Natural News: Another Website For Quacks
The subject matter article is below
How the medical monopoly hides inconvenient vaccine truths
And this guy alias no identity Costner that has been after me for two years now, creates another mindless blog page! Who does he think he is fooling again with this mindless rant! This blog page rightfully belongs in the lunatics and mindless rants hall of fame. Not much anywhere can touch this
kind of demented blogger trash!

Against better judgement as to even wasting my time with this far less than diligent and again attacking and dishonest review regarding the content of the Natural News website, I will make a brief response here paragraph by paragraph.
Here we go, a direct reply to the said blog page.
Natural News: Another Website For Quacks
Recently, Mr. Hubbs thought it prudent to leave the following comment on an earlier blog post:
"[...] My site receives thousands of views per day world wide [sic]. My site pages are now even referenced to on Natural News, the second largest read alternative medicine and information website existing. Even the stupidity of your blog is referenced to on the N.N. page below. Check it out. How the medical monopoly hides inconvenient vaccine truths Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034012_vacinations_dangers.html" [...] ~Lowell Hubbs
My site does get those 1000's of views per day, that is a simple fact as said, and that is something this said editor obviously has some difficulty comprehending and accepting. And you editor Costner would deny that? And based on what? The only one with access to my stats is me?
This said blog editors game is to deny all on every level, mock and belittle it all and as well attack any alternative information other than what the pharma in denial and mislead white coats put out, and as well the FDA and CDC. The second agenda is to bash any person anywhere that dares to present the non pharma truth.
No one ever said that I was comparing my site view stats to that of any other site, nor compared to the views the CDC gets, nor to other highly popular natural health sites such as Mercola and Natural News. My site getting the 1000's of views that it does per day worldwide, means simply and just possibly at least one parent out there learned the truth about vaccines and about where to get the real truth information. I am actually a small seed in a literal ocean out there of alternative and unbiased internet information on vaccines and modern medicine.
Just possibly there have been parents that went and acquired vaccine exemptions for all of their children, after viewing my site and other sites like it. Mission accomplished, I did something good I the world! All it takes as to letting medical tyranny keep getting its foothold, is for good people who know the truth to do nothing.
But you know what, I think my site over-all has had a much larger impact than you would allow yourself to realize Costner! Deny it all you want. You wouldn't have spent two years going after me and as well creating that twisted and misinformation filled and as well slanderous blog, if you didn't feel that my work had any impact!
I had to laugh that NaturalNews couldn't even spell "vaccinations" properly in their URL (which tells us how knowledgeable on the subject matter they really are) but beyond that there are a few interesting points here. Whether or not Mr. Hubbs cute little conspiracy theorist website gets "thousands of views" on a daily basis is doubtful... unless of course you count Mr. Hubbs own visits. The reality of the matter is the traffic rank on Mr. Hubbs' website is 4,799,934. To put that in perspective, the traffic rank for icanhascheezburger.com (a website primarily devoted to funny pictures of cats) is 2,711... which means there are approximately 4.8 million websites more popular that Mr. Hubbs' website, but yet less popular than random pictures of cats.
Again you could not do anything but attack the spelling, Costner? Wow that is very impressive! There was nothing more that you could provide that was more directly objective? That is known as an ad hom attack, the entire blog page, deny it all you want. So what do we really have here? An English professor - slash - vaccine truth basher. Very good!
I have seen many misspellings on your own blog pages dude; especially at times when your page just came out, and you then later go back in and correct it. Maybe there is some incorrect grammar you can find there as well??? Like this. "I waant to the pHaRmASEE end gOt my fLu SHOT twith 25mcg oF markuury, -Termersol and I stiLL gOt the FLUE"!!!!
Hey, obviously allot of people like cats dude, I bet that is popular, but it means nothing; just like YOUR lying blog that no person in their right mind would take seriously. Lets compare your blog stats Costner to my website stats, www.vacfacts.info
Statistics Summary for vacfacts.info
Site Information for vacfacts.info
Alexa Traffic Rank: 4,780,441 No regional data
Sites Linking In: 23
Alexa Traffic Rank: 27,783,510 No regional data
Sites Linking In: 6
Do the 1st grade math Costner!!!
