittle people that have the facts right. You are flat out sick. Society most definitely doesnt need more people like you, attempting to mislead the masses. Unbelievable evil! And you want to claim my number is 666? Wow. Someone who has done what you have? Amazing, denial of all.


The Importance of Getting Factual Information on Vaccinations

Investigators and Families of Vaccine-Injured Children to Unveil Report Detailing Clear Vaccine-Autism Link Based on Government’s Own Data.

Watch the press conference live on UStream  on Tuesday, May 10th at EDT.Channel:

FDA approved Big Pharma drugs without effectiveness data

CDC Allegedly Falsifies Reports: Ignores up to 3,587 Miscarriages From H1N1 Vaccine

CoMeD Files Evidence of Miscarriage after Thimerosal-containing Flu Shots

Vaccine Documents 

Posted as a Public Service by and taken from U.S. Printing Office Washington, DC 20402–0001
SEPTEMBER 10, 2003

PDF Direct Download

60 Lab Studies Now Confirm Cancer Link to a Vaccine You Probably Had as a Child

Dr. Confesses Cancer & Deadly Viruses are Present in Vaccines
Leading Vaccine Expert, Dr. Maurice Hilleman Tells All Before His Own Death. (No log in required).

No Pharma Liability? No Vaccine Mandates PSA

Research – Is There a Toxin-Virus-Cancer Connection?

Have you ever wondered why so many people are gullible enough to believe everything they're told on the TV news, or by the FDA, or the White House?

Our world suffers from an epidemic of what I call "Gullible Minds," and in today's article, I take a deeper look into the strange but consistent pathology of "Gullible Mind" people who seem to dominate our social landscape.

This article will open your eyes and help you see why you are different from the gullible masses:

The gullible mind explained

Achieving the Deepest Level of Health

HIV/AIDS in Africa Caused Through Doctors Vaccinating With Contaminated Needles
"Children At Fort Collins Clinic Need To Be Tested After Syringe Mix-Up"

Double standards in research ethics, health-care safety, and scientific rigour allowed Africa's HIV/AIDS epidemic disasters

Infant Mortality Rates Increase With Vaccines

Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?

New study: Nations requiring the most vaccines tend to have the worst infant mortality rates

Research – Vaccines and the Basics of Biology

Video – Shiv Chopra talks about how Health Canada is Corrupt to the Core. [Doesn't MATTER, where it is! The money, power and protentially lost careers present with a to much to lose, must attack the truth information, encasing in itself the true battle of good and evil.]

Book Review: Vaccine Epidemic

Vaccine Epidemic the Book

Discover through this live presentation by Dr. Shiv Chopra how and why vaccines are produced. Learn about their ineffectiveness and the twisted approval process they often take. Very important information to have before you or your family members are injected. 

BREAKING NEWS: Indictment proceedings against CDC Adviser Poul Thorsen unfold amid allegations of fraud exceeding $1 million in Grants.

(New Information) VRM: CDC-Gate Exposes A Trail of Fraud Behind Autism Studies

And again, how and why is it the false smear on Wakefield by Brian Deer the obscure journalist, is world media news worthy, yet news like that never sees the media spotlight, nor any media coverage at all. And if you believe the information is not controlled by the big money, power and censorship of the powers that be, you have to be pure stupid.

Dr Andrew Wakefield, the truth.

Supporting Studies.

Vaccine Damaged Kids and the Media Attack on Dr. Andy Wakefield

I am Josh

VRM: Vaccine Industry Deception, Propaganda & Media Collusion « Vaccine Resistance Movement

Vaccine Induced Child Abuse Exposed, “Vaccine Damage Denial"

An adverse reaction to Cervarix has caused a British parent to be falsely accused of child abuse

The LIES of the CDC, [concerning flu vaccines]
CoMeD Files Evidence of Mis-Carriage After Thimersol Containing Flu Shots 

Paul Offit's Science Friction 

Flu Vaccine Caused Over 1000 Adverse Reactions

Website Documents Over 300 Gardasil Horror Stories

But Costner, as always, would have you believe there is NO proof, as with everything, from A to Z. An evil agenda it is!

Shaken Baby Syndrome Diagnosis On Shaky Ground 
by Viera Scheibner, PhD

Experts Recommend Delaying Breastfeeding Until Vaccinations Have Taken Effect

Why? Because maternal antibodies transfered to the child cause any vaccine induced antibodies to be destroyed; eaten up. So, here again they are replacing God and nature with the failed ways of man. Wouldnt natural immunity be better than slambing injections and hoping for something to take; whcih it often doesnt; look at all the vaccine and vaccine herd immunity failures in almost every class of vaccine.   

Investigators and Families of Vaccine-Injured Children to Unveil Report Detailing Clear Vaccine-Autism Link

Vaccines do not Cause Autism. The real issues regarding that of Dr. Andrew Wakefield

Self-Organized Criticality Theory of Autoimmunity [Vaccines].

Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days Trailer.

And did you see Costner's pathetic page where he attempted to address and dispute the issue of raw food and juicing in relation to health? No intelligent person can deny those benefits. Just like Orac and Gorski; Costner is out to throw everyone into a pit of pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines only, and falsely bash anything natural and/or any alternative information as quackery. It is all to clear where the REAL quackery always has been. One thing is for sure, natural means and protocols are clearly not known as the third leading cause of death in the US, like the main stream pharma system is!


Cancer – A Natural Approach

Modern Medicine Facts

Now, known to be - "The Third Leading Cause" of Death in the US; and all they want to do is add more unproven and dangerous drugs and vaccines!


CDC Under Formal Investigation For Covering Hidden Dangers of Fluoride

FLUORIDE: How WRONG Can Health Agencies Be?

Monsanto is Poisoning Us All: Famous Scientist, Don Huber Exposes Hazards of Monsanto's Roundup Herbicide.

117 Peer-Reviewed Scientific Studies Expose Hazards of Monsanto's Roundup Herbicide & "Roundup Ready" GMOs

Institute For Responsible Technology, [GMO Truth]

They have to much to lose, the truth be known, and he calls me, evil. Wow, the insanity of and in that, is just profound.

North Carolina SB 31 bill seeks to turn healers into felons; but the health freedom backlash has already begun

Health Freedom victory within reach in North Carolina as SB 31 amendment clarifies definition of medical felony crimes

Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama, on 9-11

Charlie Sheen - 9/11 World Trade Center Conspiracy

Charlie Sheen on 9/11

MARTIN SHEEN questions 9-11

Willie Nelson Questions 9/11 Official Story On National TV

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