Will the REAL LIAR, please Stand UP????
Here again we have the absolute height of hypocrisy going on. This jackass does nothing but lie repeatedly and his mission is denial of any harm and ineffectiveness of vaccines, and as well denial of any negative information as to so called modern medicine. There are two things here that are self evident; this mans blog would have been finished long ago, and he knows it; had he actually published the information in replies I made. It would have been finished if he had to actually acknowledge the information that exists on the pages of this blog. He can get in his mind get nowhere and he knows that; unless he can control the information. He would as well have been finished if he had been required to provide his real identity. And why? Because no one would or could put forth that kind of personally attacking; those kind of lies, and the false garbage without eventual public ridicule and embarrassment. He instead in his warped and twisted mind would rather attempt to shift that to me, with having no identity. How credible is all that?
He denies that there is any better way than pharmaceutical and vaccines; and claims it is the ONLY way existing. ALL other knowledge is branded as quackery, and anyone putting it forth is branded in his mind publicly as QUACK! And he has done all this irregardless off, in denial of, and in light of modern medicine being as a proven fact, the 3rd leading cause of death in America. He, Costner; denies that. To show how truly delusional he is, he even had the audacity to create a page praising Pasteur. He has seen the real history and what is missing from it, and as well that true understand of the physiological workings of the human body was understood by true scientists 100 years ago; and the name of one of the main people of that time was not Pasteur; it was Becamp. They covered it all up in favor of Pasteurs kill the pathogens and germs theory; as it was the only thing that would sell drugs and vaccines. (Costner of course would call that an unproven conspiracy theory; no matter how much evidence was put in front of him; as it wasn't found in the current medical books). If they had accepted the proven principals of Becamp, that in its basics in form, it is the soil and not the seed; the whole foundation of modern medicine crumbles to the ground. That, is why there are no cures nor real healing. It is all about only treating the symptoms and never actually looking for, nor finding the true physiological the cause. Most of the cause can be found in what has been put into the body, by anything from dental procedures, to toxic vaccines, and the standard American diet. It is not all entirely as simplified as that but the basics can be found right here. Not all situations can be treated by naturopathic means; but a good share of it can be. Enough to make most pharmaceutical companies making billions, go broke. And there will be no end to the coming and approved pharmaceuticals and vaccines; assuring the continued and failed-so many people-path that this nation is on.
Costner's mission of denial is the same as that of Gorski from Pharmaceutical Junk Science Based Medicine. That mission is denial of all alternative information that would give people the knowledge to pull people from the failed grip of modern medicine. Just as the pharmaceutical company giants; the Goliath's. These people care less about the health of the average individual, or child. Its more profitable to spend millions advertising to the public and medical profession; profiling doctors for the next move. They are nothing more that ruthless denialists with to much to lose if they ever put any focus on the true physiological workings of the human body and as well its immune system. its never been about healing, and every now and then there will be a pharmaceutical rep., that will pull the pin and give it up; fully disclosing the more harm than good they realized were doing.
Alias Costner does not care that modern medicine has been proven to be the third leading cause of death in the US. The original study being published in the American Medical Association Journal; author Barbara Starfield. He does not care that other well done studies have been published showing the same findings and result. Costner in his self proclaimed brilliance even went so far as to create a blog page attempting to re-do the math as to the studies numbers; he fudged the math and ended up making a mathematical mistake a third grader would have caught and he tried to pass that off as all correct. He to this day will never admit to anything; and he is NEVER wrong, nor will he ever be wrong. is this the guy you should take your advise from? He believes you do not have the right to consider any information other than what promotes pharmaceuticals and toxic vaccines. He would have you believe there is no other nor better way to health care than depending on vaccines and pharmaceuticals the rest of your life. Why is that? Is the body deficient of foreign chemicals and toxic vaccines? What God the creator screwed up and the only fix comes from a chemist and/ or vaccine manufacturer? Go to my site and realize just how for profit insane all that is!