My blog is not listed in Alexa traffic, as blogs appear to not normally be in those stats. Unlike you I didn't bother paying the $150 bucks to get it crawled and listed in an attempt to fed a large and self inflated ego. Why didn't you instead donate that money to the parents of child in need of biomedical treatment to reverse their vaccine induced and caused autism; and would have been a much better use?
Better yet, the ranking for cdc.gov is 3,014 which means there are only 4,796,920 websites standing between the CDC website, and Mr. Hubbs' website. Heck even zapatopi.net (the aluminum / tinfoil hat wiki page) has a ranking of 539,607 which means there are only 4,260,327 websites less popular than tinfoil hats but yet more popular than Mr. Hubbs' website. Yes... a website which is meant to be a joke and pokes fun at conspiracy theorists is ranked over four million pages higher than an actual conspiracy theorist. Sort of puts things in perspective now doesn't it? Oh and in the off chance you are curious, NaturalNews.com receives about half as many hits per month as a website devoted to photoshopped pictures of cats. Seriously.
So here you have it Costner, if this is the gauge you want to use to determine a good website from a bad one, or more specifically the most visited sites verses the least.
Mercola is the most visited natural health website in the world, with natural news following right behind it. Compare their stats to those of the CDC, FDA, AMA, and AAP sites visit stats. Mercola and Natural news show stats that are better than all four of the a fore mentioned! What does that tell you about where public is interested in and wants to get their information??? And you know 1000's of doctors in clinics and hospitals around the world use those said afore mentioned sites. Those four said sites are thus as you may know, some pretty tuff competitors.
Alexa Traffic Rank: 1,847
Traffic Rank in US: 602
Sites Linking In: 13,897
Alexa Traffic Rank 3,257
Rank in US 1,064
aap.org American Academy of Pediatrics
Alexa Traffic Rank: 68,558
Traffic Rank in US: 18,189
Sites Linking In: 11,111
cdc.gov Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Alexa Traffic Rank
Global Rank 6,115
Rank in US 1,911
fda.gov Food and Drug Administration
Alexa Traffic Rank
Global Rank
Rank in US
ama-assn.org American Medical Association - AMA
Alexa Traffic Rank
Global Rank
Rank in US
American Academy of Physicians aapsonline.org
Alexa Traffic Rank:
Traffic Rank in US:
nvic.org National Vaccine Information Center
Alexa Traffic Rank: 212,724
Traffic Rank in US: 47,997
Sites Linking In: 1,702
Site Information for drtenpenny.com Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Alexa Traffic Rank: 500,278
Traffic Rank in US: 181,768
Sites Linking In: 550
Statistics Summary for maximizedliving.com
Global Rank
Rank in US
Site Information for childhoodshots.com Mary Tocco
Alexa Traffic Rank: 3,405,007 No regional data
Sites Linking In: 111
Site Information for vacfacts.info
Alexa Traffic Rank: 4,780,441 No regional data
Sites Linking In: 23
Not that website rankings really mean anything of course. First you need to realize that search engines can (and often do) skew rankings do to how they catalog specific pages and how the automated bots perform searches. Second, even if a website is "popular" it doesn't mean it is being visited by unique people. It can be a handful of people (or bots) who cycle the page hundreds of times a day. Third, popularity doesn't equal influence. Websites that are controversial (or dare I say it)... even ignorant and silly tend to get hits out of morbid curiosity. That doesn't mean they are influential. One has to keep in mind the website devoted to two girls and one cup received millions upon million upon millions of hits... that doesn't mean people are going to repeat that practice at home. (If you don't know what 2Girls1Cup is... be warned you do NOT want to google it and find out).
There you have it, your admission that many factors can play into these stats and that is not necessarily a true gauge of accuracy! You could have spared people the headache of trying to reading all that garbage, and just got to the point.
Hell even that stupid Rebecca Black "Friday" song received more than 175 Million hits. Yes... over one hundred and seventy five MILLION views of that one single YouTube video. Yet that video is well known to have exponentially more "dislikes" than "likes" which tells us one thing: Popularity does not equal agreement, (in fact even suggesting there is a link is a common appeal to popularity logical fallacy) and sometimes when something is popular it is merely because people are curious what all the fuss is about.
Just more meaningless garbage!
So, beyond the actual popularity (or lack thereof) what is the point of Mr. Hubbs? He seems to be proud of himself that his website was linked in an article which is posted to NaturalNews.com... but is that anything to actually be proud of?
Yes I am proud of that fact, and as well that people at Natural News realized your profound selective ignorance and denial! And that they regarded that as well worth publishing. I hate to bust your bubble full of such deception filled statements Costner, but not just anything and everything is allowed to be published at Natural News. That is why it is the second rated natural health publication.
Truth be told ANYONE can write an article and have it posted to NaturalNews.com by filling out a simple form. NaturalNews is a pseudoscience aggregating site and provided the article is written with an anti-science and pro-alternative medicine slant, it will most certainly be published. There is no requirement that articles be fully sourced nor are there are any requirements the author even be a journalist. Heck, NaturalNews even admits they don't provide editing services so the authors are pretty much on their own. Mr. Hubbs himself can actually write and submit articles to them and they may even be published (assuming Mr. Hubbs can perform a basic spelling and grammar check before submission which could be his downfall). There is no check of credentials, no verification of identify, and no attempt to determine conflict of interest. The only requirement is that the author has a Google adsense account so they can collect ad revenue. Red flag number one.
What a crock of bullshit! You can possibly be that stupid Costner! Actually look at the many authors that have had their work published over-all, and they are very good writers. A hell of allot better than you, and they don't lie about the truth and facts like you do. See again the above statement as well.
Is this how a reputable "news" website operates? No. Is this how a website operates when they are only concerned over aggregating biased materials in order to drive traffic to their website and in turn sell all types of advertisements, nutritional supplements, books, newsletters, gadgets and other alternative medicine swag? You bet. Red flag number two.
Why don't you actually review what the mission statement is on that site. And you actually believe that there are people stupid enough out there to believe that shit! Your just one hell of a researcher and an investigator aren't you. Repeated and persistently filling people full of misinformation and lies is the only agenda and game you have going. Read it!
Natural News
About us
The NaturalNews Network is a non-profit collection of public education websites covering topics that empower individuals to make positive changes in their health, environmental sensitivity, consumer choices and informed skepticism. The NaturalNews Network is owned and operated by Truth Publishing International, Ltd., a Taiwan corporation. It is not recognized as a 501(c)3 non-profit in the United States, but it operates without a profit incentive, and its key writer, Mike Adams, receives absolutely no payment for his time, articles or books other than reimbursement for items purchased in order to conduct product reviews.
Read it again, no identity Costner! Are you unable to read?
The NaturalNews Network is owned and operated by Truth Publishing International, Ltd., a Taiwan corporation. It is not recognized as a 501(c)3 non-profit in the United States, but it operates without a profit incentive, and its key writer, Mike Adams, receives absolutely no payment for his time, articles or books other than reimbursement for items purchased in order to conduct product reviews.
So this brings us to the actual article that Mr. Hubbs cited. I'd love to tell you a bit about the author, but "PF Louis" doesn't provide us with any background information about him or her. In fact there is no byline information and nothing can be found on the NaturalNews website telling us about this particular author. Red flag number four.
Oh now Costner, that is low and desperate, and you think no one can see that? But why can you again not just address the actual information? Again just bashing the authors credentials repeatedly attempting to claim they have no credibility. it doesn't really matter, because you have repeated in the past bashed the people that have fully sufficient credentials as well. Nothing is enough. Don't you have some more of that Gorski bullshit to read?
Let me ask you, why is it again that you can not address the actual content of information, and/or so little of it?
So aside from the 25-30 graphic advertisements shown in and around this article and ignoring the numerous unrelated links trying to get you to visit other quack websites (which in turn drives ad revenue based upon click-through rates) the article itself really doesn't contain any actual reporting. It starts off by repeating a couple of quotes taken out of context, and inserts some opinions... but where is the actual reporting?
Mr Adams likely is not to anywhere near being a poor man in need of money, as he owns a soft wear company, he travels the world and the money derived from the site itself very likely just goes back in for operating costs. He operates that site because he so strongly believes in the information need and cause, period. His father by the way worked in the pharmaceutical industry. Quite obviously your investigation never got past the deliberately inventing allot of misinformation phase.