Costner as well refuses to believe there are any alternative cancer cures, or ever were. The evidence of that there are, is quite overwhelming. The evidence that the FDA has suppressed any alternative means to healing as is a well is absolutely proven. Costner once stated that if he had cancer and there was no cure; he would just accept his fate and die. He would die for modern medicine and big pharma. I somehow doubt that and I think he would he would be running for the information I have put forth.
As for the blog page I am responding to here; there was a reply that I made to it; however of course Costner again refused to publish it, as as always there was to much truth in it that he couldn't handle nor lie his way out of it had he published it. So what did he do as always; he entirely lied about and misrepresented what was in the reply, and refused to publish it. Compare what he stated existed in my reply with what actually did. Count the number of fabricated lies. It was all quite obviously completely fabricated misinformation. He just hates the truth, and anyone that puts it forth. He wants you to believe that anyone that puts information out there such as you see on my site; (the truth about modern medicine and vaccines), that they are mislead lot of incompetent fools, if not out rightly mentally ill and defective. He wants to put everyone with the facts in hand to be branded as only a conspiracy theorist; every time! Total denial of all. Who's, in all reality, clearly defective??? This person is so morally lacking of any form of a conscience in what he puts forth as to all the denial of fact, and real science, that is absolutely flat out sick. And he wants to personally attack And now you know the real truth.
Judge for yourself, a copy of that reply is right here.
Holy buckets, no identity Costner; you better get a copy and a nice and fancy frame on this blog page and hang it on your wall. Is there no end to these demented ramblings. Your attempt to claim to and believe you are a self proclaimed expert here, has failed again miserably. Then to just go ahead and have the audacity and title this page, Lowell Hubbs Caught Lying Yet Again. Based on WHAT?
I did not screen shot that page image by creating the image, nor did I paste it on top of the actual blog page! If I had any intention of doing that, I would have clearly and obviously created an image that was derogatory in your direction, and not mine. I simply copied what was there at the time. I did as well tell you I was not sure what it was as far as its true source. At no point was I dishonest.
Your claims of lying and fabrication and as well your attempted explanation of all, does not even make the slightest sense. Somehow in your angry, exasperated, and desperate mind; any twisted explanation that somehow looks to discredit me in any form, is thus all good for you and your intentionally slanderous agenda.
What you see is exactly what was there when I googled your blog. Although it appears as and appeared to be a hack of your blog; it is not my responsibility to determine what done nor how, and nor do I care. That is simply what was there, be it by someone interlinking to my computer or by any other possible means it may have been done. For you to again turn that into the garbage and false expose you see here on this blog page, it really again and again looks worse for you and your agenda than ever. But of course that is no concern for you as you have no identity anyway, attacking one man with full identity. How much credibility and honor is there in that? Not much.
What kind of a twisted and miserable excuse for a human life creates the personally attacking garbage such as the like of what exists on this blog? I can say this as a fact; it is a near shocking, disgusting, and an amazing and endless level of pure evil. Pat yourself on the back for such a great public service!
Lets for a minute as well take look at all the crap Costner puts forth as to Dr. Wakefield, and no matter what endless information you show him; (all of it is on my site) as to the fact that Wakefields study never involved any fraud, and that that those claims were fabricated to discredit the vaccine damage he had investigated. They as well made a perfect example of Wakefield in the medical field; you play ball or lose the ball; noone questions the sacred vaccines! No matter what evidence you show him, and that the media just promoted and fed the public the bullshit they were misinformed with; nothing is enough. He is not ever going to be, nor admit being incorrect nor wrong. The evidence that Wakefields study was actually duplicated/replicated in studies more than once; call it which every you would like. He conveniently ignores that as well. The fact that a near endless list of studies as well support Wakefields finding; not considered, not ever. That is complete denial of all-at its deepest level.
Let's look at just one article:
Parent from THE LANCET case series also complains to BMJ about Deer lies
Then lets look at those studies.
Research References
Costner: The Personally Attacking - No Identity - Lying - Hypocritical
In Complete Denial - No Responsibility
Refuse to be Educated - Medical Genius