Listen to the audio on this site page by Mike where you see the caption on the right side panel and it says, Welcome to Natural News - An Introduction To What We're Are All About Audio.
Mike is as well by the way another health recovery success story, escaping the trap of modern medicine
Wake up, FOOL! Attempt to something positive in your life!
Of course what vaccine conspiracy article would be complete without an accusation that the CIA is helping "Big Pharma" control the media? For good measure, Louis goes on to speak about the Rockefeller conspiracy (something Mr. Hubbs has been known to jabber on about quite often), and then Louis goes on to mention the Wakefield incident.... conveniently ignoring the fact that Wakefield was found guilty of fraud or that he fabricated patient records as well as glossing over the fact that Wakefield had a vested financial interest tied to the idea that vaccines can be harmful. Oh how soon we forget... or in this case - ignore.
Bullshit! It is all fact. And how many damn times have you had it shown to you the evidence and with the sources, that prove beyond any doubt that Wakefield was never the fraud. You have been shown beyond any reasonable doubt as well where the real fraud was and is at the GMC and much more. Yet, you keep on mindlessly lying and continuing to mislead the public, deliberately. Does anyone feel like you want to vomit when you see repeatedly the denial and how this pro- pharma and lying stooge "Costner" operates?
Andrew Wakefield, MD Speaks to Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
Complete proof of the MMR vaccine cover-up and the direct conflicts of interest within the BMJ, and as well connected to pharmaceuticals maker Merck.
This below audio is somewhat lengthy as to its subject matter, however the said interview with Dr. Wakefield is at near the end of the audio, but well worth listening to. More damning information as to the GMC, Glaxo Smith Klines involvement, and MUCH more! This audio details exactly what was covered up as to the MMR vaccine, and why. Wakefield was never the fraud, ever. Learn the truth as to what really happened. Do parents deserved to be informed of the real truth? Yes they do.
Callous Disregard - Book by Wakefield
Research References
Dr. Andew Wakefield - the truth videos
All of the above is interesting of course, albeit predictable considering we have seen this same pattern of grouping together various conspiracy theories, accusations, and opinions and presenting them as "journalism", but Louis is just getting warmed up. Louis uses the last few paragraphs of this 'article' to bring up Andrew Moulden. Note that Louis doesn't say "Dr. Moulden", but instead references him as "Canadian medical scientist Andrew Moulden, PhD". Could that be because Moulden has no license to practice medicine? Could it be because Moulden has no actual expertise in the fields of study surrounding vaccines or autism? Or could it be because the terms "medical scientist" seem harmless enough to cover the work of someone that has never had a single one of this theories proven or even published in a peer-reviewed journal of any type?
Dr Moulden does not need to have specific training expertise in the field of vaccines, he is very well educated in the field of brain function and brain function science, in fact his original intent in his training was to work in research and help brain injured victims recover. A far more noble mission than you have ever had in life Costner. The very bold man was silenced by the powers that be in a very cruel way; and don't be thinking that I don't know the real story. You have no clue, jackass!
Partial third nerve palsy after Measles Mumps Rubella vaccination
Dr. Andrew Moulden, ischemic strokes from vaccines, watch. (This man since was silenced by a few powers that be - as a fact; it was to truth-damaging to the vaccine program)!
09 Andrew Moulden En 06 de 11
09 Andrew Moulden En 07 de 11
(Part 2 of 3) Vaccines, Autism and the Solution. Featuring Dr. A Moulden
Whats yet coming!!!!
You just hated it when he had his website when he had it still up didn't you, Costner? I rubbed that in your face over and over when you and I battled on the Argus Leader Voices section nearly now 2 years ago. You keep spouting like a broken record he has no peer reviewed studies so it can't be true and regarded it all as selling snake oil. Conspiracy theories, its all endlessly only a conspiracy theory in your mind, nothing is ever enough unless the CDC admits it. Well dude there is one way to prove the vaccines all safe and effective, start taking them on the CDC vaccine schedule for a child. You should have no problem as you are 8 times the weight of an infant. Go get Paul Offit and have him sit beside you and you both can take them. You know he stated that children can safely tolerate 10,000 vaccines, so 100 should not be any issue at all for you Costner!
I can't really say, but this is where Louis lack of credibility really shines. He doesn't cite Moulden's work to validate his theories. He doesn't cite scientific research nor does he reference the work of others to validate any of Moulden's views. Instead, Louis claims that any doubt about Moulden's work shall be cast aside because (are you ready for this?) Moulden was listed as a "Quack of the Day" on this very blog.
Would it matter to you that Dr Moulden prior to his take down was lecturing in front of 100's of medical so called professionals, to include neurologists, and they were stunned by it and the evidence. Not a one of them could ever refute it! How do you refute 5000 picture images all showing the same thing, with the physiological explanation and research to back it. How the hell do you think a website like that just goes down and disappears and as well as the man? It happened right at the time we were battling on that second 300 reply Voices letter on the Argus! I know who did it, and how. Same guy that has been after me! And now as well even you! Wake up, dude!
Yes... you read that correctly.
This is what is so amazingly comical about so many of these alternative medicine bloggers and self-proclaimed "citizen journalists". They don't even understand the basic premise of journalistic integrity and instead they spout off opinion that they don't even attempt to support with evidence. Louis actually believes because I wrote a blog post about Andrew Moulden, that it somehow means Moulden must be credible. I know... I can't exactly wrap my head around that type of logic either and it is nothing more than a guilt by association logical fallacy, but I'm flattered that my blog seems to be so darn influential within the NaturalNews community that I'm single handedly able to sway opinions.
That one too needs to go into the bullshitters bullshit hall off fame, Costner. and you do know better.
Of course Louis couldn't be bothered to link to the blog posts of mine which he cites because that would be objective journalism, and not only is Louis incapable of journalism... it is obvious he/she is incapable of remaining objective as well. Instead, the search of my site lead Louis to Mr. Hubbs, and it was a match made in heaven. So I suppose if you are actually honest about the situation you would agree that if anything Mr. Hubbs should be thanking me for allowing him the recognition he so desperately was seeking, because without this humble little blog, Louis would never have found Mr. Hubbs silly website.
"because without this humble little blog"
I had actually never realized how twisted the human mind can get until I knew the likes of you editor Dr. Ozz! Keep pulling all the the levers and the switches, the sheeple really can't see you! Or so you hoped.
And no alias no identity Costner, that is what you call not giving you actual credit by actually providing a link to your blogger garbage. There is also a factor of slander and liability for that in providing and link to your blog page. Certainly natural news has had enough sense to not allow that. It is not like your fucked up blog just provides information on health issues pro or con ! It is a flaming bullshit blogger rag full of more personal attack and demented and lying thought process than the devil himself would bother to take the time for. What kind of publication, other than your gay brother Gorski's deliberate misinformation rag, would or should ever allow that url to be published anywhere???
Am I the only one who sees the irony here?
I should thank good old PF though. I noticed a spike in my blog traffic a bit over a week ago all based upon common search terms (various versions of "Andrew Moulden" and "Quack" etc) and I honestly had no idea what was causing it until Mr. Hubbs was so kind as to show me this "article". So kudos to you PF... you not only directed a few of your fellow vaccine conspiracy theorists to Mr. Hubbs website, but you diverted a few of them my direction as well. Of course more importantly, PF has shown the true colors of NaturalNews and how don't appear to care about facts or the quality of their content... only the quantity.
More endless lying bullshit from Costner. But you could not honestly even begin to refute the information in that article, editor douche bag! Why is that? The only one that doesn't actually care about the facts and quality of the content is clearly you. But then neither do your twin brothers, Offit and Gorski. A simple roll of toilet paper has more value than your twisted in the mind and demented blog, Costner.

This below left is what Costner imagines himself as, an educated/ uneducated smart guy.
But THIS is what he really looks like!

I take lots of pharmaceuticals and vaccines, and look at me. Can't you see
I am a perfect specimen of non-human life"!
"My pharma spin doctor KNOWS what is BEST for me"!
His grandpa told him to never play around with all those mad ass toxic
pharmaceuticals, monkey, chicken virus,
and aborted fetal cells filled vaccines.

He wouldn't listen! He thought it was only a "conspiracy theory"....
And look what happened to him!...

Deadly Vaccines (Truth Untold by Goverment)